View Full Version : Worried about several diseases!!

25-11-10, 21:24
Such as:-

Throat Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Esophagus Cancer
Brain Tumour

Or some other form if Cancer or serious disease.

25-11-10, 22:01
We know you are worried about these Eggy. On top of waiting to see what effect your injections have, you also have at least a couple of appointments with consultants coming up. I don't know what more you expect us to say.


25-11-10, 22:20
Eggy can you PLEASE stick to the one post?! There is no need to create so many threads on the same subject.


25-11-10, 22:49
Eggy, we no you are worried but there is nothing we can say on here to make you feel better, you wont accept its the anxiety.


25-11-10, 23:13
What you need is a good woman to take your mind off all these things!! Physically... there's nothing wrong with you...... sorry to sound hard but you need to get out the house, go down to the local swimming pool and swim a few lengths or cycle a few miles..... or even a few long brisk walks ...... that'll soon prove to you that you aren't on your last legs!
Years back, I convinced myself I must have lung cancer..... took up running and realised there was no way I could be ill.

26-11-10, 01:43
what ever became of ur throat hun what did thay ever say about that

26-11-10, 18:47
what ever became of ur throat hun what did thay ever say about that

My throat still hurts and is still sore, I have an appointment with an ENT Specialist just before Christmas.

26-11-10, 18:51
We know you are worried about these Eggy. On top of waiting to see what effect your injections have, you also have at least a couple of appointments with consultants coming up. I don't know what more you expect us to say.


Unfortunately i still have no appointment with the Gastroentrologist despite being referred 6 weeks ago and despite being told 3 weeks ago that i needed to be seen a.s.a.p by the Gastro and my doctors were due to ring me sometime within the last 2 days to confirm that they had spoken to them regarding my appointment but they never rang.

It's strange especially when my GP says i need to see them a.s.a.p and yet i got an appointment through for the ENT 4 days after being referred and it's not as urgent as the Gastro and it looks like i will end up seeing the ENT before the Gastro and that should not be happening.

My doctors have completely screwed things up i think.

26-11-10, 19:38
you should double check, i was refereed to a specialist doctor because i'm suffering from tacycardia and dizziness, been waiting months.
i think i might ring my doctor and ask him to check that my name is a least on the "waiting list"

26-11-10, 20:04

Have you made any progress on self-help as well ?

When this all turns out to be anxiety you will be starting from scratch but if you put things in place now then you could well be on the way to recovery much sooner.

26-11-10, 21:53
even if you are getting all these symptoms, you reaction to them is typical of a hypochondriac. Assuming the worst, looking up symptoms, worrying, not feeling reassured by your doctor.

I'm not saying your symptoms are not real, just that, how worried you get by them, looking up various diseases and worrying you might have one...........

I really think it would be helpful for you, if you had some support from a therapist.

I've noticed you seem to avoid the subject of anxiety and therapy, instead you seem more comfortable talking about your physical symptoms.

but your emotional health is important too.

26-11-10, 23:37

Have you made any progress on self-help as well ?

When this all turns out to be anxiety you will be starting from scratch but if you put things in place now then you could well be on the way to recovery much sooner.

I still think something will be found within the next 1-2 months and i don't believe everything is down to anxiety there's way too much going on and it's too chronic to be just anxiety.

For example getting stomach cramps everyday and persistent stomach pains, bloatedness, constipation, diarrhoea etc.

And my throat:- Been sore for around 2 months and get on/off pain, Think there's something wrong with it.

26-11-10, 23:45
ok so what happens when it is all anxiety ?

Please start a recovery programme now or it is 10 times harder later on

26-11-10, 23:57
ok so what happens when it is all anxiety ?

Please start a recovery programme now or it is 10 times harder later on

What makes you think it is all anxiety?

If a GP says i need to see a Gastro a.s.a.p and sends me to an ENT they can't think it's all anxiety related either?

26-11-10, 23:57
I still think something will be found within the next 1-2 months and i don't believe everything is down to anxiety there's way too much going on and it's too chronic to be just anxiety.

For example getting stomach cramps everyday and persistent stomach pains, bloatedness, constipation, diarrhoea etc.

This is common symptoms of IBS ..you can help yourself with this .

And my throat:- Been sore for around 2 months and get on/off pain, Think there's something wrong with it.

You THINK ....so you chose to believe .2 months waiting is a waste of time doing nothing .Its really time where you could be helping yourself .If you dont help yourself you will never feel better .Despite a hundred tests ....sue x

27-11-10, 00:03
Eggy - I think they are doing this cos you are back and forth so many times that they want to get it sorted asap for you.

If it was serious you would not be waiting around.

You have so many appointments lined up that you should be glad they are doing this cos most of us don't get any!

27-11-10, 00:09
Well you clearly are anxious, even if it is a physical issue youre still worrying over it, you can do yourself a massive favour by trying to calm down whatever the reason for your symptoms. Symptoms might even get better, or dissappear!

27-11-10, 00:09
Eggy i get stomach pains nearly every day. extremely painful, bloating, constipation etc. Its IBS which is worse when my anxiety is bad. I was refered to Gastro when i was in my teens for this and its was Gastro who told me it was IBS.

Im not saying yours is IBS but it certainly does sound like it.

Are you having any counselling? Have you asked to be referred for any. I really think CBT would be helpful for you


27-11-10, 00:13
And you are certainly not waiting a long time. My mum was misdiagnosed by 2 gps for FIVE years with a chronic ear infection that has left her deaf in one ear. I hate to say it, but they sound like theyre making a good effort to help and youre in a way quite lucky..

27-11-10, 00:14
Not lucky in a way thatim glad youre ill. But lucky you are getting help.

27-11-10, 07:51
Hi eggy! Please read my post and take note!!!
I have every symptom of your last post and I have terrified myself into thinking it's the usual serious complaint and do you know what I've been diagnosed with gastritis ( inflammation of the stomach lining ) made worse and most likely cause by you guessed it ANXIETY and stress!!! I have been told this by a doctor! It's not serious bit has lots of nasty symptoms that have made me really poorly! So your ANXIETY is probably making it worse!!!
Please get help for your emotional problems I'm having cbt and it's working wonders for me!
Live your life eggy stop living in fear of the what's ifs yes you need to see the specialist asap it does not mean it's serious!!!!


27-11-10, 09:13

What I am about to say, I would like you to take a couple of minutes to read and literally digest (no stomach pun intended)!

I've noticed that you post reasonably frequently in the HA forum and that regardless of as much reassurance that fellow members offer you, still maintain your concern for your health. This would of course therefore define Hypochondria.

Now, one thing that Hypochondria is particularly good at is causing........Hypochondria!

Another point, Hypochondria is invariably caused by Anxiety and Anxiety is caused by.......being anxious!

In other words, it is a Catch 22 situation caused mainly by our Psyche or mental state at a certain time when we are or feel vulnerable. Anxiety is like sliding down the bannisters of a spiral staircase. It is much easier to slide down than it is to slide up and it will always take more effort to get to the top than it will to sink to the bottom!

This is the cunning behaviour of Anxiety. It will be devious, evil and extremely convincing in it's symptoms. It can make you feel that you are dying, going mad, take away your energy, deplete your self esteem and confidence day by day, until (if your not carefull) you become it's slave!

I know all this because I've been there and I know by heart ALL the signs.
I now have 42 years experience of Anxiety and over those years I have been beaten and broken. I have lost my education when I was younger to it. I have lost two of the most beautiful women I was married to (not at the same time) thanks to it. More importantly, I have lost most of my life to it.

I believe the reason why Doctors, Surgeons and Specialists probably want you to be seen ASAP is more likely to be to reassure your mental state than discover some nasty problem of a physical sense. I know it's hard to believe them when they assure you there is nothing there and you feel so crap. But it is the Anxiety that's causing it no matter how much pain or discomfort you are in!

Believe me, when you come through all these tests and they all show negative, you will then find another problem and then another and so on. That is to say unless you reprogramme your subconscious to give yourself a kick in the arse! Ridding Anxiety does NOT lie in medication for most sufferers. It can be controlled much easier (with practice and determination) by positive mental attitude. Over the years I have found this to be the best (and safest) form of ammunition. It takes time and much dedication. Years of Anxiety will not disappear overnight. But being as it is caused and can be made more severe by Psychological states and attitudes then it is only natural that it WILL be controlled and even cured by the same!

One thing more I would like to add is that I am in no way saying to anyone to stop taking their medication and throw them away! If it works then great! I am only saying that by my own experience, the medication I have taken over the years (and there has been a lot) has done nothing more than either made me worse, giving me some rather nasty side effects, resulted in increase dosage over time or done absolutely nothing but keep me asleep! I now refuse to take any medication as I don't want to be dependant on it. That is only my choice!

Take care my friend and as I said, listen deeply into what I've written, please!


paula lynne
27-11-10, 11:03
Eggy has said he has never been diagnosed with anxiety by any health professional. Maybe if he was, he might begin to understand and accept, until then...:shrug:

27-11-10, 11:16
His Dr has perscribed him Cipralex ..It certainly wasnt perscribed for any thing else ..:lac: sue x

27-11-10, 11:26
If Eggy has never been diagnosed with Anxiety then it sometimes worries me the 'standards' and 'professionalism' of health experts.

paula lynne
27-11-10, 11:29
Hiya Suzy, yes hes on that for anxiety, but the gp has never uttered the magic words.."You are suffering fron anxiety"....makes you wonder doesnt it!
Yes horse, couldnt agree more.
Hope you feel better soon Eggy

27-11-10, 11:41
Hi Eggy,

I think what the others have said is really useful - anxiety is the likely cause of your problems. Believe me I know how hard it is to accept because I have it too...I have it right now, I'm worried about various different cancers at the moment but I constantly tell myself it isn't cancer, and to stop worrying.

I've read some of your threads and can see that cancers in the head and neck are a huge pre-occupation for you. I am by no means an expert but I am training in speech and language therapy and we cover these cancers in quite some depth because SLTs do a lot of work with these patients, especially with swallowing - I dont know if you knew this, but if you do have swallowing problems you will be treated by an SLT, not a doctor.

Your symptoms generally don't match those of most of the cancers you worry about. Throat cancer - far and away the most common symptom is persistent voice hoarseness. In late stages there may be a lump, pain when swallowing etc but the hoarseness is really the key, and you don't seem to have an issue with this. Sore throat in itself is not a commonly reported symptom of throat cancer. I can see you have an ENT appointment, that is good news - but it is a while away. Trust me if they were worried about this you would have been urgently referred.

Mouth cancer - almost always visible in the mouth, or for example with tonsil cancer - felt in the neck as a lump, again I don't think you have this.

All of your neck aches and pains = classic anxiety, I get these too, a lot.

Try to relax - your swallowing problems sound to me like they are anxiety induced. Try doing something like watching TV whilst your eating, so you aren't focusing so much on your swallow, seems like you are thinking about it way too much and creating a problem.

I hope this helps - maybe try going for a massage to alleviate some of the tension you must have built up in your upper body. And good luck!

27-11-10, 17:36
Would just like to add to Karlyo's post and say that voice hoarseness can also be a common symptom of Anxiety!

27-11-10, 17:54
I think the reason some of us get frustrated is this, we aren't saying you don't have physical symptoms, or that all your symptoms are caused by anxiety.
we are just saying that getting help for you anxiety will help ease the symptoms a little.
your reaction to your health problems is not a normal reaction, it's the reaction of someone suffering from anxiety.
i fully support you getting all the tests done to make sure there isn't anything medical wrong.
what i'm afraid of is what happens IF all the tests come back negative.

28-11-10, 09:40
Very good point Horse - indeed it can and I definitely should have pointed that out! Though anxiety related hoarseness should be less persistent than hoarsenss from other causes. Because muscle tension is the cause the hoarseness may fluctuate - sometimes bad, sometimes totally better, depending on how relaxed/anxious the person is feeling. If the voice ever becomes clear, either during speech or even laughter, singing etc, then it signals anxiety quite strongly.

28-11-10, 12:05