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View Full Version : emetophobia and want baby

25-11-10, 22:13
:)hiya every1 new to this so dont know how to say this really, i am a emetophobic have been for about 11 yrs, i want a baby sooo bad but this phobia has stopped me from doin so : ). is there any1 out there with the same problem or with a simular story please let me know. i feel all alone with this problem and would like to talk to sum1 with this problem.x

25-11-10, 23:21
I don't know much about this phobia, but this lady here has a blog, and she was pregnant and has emetophobia.
so it might be helpful until others reply to your post :-)

26-11-10, 13:21
thank you so much it has helped alot :D

26-11-10, 13:23
I don't know much about this phobia, but this lady here has a blog, and she was pregnant and has emetophobia.
so it might be helpful until others reply to your post :-)

thanks alot for this it really helped :D

26-11-10, 13:59
aww u might not get morning sickness i have emetophobia and i have just had my 4th baby and never been sick once being pregnant.

it isnt all that bad and believe me u would cope.

26-11-10, 15:32
beleive me i would b the unlucky 1 am absolutely pertrified. am 30 this july and dreamed of being a mum be for than but its not guna happen :weep:. thanks so much for your reply it means alot.

26-11-10, 16:04
wow mumof4 you must be amazing! i have one child and feel like im driven demeted by this stupid phobia

26-11-10, 16:34
i know i only want 1 an i can even acheive that x

26-11-10, 17:49
ron you can acheive anything you want if you believe in yourself you can do this and am here for you x

26-11-10, 18:33
if you were pregnant and were actually sick - you WOULD cope - you only FEEL that you wouldn't. my sister has this phobia and she has recently had a stomach bug that saw her throwing up all night. don't let anxiety prevent you from fulfilling your dream x

27-11-10, 11:06
u will cope if its what u dream of dont let the phobia stop you dont let it control ur life i know easier said than done.

i know if u feel pregnant u wouldnt care if u where sick trust me u would put it to the bk of ur mind for the baby.

27-11-10, 21:11
i have been pregnant before and was really really sick wee i couldnt cope i didnt eat or drink for days, in the end i ended up in hospital on a drip for a week. thats why am sooo scared ov goin there again. ive had a really bad experience and didnt forget it, it took over me and am scared x :weep:

28-11-10, 09:02
Yo uneed to be strong really think what do you want more in this world a baby or your phobia?
these days there is alot of help out there for you so you need to accept it and relax STOP odcessing over this phobia NOT everyone gets morning sickness and if you go about the right things you wont get it to there is all kinds you can do to stop the nausea, morning sickness etc... now just go for it i no you can do it and you have every1 here to talk for the whole 9 months or more to talk to for support x

28-11-10, 16:21
not all pregnacys are the same when i was pregnant with my son i ended up with more nauisia than i did with my girls.

it could well be that u wont get any this time.