View Full Version : got test results, good and bad :(

26-11-10, 11:33
Hi guys.
Well i've just made another trip to gp following blood tests on monday. These were to see if any of my diagnosed health problems were causing my anxiety...
I only have half a thyroid.... thyroid levels ok, no meds.
I have polycystic ovaries...... hormone levels are fine.
I am not aneamic, and no electrolyte imbalance.

My doctor has said she believes my symptoms are really just anxiety (ectopics, plaps, chest aches, dizziness). They always get worse around menstruation so she has now prescribed me Cerazette mini pill (i am overweight and bad reaction to microgynon in past)... however, i have just looked it up and seems to be bad for women with PCOS :(... also she has recommended i take some of my Diazepam (which i keep in a draw as i have had problems with them so don't take them) when i really need it as my anxiety is affecting my sleep pattern (been up since half 4 today). And carry on waiting to see a cardiologist at the end of December......in the mean time get some excercise as my ectopics are stopping me excercising as they come on bad post any activity..
My issue is... has anyone got experience of this mini pill? or with pcos? Or has anyone found excercise to help their ectopics??

Thanks guys, love and best wishes to all.
Ducky xx

26-11-10, 11:42
Hi Ducky

I have taken Cerazette as the progesterone component of HRT, but I'm afraid I've never had PCOS, so can't help you out with that one.

Bananas are supposed to be good at helping ectopics (seriously!). They contain loads of potassium and magnesium which are good for the heart. I eat one every day and it does seem to have helped.

26-11-10, 11:58
I don't know anything about PCOS or the mini pill but I'm replying cuz of your ectopic question.

I started exercising again 2 weeks ago today and my missed beats got terribly worse. It wasn't during the exercise or the cooling down period but every evening I'd be getting loads! I stopped exercising cuz of it for a week but got started up again yesterday. I did a 1 hour workout yesterday and Ive just done a half hour one to get started today, I did have 2 missed beats last night when I got home from asda but so far so good (touch wood =/) I guess sometimes they make it worse for me and sometimes make it better! I'll have to see over the next couple of days if they get started back up again but I REALLY hope they don't ;( x

26-11-10, 12:02
hmm thanks for the replies guys. I am torn beween the "excercise relieves stress and therefore axiety" and "more ectopics post excercise" it's a tough one. But i suppose i can only try. I think light excercise until i see the cardiologist then my mind will be eased more (hopefully) just put up with the increase if there is one. I know i could do with losing some weight so hopefully if i can do that it will help as well. :/

26-11-10, 12:09
I'm not gonna lie, my exercise made my anxiety 1000 times worse for the past 2 weeks. I'm feeling ok the past 2 days but I think it's cuz my bodies more used to exercise than it was. I hand't exercised for months so I guess I was putting stress on my body by just throwing myself in at the deep end by doing 1 hour workouts every single day, so I got more stressed mentally as well? Idk ;s.

Light exercise sounds like a great idea and you don't have to it every single day, I've read light exercise just 3 times a week is a good place to start. x

26-11-10, 13:05
wel at the moment simple things like walking to the toilet can get my heart racing and ectopics going. I went for a walk into town, about 15 mins there and back plus about an hour walking round when i got back i felt good, ectopics still there but i felt some progress in mood. I think i'll just bite the bullet, i'm back at work next week (been off this week as couldn't cope) i am on my feet all day at work so will see what happens. Thanks for your honesty and feedback :) I hope you start to see some improvements :) x