View Full Version : What the hell is going on!!!

25-11-10, 21:05
I'm getting very worried now!! And things are more uncomfortable than ever, Even when I walk to my local shops I start getting out of breath and then my stomach starts hurting even more and then my back hurts badly and now its still really hurting and my chest hurts alot too!!

Obviously I started having Vitamin B12 Injections on Tuesday because my B12 levels are slightly low but i am really not sure how much trouble low B12 can cause and I don't know if that is the cause of my problems.

I hate putting up with this I am really getting sick of it and feel close to the edge!

I keep thinking something is seriously wrong like I have a bad disease or Illness or that I might suddenly collapse and die!

25-11-10, 21:07
Eggy you have had enough tests to know that's not going to happen!

Hope you feel better soon


25-11-10, 21:13
Eggy you have had enough tests to know that's not going to happen!

Hope you feel better soon


In the past week or so I honestly say I have never ever felt so I'll or so uncomfortable before! I keep thinking that because I have new problems since I had tests done that maybe I have developed something since having tests done? My stomach and back never bothered me so much weeks ago when I had tests done.

25-11-10, 21:25
If you dont excercise you will get breathless ,same goes for breathing correctly .Anxiety makes you breathe shallow .Tension in muscles causes pain when walking and if your back aches it can cause pain in your stomach and vice versa .If you dont drink enough water you get constipated ,same goes for not eating a healthy diet .This causes bowel problems that cause pain in back and stomach .Your chest pain is caused by bad breathing and tension .Your vit b12 hasnt caused these symptoms .Its highly unlikely you have developed some new illness .The symptoms have got worse because you havnt been doing anything about your anxiety .You have been stressing about your injections now for a week .Relax and start to help yourself Eggy .All this extra stress will make everything worse .Vicious circle im afraid . T/c sue x

26-11-10, 10:28
Listen to Sue Eggy she has some great advice for you x

27-11-10, 00:20
Eggy....i know how you feel mate i got 80% of those symptoms....Suzy is spot on m8......i used to be a proper gym freak (see my avatar) but since i gave it up coz my mate commited suicide....i do ZERO exersize and my health sucks coz of it...walk up stairs im breathless etc...


27-11-10, 00:27
Matt - sorry to hear that.

Why did you give it up?

28-11-10, 00:15
Okay, if you don't mind please tell me precisely what tests you underwent and for what reason. Also tell me your age and general medical history. I also see that you're taking Cipralex. Please inform me how long you've been taking this drug and was it prescribed for unipolar depression or other disorder? When you say your B12 was slightly low, please tell me the exact result and whether your homocysteine value was simultaneously tested as well.

Once you can answer these questions, I can likely provide you with more insight into the nature of your difficulties as described.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

paula lynne
28-11-10, 10:24
Hope you can help Eggy RLR, weve not had any luck in that regard. He may listen to you because youre a retired doctor. I certainly hope so, for his sake. Thank you for being here. Paula x

28-11-10, 13:22
I second that Paula - it's great having RLR on the forum.

paula lynne
28-11-10, 16:06
I await eggys response with bated breathe. We are very fortunate to have such a distinguished md on here who wants to help, and his story is truly amazing. x RLR thank you for your time. x

29-11-10, 01:57
Okay, if you don't mind please tell me precisely what tests you underwent and for what reason. Also tell me your age and general medical history. I also see that you're taking Cipralex. Please inform me how long you've been taking this drug and was it prescribed for unipolar depression or other disorder? When you say your B12 was slightly low, please tell me the exact result and whether your homocysteine value was simultaneously tested as well.

Once you can answer these questions, I can likely provide you with more insight into the nature of your difficulties as described.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

Hello RLR and thank you for your reply.

I have had several tests done over the past 2-3 months including numerous Blood Tests (Around 6-8), ECG's and a Chest X-ray because of Chest Pain, I have also had a Mouth X-Ray at the Dentist because of my facial and neck pain.

My ESR Levels have been slightly raised in a couple of my Blood Test results, My GP has said that I obviously have some Inflammation in my body somewhere but they don't know where, My White Blood Cell count has also been raised in 2 Blood Test results.

I have been having abdominal pain for around 3 months which has worsened recently, I also have some chest discomfort, Feeling tired a lot of the time, Tingling in my Hands, Legs & Feet, Sore throats and throat pain, Headaches, Lower back pain and pain between the shoulder blades, Eye pain and facial pain as well as some difficulty swallowing.

I have been referred to a Gastroentrologist and an ENT Specialist, I am due to see the ENT in just over 3 and a half weeks, No appointment has come through from the Gastroentrologist yet.

I am 29 years old and my known medical conditions are Asthma and Panic Attacks.

I have been on Cipralex since August 2004, It was prescribed because of Panic Attacks, I came off it in April this year but went back on it in September.

My Vitamin B12 Level is 185 and was told that it is low, My Homocysteine Levels have not been checked to my knowledge.

I have had 2 Vitamin B12 Injections in the past 5 days and I am due to have 3 more this week and 2 the following week.

To be honest lots of possible causes have come into my mind including Stomach Cancer, Esophagus Cancer, Throat Cancer, Bowel Cancer, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Gallstones, Gastritis, Crohn's Disease, Brain Tumour, Motor Neurone Disease, Multiple Sclerosis & Other serious diseases, My GP doesn't seem to have any idea what is going on that's why they are sending me to a Gastroentrologist and an ENT Specialist.

With regards to my family medical history, Someone in my family has had Stomach Cancer and someone had Crohn's Disease.

Thank you.

29-11-10, 03:10
Okay, well you can set aside your fears about cancer. That won't be among the differential diagnoses.

A B12 of 185 in a young fellow your age is rather uncommon and can produce a good deal of symptoms, including abdominal pain if anemia is evident. If your diet is adequate, then there is another reason that your small intestine is not absorbing and metabolizing B12. If you have or are taking a proton pump inhibitor for indigestion or hyperacidity, then it could create a problem because acid creates intrinsic factor in the stomach necessary for B12 absorption. If acid is diminished, so is instrinsic factor. Celiac sprue is a slight possibility, but requires a biopsy for confirmation. It would not be a first-line consideration at this point.

The other generalized symptoms you mention are the hallmark of somatoform associated with significant anxiety. Your B12 should be thoroughly replenished and labs repeated.

I think you're going to be just fine. The gastroenterologist will be able to sort out your difficulties and help put you on the road to recovery.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

29-11-10, 03:21
Okay, well you can set aside your fears about cancer. That won't be among the differential diagnoses.

A B12 of 185 in a young fellow your age is rather uncommon and can produce a good deal of symptoms, including abdominal pain if anemia is evident. If your diet is adequate, then there is another reason that your small intestine is not absorbing and metabolizing B12. If you have or are taking a proton pump inhibitor for indigestion or hyperacidity, then it could create a problem because acid creates intrinsic factor in the stomach necessary for B12 absorption. If acid is diminished, so is instrinsic factor. Celiac sprue is a slight possibility, but requires a biopsy for confirmation. It would not be a first-line consideration at this point.

The other generalized symptoms you mention are the hallmark of somatoform associated with significant anxiety. Your B12 should be thoroughly replenished and labs repeated.

I think you're going to be just fine. The gastroenterologist will be able to sort out your difficulties and help put you on the road to recovery.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

Thank you very much for your reply RLR,

To answer a few of your points, My diet probably is not adequate to be honest and that is one of the reasons that i have started taking fish oil and multi-vitamins and minerals.

I was on a Proton Pump Inhibitor (Omeprazole) for around 3 weeks but my first B12 test was done before I started taking that and it was already low.

My stomach seems to be getting worse daily unfortunately and I am eager to see the Gastroenterologist a.s.a.p and I should see them within the next 3-5 weeks hopefully.

I was becoming quite concerned about my back pain, difficulty swallowing, throat pain and sore throats but I am glad that you do not think that is anything serious.

What do you think about the raised ESR Levels and Inflammation that is showing up in the body somewhere?

I was thinking the same about my B12 Levels being so low for someone my age.

Thanks again.

29-11-10, 03:27
I was meant to have said earlier that i do not smoke (I gave up over 7 years ago) and i very rarely drink alcohol.

29-11-10, 19:55
Tonight my bleeding from the back passage has returned, You can understand why i am worried about things like Stomach & Bowel cancer can't you?

29-11-10, 19:59
Eggy if you had stomach cancer you wouldnt be bleeding all blood would be digested and it would make your stools black .You went to the Drs last time didnt you ? its prob due to piles or a small fissure .Is the blood red ? Sue x

29-11-10, 20:06
Eggy if you had stomach cancer you wouldnt be bleeding all blood would be digested and it would make your stools black .You went to the Drs last time didnt you ? its prob due to piles or a small fissure .Is the blood red ? Sue x

Yeah i was examined by the doctor a few weeks back, The blood is red.

29-11-10, 20:10
Thats good then ..Get some fibre gel and drink with or after your main meal .It will soften the stools and ease the problem .It will bulk up your fibre content .It tastes of orange ..It will help in more ways than one .Did the dr give you any cream last time or a suppository ? Anyway ,It will clear up dont worry chuck .. sue x

29-11-10, 20:14
Thats good then ..Get some fibre gel and drink with or after your main meal .It will soften the stools and ease the problem .It will bulk up your fibre content .It tastes of orange ..It will help in more ways than one .Did the dr give you any cream last time or a suppository ? Anyway ,It will clear up dont worry chuck .. sue x

Thing is it did clear up for a few weeks and i thought it had gone but it returned but hopefully it's just a one off.

I have started eating jacket potatoes more often and eating the skin as i know it has a lot of Fibre in it.

29-11-10, 22:20
Okay, unless I've overlooked the information, the mention of rectal bleeding was absent from your reply to me regarding all tests and symptoms.

Frank blood (red in color) is rarely an indicator of cancer. Occult blood (dark brown with sort of coffee-grounds appearance is more often associated with such processes.

Frank bleeding is typically due to hemmorrhoid tissues, sometimes inflammation of the sigmoid colon. Sometimes bleeding can occur if you are taking NSAID medications, which cause errosion of the mucous lining of the stomach.

Eating fiber would be contraindicated in certain instances and I would inquire what your doctor's diagnosis was regarding the blood. If you are developing hemmorrhoids as a result of straining on bowel movements, then fiber would be an acceptable approach but must be introduced slowly and be taken in a water-soluble form.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

30-11-10, 23:19
Today I have had rectum bleeding again and also I have noticed blood in my stools, You can understand why I am worried about things like Bowel Cancer, Stomach Cancer and Colon Cancer.

01-12-10, 05:07
Eggy, you do not listen nor appreciate any of the advice that any of the memebers on here have given you on countless times.
The member prior just gave you a clear explanation, you do not thank or aknowledge that it was even given. Not once have I seen in any of your posts that anything that has been said to you has changes your thoughts and feelings on what is happening, so my conclusion to that is why waste our time any further.

Logical approach to your issue, is see blood, get worried, see doctor get results.

Instead you spend countless hours on here posting the same thing over and over again.

I get that you are worried but you do nothing to help yourself.

Sorry, yes I am blunt and it may offend but you have now offended me and possibly others by your posts and complete disregard to anything we have said.

01-12-10, 11:43
Eggy blood will appear in stools as it picks it up in the process of defacation .Please read RLR S POST AGAIN . Buy some fibre gel ,its mixed with water and you drink it .And eat a low fibre diet until the fissure or pile has healed .All this is making your anxiety worse and its so unecessary .I understand your concerns but by what you have written in your posts ,you do not present symptoms of any underlying illness .Have a gd day and relax .sue x

01-12-10, 13:03
Eggy, you do not listen nor appreciate any of the advice that any of the memebers on here have given you on countless times.
The member prior just gave you a clear explanation, you do not thank or aknowledge that it was even given. Not once have I seen in any of your posts that anything that has been said to you has changes your thoughts and feelings on what is happening, so my conclusion to that is why waste our time any further.

Logical approach to your issue, is see blood, get worried, see doctor get results.

Instead you spend countless hours on here posting the same thing over and over again.

I get that you are worried but you do nothing to help yourself.

Sorry, yes I am blunt and it may offend but you have now offended me and possibly others by your posts and complete disregard to anything we have said.

This is so true. RLR wrote you a detailed reply and you didnt even acknowledge it. Instead you just posted again on the symptoms you are having.

So many people on here have helped you Eggy, so it would be nice if you could acknowledge their replies and perhaps help other people on here who are suffering with their anxieties.


01-12-10, 23:23

The blood can be scarey but if it is fresh then it is rarely cancer. Why not get the doc to examine you again for piles etc?

02-12-10, 01:28
Try and keep notes with the date of your symptoms, as you have so many it would be handy to have a reference of them .

02-12-10, 05:29
I am very grateful to RLR and I do thank him and acknowledge his post contrary to posts by other people, I am now having talks with him privately regarding my issues.

blue moon
02-12-10, 05:49
Good for you Eggy,to talk to RLR my husband is Psychiatrist I let him read your posts,he thinks your H/A is out of control and maybe you need to talk things over with your Therapist.Hope you feel better soon
Love Petra x:flowers:

02-12-10, 17:45
once he has all the tests he will know for sure if his symptoms are caused by anxiety or not.
then it's up to him to accept the diagnosis, what ever it may be.

27-12-10, 06:11
My bleeding has started again this morning, Quite a bit of blood in the stools, Haven't had it for almost a month so i forgot about it but i'm really worried again now!

Also over the past few days occasionally when i eat my stomach starts hurting.

27-12-10, 12:45
Sorry to hear that Eggy. Did you mention the bleeding when you went for the gastro appointment? If inflammation was ruled out there, then probably piles? The stomach hurting could be IBS, I've had a sore tummy for a few days for this reason.


27-12-10, 14:34
Okay, indeed I have now addressed this issue through private message as well and it's virtually the same inquiry. I can't express my professional opinion regarding the same medical dilemma in any other context. I have thoroughly explained what I believe to be the cause of your problem and that it should be evaluated by your doctor. That stance is not going to change. It is absolutely impossible for you to obtain diagnosis via the internet, moreover any necessary treatment. Direct further inquiry to your primary care physician or specialist from this point forward in order to gain the safest and most expediant resolution of the problem.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

27-12-10, 15:31
Sorry to hear that Eggy. Did you mention the bleeding when you went for the gastro appointment? If inflammation was ruled out there, then probably piles? The stomach hurting could be IBS, I've had a sore tummy for a few days for this reason.


I haven't been to see the Gastro yet, My appointment is in 3 weeks time.

My doctor told me that i wouldn't have any Inflammatory Bowel Disease's like Crohn's.

22-02-11, 19:17
I haven't posted here before, and noticed this discussion.
I also have questions , perhaps RR can answer them, Actually woud appreciate advice from anyone who may have been through the same experiences.

I have had pernicious Anemia for around 16 ( longer actually as when i changed GPs i was taken off them, then put back on yrs later), prob 20 yrs in all.
Anyway, I am usually fine with the injections, Having them every 12 weeks.
Then last year i went 2 weeks late as had lots of personal probs which made me forget to have it...After effects , 'when i did have the injection were a leg pain/burning pain. and dizzyness etc.and a little chest pain.
I got over it within weeks.

Now this time the nurse at the Gps surgery gave me the injection almost a week early ( she said she couldnt fit me in on the proper date ).
A couple of days after i started getting really Tired../ Dizzy../ then the Chest pains and Breathlessness kicked in.
I also have a form of Angina ( Syndrome X ) So worry when i get chest pains this badly.
The rang the emergency doctor to ask if maybe the injection wasnt administered properly, I know it has to go in a muscle, and the Nurse who administered it put it in my left buttock, but then said she hadn't administered the injection there before, ????
So i'm guessing the injection isn't being absorbed, causing the distress .
So the emergency doc sent me to A&E. they did ECG tests and blood tests, but were more concerned about the chest pain, and didnt listen when i meantioned the B12. they didnt do a B12 lood test.

I went back to my GP a couple of days later, and mentioned that maybe the injection hadn't taken, ( 3 weeks had now passed ). He gave me another just in case, sayng 'you can't overdose on B12.
The Chest pains and Breathlessness are worse...I don't know what to do , or who to see?
I live alone and hate being alone with chest pain.

Does anyone know what could have caused this problem, ?
Could it be a side effect of the B12 after all, as i had it given almost a week before i should have.?
Is this something to cause concern?

Would really appreciate some advice
Thanks Ellen

22-02-11, 20:33
Hi mate

Welcome to the forum :D:welcome:

Just to let you know this post is quite old , i,m sure you will get more replies if you start a new one in the syptyms section .


22-02-11, 21:26
will do