View Full Version : Tension Headache for Weeks - H/A?

26-11-10, 10:34
I've frequented this wonderful forum over the last three years as my H/A has waxed and waned.

Currently I am getting really worried as I am on my 24th day of a tension headache. I normally have a stiff, sensitive neck. At the beg. of November I went to my physical therapist for a normal visit to massage my neck. The week before had been really stressful but I even remarked that my neck only felt slightly stiff so I thought I had gotten through it well.

Later that day what feels like a tension headache (band of pressure) slowly came on and has gone up and down but basically has not subsided since that day. After a week I went to my GP and got Naproxen (starting with 1000mg a day and supposed to taper off). But every time I stop taking the Naproxen, the headache comes back. After another week, I took Naproxen plus diazepam at night to sleep and I am supposed to continue with this for another two weeks, slowly tapering off.

I am starting to develop such H/A at the moment:
--Why isn't my headache subsiding? Can this happen that a tension headache goes on for this long?
--Am I damaging myself--my stomach, liver, kidneys, whatever--by taking all this Naproxen and Diazepam?

My doctor said sometimes these things (inflammation causing the headache) take time to clear up and since I am going through a stressful time (a lot of work--I am a writer), I just have to get myself through it with the painkillers and try to take care of myself. I am going to the gym (incl. yoga) most days and am taking baths and trying to take care of myself, but nothing seems to stop this pressure headache.

Does anyone have experience with this? Can you tell me please not to worry and that it will eventually go away b/c I am starting to feel crazy with this. Thanks

26-11-10, 15:36
I suffered with VERY bad headaches a few months ago. So bad that any type of light exposure I had to close my eyes. I could barely function.

It WILL go away. I suffered with mine for about 6 weeks I think. Some days better than others but they were constant. I don't know how/why they went away but they did. I had numerous of talks with my doctor about them and he kept saying it was stress and anxiety. I think I probably started worrying about something else so then they just went away. ;)

You'll be fine. Keep doing what your doing and try not to worry about them so much. Easier said than done but give it your best shot!

xxx :)

26-11-10, 16:00
Thanks so much for your response, Ella Jayne! It's so frustrating because I don't feel particularly stressed (I've had much worse periods and no headaches), and I am trying to take care of myself by getting enough rest, exercise, take baths, read, etc.

What is stressing me out most is that my headache won't go away so I am starting to imagine it could be caused by something I can't even write. And also the worry that I am taking too many pain killers although my doctor seems to think it's okay.

26-11-10, 16:09
As long as your doctor thinks that the amount of pain killers you are taking are fine then don't worry. It seems like you've got yourself into a vicious circle. Worrying about your headaches which is making your headaches worse! It may have just happened when you started having tension headaches (we all get them from time to time) and then you started worrying because you got them quite intense and for a longer period of time than you thought you ''Should'', so you worry and stress yourself out which causes your headaches to become worse.

I know the things that you're worrying about, I've worried about them too. We won't mention them but I honestly don't think that your headaches are associated with those kind of illnesses. Not atall. You would have so many other symptoms too. Please please please try and go easy on yourself. You're going through a tough time right now but you WILL get through it and be fine.

They will go away. Try not to focus on them as much and make sure you keep yourself well hydrated. :)


26-11-10, 20:15
Yes, I know, maybe that's it. Although in the beginning (first 4 or 5 days) I didn't worry at all, and then when the headache didn't seem to be disappearing, I finally got worried about it. I am working out everyday--that seems to be the only thing keeping me from the complete downward spiral of H/A. I don't have any other symptoms, so thanks for your reassurance which I need so desperately. Yes, I do have to drink more water. Thanks so much Ella Jayne!

paula lynne
26-11-10, 20:18
Hiya, when was the last time you had your eyes checked by an optician? x