View Full Version : FREE CBT panic recovery program for 30 people

25-11-10, 01:09
Can I just say a HUGE thank you to everyone who agreed to check out my programme. I look forward to the feedback - I have already had some great replies and am learning a lot from everyone.

I think I have enough people now - I went a bit further and sent the books to about 50 people.

So - best of luck everyone - I hope the books help - CBT really DOES work wonders for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia - but like everything in life it depends on how it is explained.

I will keep checking this thread in case some people leave comments.

And I will keep checking for feedback in my Private Messages over the next weeks and months.

Thanks again

25-11-10, 01:18
would it offer any help to those with general anxiety or is it just for panic attacks and agrophobia? i am looking for cbt online but maybe do not meet your criteria

25-11-10, 01:29
It is specifically for panic disorder with agoraphobia but there is an ebook on Obsessional thinking and one on Mindfulness which may be of use to you. If you would like to try the downloads send me an email and I will mail you the link. It may be tomorrow morning - I'm off to bed now - it is half past one in the morning here in Ireland. Cheers.

25-11-10, 01:58
yes i am interested in those links so please do send! thanks so much!
9 in the evening here in ontario (nearly bedtime for me !)

25-11-10, 08:08
Morning Robin,

This sounds really interesting, so I'd like to take a look at it.

Please count me in.

Many thanks,

25-11-10, 09:57
I'm very interested and have sent you a private message with my details

25-11-10, 10:32
Yes, deffinately. Put me down:)

25-11-10, 13:53
I am very interested. I have attended a few CBT sessions but found the experience of getting to the place quite difficult.

Thank you

25-11-10, 19:08
Hi - About 11 people so far have taken me up on the offer of the free CBT program (in return for some feedback)

I was expecting a flood of replies so am unsure why more people aren't interested.

Can I assure everyone I am not trying to sell anyone anything. I simply know that the best way to learn if the program is working at its best is to get feedback from real people.

It won't involve much work - all I want to know is if people come up against any problems accessing or viewing the materials. I am also very open to suggestions about how I can improve or add to the material.


25-11-10, 19:13
Thanks Robin,

Started reading the ebooks already, so far very good.

I'll give you feedback as i go along.

di x

25-11-10, 19:21
I am very interested, I suffer from panic attacks, general anxiety disorder and agraphobia.

25-11-10, 19:22

I am interested, I have sent you a PM.

Many Thanks

25-11-10, 19:58
please count me in. i am off meds but feel like i would benefit from this as only today i was thinking about how much of the way i feel is fuelled by faulty thoughts! x i shall send you a pm x

25-11-10, 20:09
Hi Everyone
Thanks for all the replies

Very sorry for sending you all information with links that don't work

I just noticed that the text I had copied and pasted had for some strange reason shortened all the links and they just opened error pages

I have resent the correct links to everyone

If I left anyone out please let me know.


25-11-10, 20:12
Hi Robin

I am new to this site and I am currently having CBT but finding it a bit difficult, so anything to help me would be great, I would be very interested though in the obessional thinking details. What do I have to do as never used any forum sites before so unsure how it works.

Many thanks

Lady bella (sorry not my real name) but as unsure who may be using this site that may know me and would be worried to use my proper name

25-11-10, 20:18
iv never done any CBT stuff b4 but i found it was just telling me stuff that i already know :/ ? is that right?

25-11-10, 20:40
Hi Robin,

So far, so very good...I have read through the website and on the 1st book. How do we leave feedback?

Ambers :)

25-11-10, 20:47
Hi Ambers

Thanks for getting back to me - sorry again about the bad links.

With regards feedback - If you can just PM that to me that would be great - I don't want to take any liberties with this forum so best keep it all private.

Glad you like it so far
Thanks for your help - I hope this will help you in return

25-11-10, 21:03
I'd be interested!

25-11-10, 23:10
I would be interested in having a look and leaving feed back :)

25-11-10, 23:22
I'd be interested.

25-11-10, 23:57

Im interested

thanks mandie

26-11-10, 00:47
I'm really enjoying the books so far :), do you have any plans on doing a printed version?

26-11-10, 00:47
Hi would love to have a go had pannic attacks /agro since being 18 im now 34 .my life as been a living hell try to get through every day ,so would love to give it a go

26-11-10, 01:33
please add me in on this thanks

26-11-10, 01:34
Yes I would help too....PM me!

26-11-10, 01:46
I'm really enjoying the books so far :), do you have any plans on doing a printed version?

Hi - Glad you are enjoying the ebooks so far :)

No plans for a printed version yet. Would be quite expensive to produce and I think modern home printers do a pretty good fast job nowadays. Look forward to hear how you get on - take your time :)

26-11-10, 01:50
I would be interested.
Maybe some are wondering if there will be a catch to it, and cost money for the access down the road.
Also there is a saying to be careful if something sounds too good.
But I think there are some of those who just want to freely give what helped them.

26-11-10, 01:58
No catch - that's a 100% promise. There are a few people now who have already downloaded the ebooks to their computer and they will tell you that no further access will be required for them. When the site goes live eventually then the programme will of course be for sale (but no one here will have to pay anything at any time) - this is my job - i need to earn a living so that I can do more books and help more people hopefully.

But - I understand your concern - there are a lot of dodgy panic 'products' about - which I wish didn't exist because they just keep peoples anxiety on hold.


26-11-10, 02:19
I'M INTERESTED. Any help would be welcomed I have been up since 12:30 having a panic attack it'd now 2:20 am Im tired, have to be up fir work soon and fed up of this controlling my life :weep:

26-11-10, 02:51
Started reading a book. Easy to read and understand so far. :-)

26-11-10, 11:24
I've started reading and find it all so easy to follow and understand.
I've also already discovered that I've always had the wrong approach to panic and anxiety - all these years of searching, thinking I'd discovered the answer, only to fall back into the pit again and again - now finally I've found something that really makes sense to me.
Thankou so much.

26-11-10, 11:29
I'm enjoying the ebooks too, would be great if they were available in a hard copy but unsterstable why they aren't.
I have trouble with concentration and memory but they are easy to follow and the pictures make it more understandable, and if your in a panic and struggling to take anything in, the pictures can be a great guide on their own.

I like the worksheets, My partner has always made me worksheets, but now I can have proffessional ones and will be able to analyse my progress along the way.

Can i just ask, once the site goes live, do we have to pay for everything else we havent downloaded yet, or will we continue getting free support?
I haven't got an MP3 player (I have put one on my christmas list), so i havent downloaded any of the mp3's.

26-11-10, 11:31
If there are still any places left for this, I think I'd be interested too. Many thanks

26-11-10, 12:51
Can i just ask, once the site goes live, do we have to pay for everything else we havent downloaded yet, or will we continue getting free support?
I haven't got an MP3 player (I have put one on my christmas list), so i havent downloaded any of the mp3's.

Hi Miss moose
Don't worry - anyone who gets the programme here to help me with feedback will have free access to everything even when the site goes live.

Glad to hear you are enjoying it so far. I just wish the videos and audios were ready - but everyone who has taken part will be notified as soon as they are.


26-11-10, 14:34
Hi, I am very interested, if you still have room could you let me know, thanks.

26-11-10, 15:08

I'm really interested in being involved too if there are any places left... if it helps I also have experience in testing software and websites so I may be 'uselful' if there are any little online blips...

26-11-10, 15:22
I would very much like to try your site for you. I have researched and read a lot about anxiety so I would like to see what you have on offer and give you some feedback. Hell, it might even work :D

26-11-10, 15:28
I recieved my handbook in the post today, thank you so much, i cant believe how quickly it came:)
I think it's brilliant that the front cover is just plain so people don't have any idea what you are reading, it's such a great idea.
The size is perfect for a handbag or a coat pocket, and it's filled with the right infomation so if you have a panic attack outside you have your trusty guide with you.

So pleased with everything you are offering on your website, huge thumbs up!!!:yesyes:

26-11-10, 15:36
I recieved my handbook in the post today, thank you so much, i cant believe how quickly it came:)
I think it's brilliant that the front cover is just plain so people don't have any idea what you are reading, it's such a great idea.
The size is perfect for a handbag or a coat pocket, and it's filled with the right infomation so if you have a panic attack outside you have your trusty guide with you.

So pleased with everything you are offering on your website, huge thumbs up!!!:yesyes:

Very glad to be of help. Thank you for the kind words. :)

26-11-10, 16:14
I would like to give this a go please Robin, I suffer from social anxiety and agoraphobia :)

26-11-10, 19:02
I'm buying ink for my printer tomorrow, really looking forward to getting started on the workbook exercises :)

26-11-10, 23:29
Thanks to everyone who has taken me up on my offer so far. I would still like to offer it to a few more people - so now's the time

So far the feedback has been extremely helpful :)


27-11-10, 01:29
Hi Robin,

Not sure if I am suitable as I have bipolar, anxiety, agoraphobia as well as a few other issues but willing to give it a go.

27-11-10, 01:34
Trying to open the last e-book. Mindfullness. Will keep trying.

27-11-10, 10:35
I haven't even looked on the website yet, just read the handbook that arrived this morning. I think it's BRILLIANT. We know it's been written by someone who understands because they've been through it, it explains all your symptoms which I know will be very helpful to a lot of people, you only need to look at the health anxiety posts on here. I also particularly like that it's handbag size, with a plain cover. I'm sure it will go everywhere with me and I look forward to putting the coping strategies into practise. Thank you so much Robin! :yesyes:

27-11-10, 14:32
Hi Tish

so glad you liked it - but remember it's a condensed version of the main treatment plan - so it is very important to go through all the main books slowly and carefully and put it all into practice.

I appreciate the helpful feedback and look forward to hearing how you get on with the ebooks


27-11-10, 14:46
Ile give it a go ! Nothing ventured nothing gained ....

27-11-10, 14:59
Hi Everyone.

You know by now that I am here to get feedback for the panic recovery Programme I have created.

It would also be very helpful to know what puts people off such a programme. This thread has been viewed many times (though I realise that there are probably a lot of repeat views too) so I'm curious as to why more people haven't decided to give it a try.

This would be very helpful information for me when my site goes live.

What would people suggest that would make them more likely to try (or trust) a programme like this. I know there are a lot of dodgy 'panic products' so how do I convince people that this isn't another one of those?

Thanks for any advice anyone can give me

27-11-10, 16:40
The first thing i bought years ago when this first happened to me cost me 140 pounds for a booklet a cd and a dvd ! At that time i was realy desperate and would try anything regardless of cost . I think people in our position are very wary when it comes to promises of buy this it will cure you , as we know there is no quick fix out there . I think what you are doing is the best thing by letting others try it first before you go pulic with it . Maybe you should wait and see how people get on with it, and then think about the best way to present it to people . Im sure if it is a success here you will get plenty of help and advice :yesyes:.

27-11-10, 16:42
i would try

27-11-10, 17:17
Hi Robin,
As you know i'm a big fan of your CBT website, but if I had come across it when it was up and running, it's one of those that I would just steer clear of. That is because it looks like all the other ones that offer the same kind of thing, i've never paid to join one of them so they may all be just a great, but it's the same layout as the ones that offer a magical cure for panic attacks, and all you have to do is pay $$$.

I've never trusted those kind of site, and have been abit miffed (as i'm sure many other people have who are desperate for help with their panic attacks) that there is a cure, nothing that the doctors or therapists know about, but the people who run the website do know what will make you better and will only tell you if you pay them alot of money.

As I said, I love the website you have made and have found it incredibly helpful, and i'm so pleased that I'm one of the lucky ones who gets to use it for free, but i think alot of people who come to it when it's live will be very wary because there are alot of similar ones out there that look like scams.

27-11-10, 17:29
Hi Miss Moose
Thanks - that's the kind of feedback I'm after - very interesting

I will PM you for more info

27-11-10, 17:51
The first thing i bought years ago when this first happened to me cost me 140 pounds for a booklet a cd and a dvd ! At that time i was realy desperate and would try anything regardless of cost . I think people in our position are very wary when it comes to promises of buy this it will cure you , as we know there is no quick fix out there . I think what you are doing is the best thing by letting others try it first before you go pulic with it . Maybe you should wait and see how people get on with it, and then think about the best way to present it to people . Im sure if it is a success here you will get plenty of help and advice :yesyes:.

Hi - Thanks
I think I know the 'product' you mean. Makes my blood boil thinking about it. I actually have tested the treatment programme out on many clients over the last several years with great success - but not in this exact format - so it's very helpful to get some feedback. :)

27-11-10, 17:54
hi mate put my name down

27-11-10, 18:46
Hi Robin,
I'd be interested if you still have space left? Thanks

27-11-10, 19:08
I like how it's so visual with the comic style. I also find it rather motivating.
it breaks every thing in easy little steps ,
I've used CBT books before with work sheets and found that I felt kind of over whelmed by the amount of things I needed to be doing, and all the work sheets to fill in seemed some what complicated to me.
so I do really like how it's not just one big book, so that also helps me not to race a head and try to do everything at once.

I liked the explications of the symptoms, especially the tunnel vision, as I hadn't come across that in a book before.
I like how you described how the flight or fight responses worked in a real dangerous situation. That really changed my perspective in a positive way.

I love how you use characters, , they are non threating, funny, I can relate to them, I think that, by thinking of panic, adrenalin etc as a character might be rather beneficial.

I like how you refer to the imagination as causing anxiety, it's so true and I've said that on here too, that we are getting worked up by what we imagine might happen.

I like how you talk about safety behaviors, I was wow I have a lot of those!
To be honest I thought safety behaviors were helping me as the made me feel safe, now I realize in the long term they are making me worse.
like what happens if i go to the cinema and I can't get a seat near the exit!

I loved the little guy in bed saying wake me up in 30 years, I have tried to sleep off anxiety and panic too and nope it did not work lol
"situations them selves don't cause panic" that one little sentence gave me a lot to think about.
I liked the 4 main cycles in Panic part.

I hate to sound like I'm advertising but so far I'm loving your book :)

27-11-10, 20:59
Do you have any space left?

Id be interested!!!

27-11-10, 21:24
If you have any space left please message me, I'd love to try it. Luke.

27-11-10, 21:55
I can completely agree with Mishel, so far so good. But I do agree about being very wary about buying off the Net. I can only answer for why I have stayed clear of that, mainly it is a trust thing. But so far you have created a very good product and I am enjoying working (slowly) through.


27-11-10, 22:09
Thanks Ambers

Please - everyone who is trying this - take your time - I'd rather you get help out of it than rush through it just to give me feedback. Some early feedback will give first impressions and later feedback will highlight any areas that need improving. All in good time :)


27-11-10, 22:25
I'm presuming you have enough people now, but if there are still spaces I'd be interested.

27-11-10, 23:47
i'd be interested in taking a look, if it's not too late

28-11-10, 00:37
Can I just say a HUGE thank you to everyone who agreed to check out my programme. I look forward to the feedback - I have already had some great replies and am learning a lot from everyone.

I think I have enough people now - I went a bit further and sent the books to about 50 people.

So - best of luck everyone - I hope the books help - CBT really DOES work wonders for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia - but like everything in life it depends on how it is explained.

I will keep checking this thread in case some people leave comments.

And I will keep checking for feedback in my Private Messages over the next weeks and months.

Thanks again

29-11-10, 17:54
Hi im interested x

03-12-10, 16:26
I'm going to have a read now and i'll give feedback later :)

03-12-10, 21:09
I've read the first ebook now and I'm already feeling a bit better. I loved the little injections of humour and found myself laughing along at some of it in agreement. The part that has helped me most so far is your explainations on page 16 about how and why the symptoms are caused. In the past I've known that they were anxiety symptoms but not why they happened and I found it harder to convince myself of the reality. Knowing why they are happening helps me understand further. Thats something I'd not seen before.

06-12-10, 01:32
Only got round to printing out some of the pages of the book today, I really like how the writing is easy to read, also the different colored letters and font styles, break it up and makes it appear less daunting :-)
I also like how you give examples for the work sheets.

06-12-10, 01:48
Just had a thought, did you use blue writing and blue in your over all design on purpose because it has a calming effect?
Just I have noticed reading the book has calming effect on me!

06-12-10, 13:53
Hi Mishel

thanks for the feedback - you are perfectly right - I believe that the design of a book (especially for people with anxiety) is as important as the text. people who are anxious and maybe find it difficult to concentrate aren't going to read long winded books that use very small text all crammed into each page.

A good example of how not to do it is the CBT book by David Burns - the Feeling Good handbook - despite being a good book, the publishers have designed it so badly it makes you anxious just reading through it.

11-12-10, 16:38
I've been doing really well since i started this course, going to shopping centres is something i have been doing for a while as long as i am with someone but even then i have to fight the anxiety, until now, i haven't had to prepare myself at all.

I went alone to the post office here in this new village yesterday, something i have been to nervous to do, went in there and there was about 20 people in the queue, anyhow i did it again with no anx.

Now in half an hour i have to go meet a friend, all on my own and walking :ohmy: now walking alone is something i find virtually impossible and i have to get to the other side of the village, well actually i'm not going to be totally alone as Mr Panic will be with me for sure.

I can honestly say i am really scared and just hope and pray that i do not take the flight option.

di x

12-12-10, 10:19
I did it, i absolutely did it :yahoo::yahoo:

Fair enough, i was meeting friends in a pub for a christmas night out, had to take a slight detour first to go to the cash machine, phoned my mate to check she was there.................she hadn't even left the house!!!

So not only was i walking on my own but then i had the knowledge that i was going to have to sit in the pub on my own till the rest arrived, but i did it.

So i was shaking like a leaf when i got there, handing my money over, still shaking, and trying to pick up my drink was hysterical, i had to hold it with two hands as i was shaking that much and some woman did stare.

To eck with her though, i damn well did it and i am sooooooooooooo soooooooooooo proud of myself.

Next big one today..............Chester town, the place i was when my agora first kicked in............i so know i can do this.

12-12-10, 21:30
Thank you Robin.

I did it.

Onwards and upwards.

12-12-10, 23:01

OMG my most fabulous mate!! You are such a bloomin inspiration do you know that? You ring me and say you are doing like X, Y and Z and i am always flabbergasted. Like the time you txt me and send me pics when you were half way accross the Mersey! :ohmy:

Then you rang me last night to say you were walking through the village on your own.

You inspire me on a daily basis and if it wasn;t for you, i don't think i would have been able to pluck up the courage to move house like i am going to do very soon.

You are one bloody gutsy lady Miss Bootsie and i don't know what i would do without you.

Love you loads


12-12-10, 23:21

You have done fantastic today mate.

You went there and faced all those fears and you stayed and you shopped.

That is no mean feat and I am so pleased for you

Well done

13-12-10, 00:03
Lisa and nic

I love you both millions, thank you for the support, i do appreciate it.

I am getting there.

di xxx

13-12-10, 02:18
Hi Di,

What a brilliant achievement.
Well done you :yesyes:

Most definitely a case of ‘onwards and upwards’ :)

By the way (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=86497)... :winks: