View Full Version : I trigger panic episodes due to fear of throat obstruction

25-11-10, 21:18
Right normally I can live my day to day life wihtout suffering too much anxiety throughout the day, unless thinknig too much about my health.

But I have a huge fear regarding food getting stuck in either my esophogus or windpipe, or my throat closing over and the like.

I'll give two examples regarding the past few days. Yesterday I was lieing in bed when as gross as it is, a mouth ulcer burst, this then triggered a panic episode as I felt that the fluid/acid would ocnstirst my throat and breathing. Literally half an hour ago I accidentally swallowed a tiny bit of a cotton as I went to lick a cotton bud to wet the cotton, this then triggered naother panic as I thought I was dying.

Now, it's definitely not helped because my panic attack symtpoms are always based around feelings of tight thraot, lump in the throat and an incredibly dry throat.

how do I get over this constant fear of choking/obstruction?

25-11-10, 21:23
This then leads to me tuning into my body to see if any symptoms are arising from it, hence me thinking I'm dying...

25-11-10, 21:26
Also right now I am having sharp pains at the bottom left of my throat, like a sharp pulsating pain, feels as if its my throat closing, reassurance needed.. :weep:

25-11-10, 22:36
I have this real bad at the moment as well.
I have had to have food put into a liquidizer for the last 3 days. Also just eating things like ice cream, custard, mouses.
Last night in bed I felt like my throat was closing up. I started to panic really bad and thought my time was up. I was shaking really bad. Today this feeling of throat closing up has been quite bad. Have a very very dry mouth for the last few days and nights.
The only way I am trying to deal with this is by telling me self I have had it a thousand times in the past and I have not died I am still here.
Also when it was bad in bed last night I really worked hard on getting my breathing right and every time I breathed out I tried to let everything go and relax every muscle it was really hard to do but it did help.
I have had a lot of stress in the last few months with some really hard times.
I am really scared every day and night at the moment but keep telling myself although it is like I am dyeing this is anxiety and it will go