View Full Version : Back again and anxious!

26-11-10, 11:45
Hey everyone - its been two years since i was on this site and been pretty well for most of that time. Over the last 12 weeks had 27 migraines and umpteen night sweats all hormone related - needless to say anxiety hellish. Been started on HRT (coil and patches) and they have made my anxiety worse - can't stop crying, feel exhausted and unable to go out again - become agoraphobic fairly quickly - give me strength - feel like i will never get better. Been off work for three weeks now and am scared i will never get back. being off is rubbish - too much time to think and panic but defo not well enough to work - am i the only one who feels this bad?????

26-11-10, 11:46
Hi changesbabe

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-11-10, 11:47
hi and :welcome: to nmp

26-11-10, 12:33
Hi, welcome to the forum.:)

26-11-10, 14:45
No, you're not the only one- the worst part is thinking that you will never be 'ok' again, which leads to more depression, more panic.......I desperately try to tell myself that it will all be ok again soon. Not that the cloudy part of my brain seems to listen....Good luck.

Vanilla Sky
26-11-10, 22:35
Welcome back :)
Paige x

27-11-10, 03:17
Hi, As far as work goes I'm in the same situation, I feel like it's a vicious circle.
I don't feel well enough to work but I NEED something to do to occupy my mind.
I try to fill my days with anything I can, looking at absolute crap online, playing computer games but mostly by visiting my two closest friends but I'm also paranoid that they will become sick of me always being there!
I spend my evenings panicking about what I'm going to do the next day to fill it and keep my mind busy, but generally end up doing the same things I always do! I beg friends and family for odd jobs to do but they are finding it difficult to find things for me to do!
Hang in there though, I'm trying to!

Nikki :)