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View Full Version : Stuck and want to get off!

25-11-10, 06:44
Has anyone ever struggled to get themselves off the fear and panic wagon?

I had a bad episode when I tried an antidepressant where I kept having fear rush after fear rush after fear rush.

Since my latest cycle of panic I seem trapped and unable to get off. Had an awful day yesterday and kept getting adrenaline rushes. I was woken last night. My heart wasn't particularly raving but I was buzzing all over and ready to go and it took me an hour to get back to sleep. I've just woken up feeling the same. My heart is only going about 100 tops but I just can't relax at all. I zm trying but it's like my muscles can't physically stop tensing. My stomach us the worst and just looks sucked in.

What the heck do I do to stop this I am utterly exhausted and dont feel I gave any mire energy in me.

25-11-10, 07:17
Yes, I know how you feel at the moment I am having trouble just getting a day without any problems. I had an attack on heart racing on Tuesday night then last night even though I felt exhasted going to bed I woke up at 1:30 and couldn't get back to sleep for tense muscles and my stomach was quite bad. I felt I was going to be sick. I tried reading for a bit and finally got back to sleep a while later and hated when my alarm went off for work this morning as I feel I haven't slept and have little energy. I guess we just have to push through it. I imagine its just the tiring effect of missing sleep and the after effects of adrenaline. I just wish I could get three or four days without another attack so my body can recover. Sorry I can't really offer any suggestions on how to fix this but hoping you get a break from this very soon.


25-11-10, 07:32
That's exactly how I feel. I need a day's grace from it to gain some strength and confidence. I feel utterly dizzy and wasted right now and so emotional.

25-11-10, 09:24
ive just come off an antideppressent after 10 month that gave me all them symptoms and more i never relaxed it gave me palpatations tight chest and i was tense and irritable i also felt on edge all the time and my emotions was all over the place i was a bigger wreck than i am now i felt i was going to have a nervous breakdown the dr says they obviously didnt suit me x

25-11-10, 09:26
oh and to add to that the adrenalin rushes were non stop i felt physically and mentally exhausted x

25-11-10, 09:33
Bronte which anti depressent were you on?? Interesting that they can make you worse.

25-11-10, 09:41
That's how I felt when I tried sertraline and citalopram. Dr said they didn't suit me.

I'm frustrated this gas happened this time out of the blue though. Although I do believe hormonal changes triggered it and I let it get out if hand.

25-11-10, 09:46
I cannot believe you put up with that for ten months! I would never have left the house if I felt like that. In fact I am sure I would go mad!

25-11-10, 10:03
i was on sertraline the everyone kept saying give them time and to increase my dose but i couldnt take anymore citalopram was the same x