View Full Version : I'm feeling really depressed!

25-11-10, 18:52
I've cried allday long. How can I control it. I'm sooo sad I can't stop it :-( x

paula lynne
25-11-10, 21:06
Hayley love, when you next see your councellor you need to start being truthful about your feelings and let them help you. What have they suggested?
Do you read any self-help books?
Do you practice relaxation techniques?
What are you doing to help yourself?
Only you can get yourself out of this hayley, no-one can do it for you.....please dont think Im being mean, Im not, you know me well enough. But I really think that you know as much as I do about panic and stuff, and its no good me just repeating it over and over....
You are a young woman who should be out enjoying life, now is the time to stand up and take control hayley, not sit back and let it destroy you love. I know you are sad honey, but you need to make a decision now about fighting back.
Love P xxxxxxxxxx:hugs: