View Full Version : Its one thing after another

18-03-06, 11:10
How do you stop yourself from over-reacting to every little symptom. At the moment I just seem to be going from one thing to the next. I have had about 3 colds and sore throats one after the other lately. Yesterday I had an upset stomach and today I feel sick. I know it is probably just a bug, coupled with all the mucus from my cold but why am I uneasy about it. Logic tells me its nothing but I can't stop these upsetting thoughts. Honestly, does feeling sick mean that you've got stomach cancer? I think not. And I've only had it for one day. It has also happened before - I was feeling sick for a bout 3 or 4 weeks a few years ago and it just went away on its own but I still went to the doctor about it.

Anyway, I suppose that if we knew the answer to this question we all would not be here. Sorry about rambling on but you all are the only ones I can mention my silly concerns to.

I am going to start writing a journal today and do some worksheets from my book if I can find the time. See if that helps at all.


19-03-06, 00:09

I wish i knew the answer to your question!

I am exactly the same. iv had a cough for the past 2 weeks. It followed a cold. Its been going through my mind its lung cancer. Iv had this kind of cough loads of times before and it wasnt cancer then!

Iv been feeling sick for the past few weeks. I think it cancer. I know its probably side effect from my medication.

I had a really bad headache tonight, but i think i have a brain tumour!

The list is endless! Every symptom i have i imagine its serious.

I get myself so worked up. Then all my muscles tense, and my back and chest hurt. Then i think im gonna have a heart attack.

Im so fed up of feeling like this all the time. I wish i could stop myself from over reacting to.

love mandie

19-03-06, 11:19

A few years ago I had a cough and a tickly throat for about 4 months. I too thought it was lung cancer when it didn't go away and ended up having an xray which was perfectly normal. Despite my doctor telling me that she didn't think it was anything to worry about I persisted and ended up seeing a consultant ENT doctor who looked at my throat and found nothing. He told me that coughs can indeed last for months and months on end and would you believe it, almost straight away my symptoms disappeared due to the fact that I had stopped thinking/worrying about them.

What we have all got to realise is that this is just anxiety causing all these symptoms. I know this is easier said than done - if only I could do this myself. I have mentioned this before but I have just got a book which was recommended called "Its Not All In Your Head" by Gordon JG Asmundson and Steven Taylor and it explains how anxiety can cause all these symptoms (chest pain, breathlessness, light headedness, nausea etc etc) and this might be of use to you.

Take care.

20-03-06, 11:19
Thank you LT

I will get that book

love mandie

20-03-06, 13:17
lt you are not alone with your fears. there are many of us here who can so relate to your symptoms and fear. it is the fear of fear that causes all this. you get the symptoms of anxiety and therefore fear the symptoms it brings. claire weekes called it the first and second fear. i think her book would really help you

take care

20-03-06, 22:01
Anxiety also seems to make us more susceptible to illnesses, infections and so on. We seem to get run down due to all the stress and worry. My white blood count even got a bit low cause of it

Anxiety Is Evil

21-03-06, 09:02

I do this alot, i was walking down the freaky road yesterday and i had just had a sandwich and i felt sick after it, well i thought the reason i feel sick is the fact i have a tumour or eplepsy it would upset my stomach wouldnt it.
Why couldnt i just felt a little sick after a sandwich , i used to before...every time i had a friggin meal i would say i feel sick,(one of my silly things) but no i had to relate it to a terminal disease... i know how you feel mate .

ash x

22-03-06, 15:31
I know how you feel! I finally see a therapist soon.

I am always thinking I am sick, or will get sick if I eat something or drink something.

22-03-06, 23:50
Pleased you feel you can talk to us and we are all here to help you.

It does bog us down when we think it is one thing after another and we are not given a break to try and get ourselves back on top again. We are here to help you do that and you are not alone.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".