View Full Version : head ache and head hurts when i cough, help

25-11-10, 20:06
iv had/got this crapy cold every1 has been geting cough here and a cough there runny nose the useawell but now when i cough my head hurts iv been doing alot of reading on the computer and i havent eaten very much 2day 2 really big factors i know but im just scared its liek a brain tuma or a blood clot or something stupid like that, i dont want to die :/ =[ iv took a sinus relife tab so hopefuly that will kick in and make it better im just over thinking it like i alway sdo =[ sorry people :/ you knwo how it is just like that reasureance
and i feel really tired so just genraly crapy =[

25-11-10, 20:11
I hate those coughs that make your head hurt. We've all got the nasty cold and cough in this household too. My suggestion would be an early night...always gets rid of my headaches when I've had a good night sleep.

26-11-10, 01:06
aw cold/headaches are awful, it can hurt to bend your head or cough .
I remember getting a sinus headache and I bent down and my gosh did it hurt my head so bad :(
your ok., we all get those symptoms when we have a cold, and you have a cold so there for your symptoms are caused by a cold and not those other things your worried about.
don't worry about posting or looking for reassurance, It always helps me to post here even when it's about something that might seem a bit silly.
I hope your cold goes aways soon, :-( sorry your not feeling very well x