View Full Version : wanting to move on with my life !

26-11-10, 13:30
Hi everyone

Just feeling a bit down and anxious and wandered if anyone else can relate to my situation. Basically got really poorly Feb this year with anxiety and depression to the point where I wasnt able to work so had about 5 weeks off work. Feeling loads better than I did back then but Im not there yet. From what I have read I think what Ive had is described as a major depressive episode. Im single at the moment and really miss being in a relationship but dont feel strong enough emotionally at the mo. All my friends are either pregnant or have children already and I feel that im being left behind. I want more than anything to be back to full health so I can carry on with my life and I really want to have children in the future. Im just worried that my biological clock is ticking and I so want children. Thinking about it all the time and its driving me mad ! Im 35 and my worst fear at the mo is that i will never be fully well and wont have children. Can anyone relate to this ? Im really happy for all my friends but part of me is so jealous as i want that to be me !!!!

P x

26-11-10, 14:20
Hey hun!

I'm probably only going to say what I've already said to you, but it's always nice to get replies :)

I bet you're not the only person in this situation. It IS really hard to see everyone moving on and enjoying life, when you feel stuck in a rut and like it's never going to happen for you. But it will. I know it sounds cliche, but you know I believe everything happens for a reason, and if it's meant to be then it will happen at the right time. Yep, prob doesn't make you feel any better, but I'm trying!

I really admire you for realising you're not emotionally strong enough for a relationship and not just rushing into something for the sake of it or to avoid beng on your own. And as you know from my recent experiences, being single can be WAY easier than being with someone!

In the meantime, focus on yourself and doing the things you like doing, like seeing me :) And think of the money you're saving by not buying someone any Christmas pressies - like I was saying yesterday, spend it on yourself!

Take care hun, love ya lots and I really do believe you'll get there, we both will. xxx

26-11-10, 15:05
Hey Lizzie

Awww ure such a sweetie, thank you for ure support hun :)

Think your right I need to focus on myself and do the things I enjoy for now and I'm sure in time I will feel stronger and that definatley involves seeing u m8 !

Thank u again for ure support matey ure a star.

Lots of love

P xxxx

26-11-10, 18:53
I know exactly how you feel, I want to get on with things and try and find a woman for myself etc etc but feel like i am never going to be well enough or that i might die sometime soon.

26-11-10, 18:54
Hi everyone

Just feeling a bit down and anxious and wandered if anyone else can relate to my situation. Basically got really poorly Feb this year with anxiety and depression to the point where I wasnt able to work so had about 5 weeks off work. Feeling loads better than I did back then but Im not there yet. From what I have read I think what Ive had is described as a major depressive episode. Im single at the moment and really miss being in a relationship but dont feel strong enough emotionally at the mo. All my friends are either pregnant or have children already and I feel that im being left behind. I want more than anything to be back to full health so I can carry on with my life and I really want to have children in the future. Im just worried that my biological clock is ticking and I so want children. Thinking about it all the time and its driving me mad ! Im 35 and my worst fear at the mo is that i will never be fully well and wont have children. Can anyone relate to this ? Im really happy for all my friends but part of me is so jealous as i want that to be me !!!!

P x

I can def relate! This is one of the problems i am seeing my psychologist for. Depression of how i feel about myself and being single the last 2 years. I just turned 30 and feel like i am never going to be able to have a wife, kids/family that i really want. Having anxiety and depression i think is so much worse living alone and like you say seeing all you friends and other family members out and about with their family. I too feel left behind and am afraid of never getting to experience this in my life.

Just had thanksgiving with family i traveled to see yesterday and even thou i was thankful and glad i was around family i felt still a bit depressed that i didnt have a wife and kids to spend it with, with everyones else wife and kids, and always have to get asked the question "So are you seeing anyone now?" Argh i hate it so much, but ya i def know how you feel.