View Full Version : Ladies on cerazette please help me

26-11-10, 13:24
Hi ladies I know some have posted ab
out irregular bleeding and spotting with cerazette but mine isn't spotting, it's like proper bleeding. Last period lasted for almost 2 weeks, now I finished one last week which was short but now started another one bleeding like a regular heavy period and I'm panicing. I've been on it for about six months. Please I'm so scared

26-11-10, 13:38
I think this is a typical side effect of some pills. If you can't put up with it, which personally I don't think you should I would see if you Gould switch to something different. I didn't have any periods at all the six months I was on that one and that was equally annoying.

26-11-10, 14:25
i was prescribed this pill this morning and came home to do some research on it (i like to know what im taking)/.... (or not going to take). I have read so many reviews today about this very pill and it seems woman either have no periods whatsoever, constant bleeding although light, or very long periods lasting sometimes 3 weeks or longer. Don't really worry about it. It is very common on this pill.
Personally i don't know if i will start taking it as its not recommended for women with pcos.... which i have... why i was prescribed it... i don't know now as it could make matters worse for me. hmmm we shall see.
Hope you start to feel a bit better and reassured. :)
Take care
Ducky x

26-11-10, 14:53
I started it a couple of years ago, initially I had random bleeding. It would vary from like only 3 days, to 4 weeks. It just varies, it's quite common.

26-11-10, 21:04
Thank you. I don't know what to do, with this health anxiety there something about any type of contraception that scares me except condoms of course but they give me reaction so it's like I can't win :weep::mad:

27-11-10, 08:56
I am in a similar situation...ive been on this pill for about 2 years and throughout i have had irregular bleeding (much lighter than a normal period) About 2 weeks ago i had period like pains and knew I was going to have a bleed..this lasted just over a week and it was heavier than normal. I have started a diary of when this happens and I think im gonna see the doc if it continues or becomes more frequent. I have been getting really worked up over this but the more you read about it the better it makes me feel as everyone is different. Hopefully a change in pill will help :)