View Full Version : DVT and shortness of breath/ air hungry

26-11-10, 12:32
hey all,
so tonight as I walking around noticed a painn in my left calf. only when I walk though... scared of dvt as I am overweight and lead a sedentry lifestyle although am losing weight as I'm becoming scared of all sorts of diseases obesity cause but that's another of my new formed anxietys.
do you think dvt would hurt constantly and not just at movement.... I'm trying to rationalize. I've been breathless past month and worried now it might be a pulary embolism/ blood clot in my lungs arrrgghhh now I'm lightheaded and scared.

26-11-10, 15:26
I've never had a DVT but I've been worried about them and spoke to many doctors about the symptoms. If you had one, you would be in severe pain, the leg itself would be swollen and possibly discoloured. It would hurt more when you walk but it would still be sore when you are relaxed.

Obviously I'm not a doctor but this is what I've been told. I know how stressed you can get worrying about something like this and honestly the only thing that has ever reassured me is going to my GP. I suggest you just pop in and ask him for his opinion.

Lightheadedness and breathlessness are anxiety symptoms too. Your pain in your calf may be a pulled muscle. You can get these from pratically any 'wrong' movement.

Hope you feel better soon.

Let us know how you get on.

xxx :)

26-11-10, 15:51
thanks Ella Jayne.
I just get very irrational thoughts sometimes. pain is gone but still getting shortness of breath and my usual palps. and flutter skipped beats ugh. if it's not one thing it's another!
thanks for the reassurance

26-11-10, 16:11
No problem.

Well if the pain has gone then it's not a DVT. Pain with a DVT would get worse.

Oh I know how you feel with the whole palps annoyance. I get them every single day! But they ARE harmless and won't cause anything serious. Just like when you get a twitch in your eye, it won't make you blind ;)

xxx :)