View Full Version : Had my first appt with hypnotherapist

26-11-10, 09:40
I went yesterday and it was interesting but my symptoms are so much worse!

I was sat on a chair and as soon as he started the session my heart raced and my neck tensed up horribly just because I was anxious. He did explain everything extremely well and said I would just feel relaxed and the story he would tell me sounded just like a nice story but it had messages for my brain. I found it horrible to relax as he took me through the relaxing all the muscles and I kept getting horrible sinking senations and rushes of tingles as I relaxed and thought I would have to give up but hung on and at the end when I could open my eyes I felt as if I had a huge weight pressing me into the chair it only lasted a few seconds and he said that was good as it proved it had worked. I told him about the horrible sensations and he said this is because my body is in such a state of tension all the time it gives out weird signals when I try and relax and he said this is what is happening when I get the falling sensations in bed when trying to sleep.

I see him again in two weeks BUT when I went to bed last night the sensations were horrendous- every minute I felt either as if my head had just fallen through the bed or my whole body got a huge shot of tingling from top to bottom. I don't know if this is because my neck was aching like heck because I had been so tense or if the relaxation had made it worse?????

I so hope it settles a bit as don't get alot of sleep when its bad as soon as I wake up about 6am I can't get back to sleep because of it and andit may have taken me till 1am to get to sleep in first place!

I know I keep asking but it does help me if people reply saying I know what you mean and telling me about their weird experiences trying to get to sleep.

paula lynne
26-11-10, 10:48
Morning country girl, when I did councelling, it really made me face issues I would have much rarther avioded. For quite a while afterwards, my panic and anxiety became a lot worse, and sleeping became a problem almost every night.

My councellor said it was because thoughts and feelings I had been suppressing were finally surfacing, and it was difficult to face them. It did get better, I resolved lots of problems, and eventually my sleeping became much better. I think weve got to go through the hurt to heal in a way.

Im confident that soon, you will be able to go bed and get some sleep without feeling like you do. Take care x