View Full Version : new member-tips?

26-11-10, 14:43
Hi, I have just found and joined this forum after having a particularly bad night last night, and sitting here in tears as I cannot cope.
I have been on Seroxat for over 14 yrs,having had OCD and panic attacks since the age of 16. I am on 50mg a day;I have just upped to 60mg, as my panic attacks have just returned with avengeance and I don't know why. I have OCD, so of course, the panic attacks are triggering the OCD which is just one big vicious circle. My GP can't see me till monday, I have been reffered to tyhe mental health team (though god knows what they will do, and have a telephone appt in 2 wekks time to be assessed). I need something/ someone NOW. Its so frustrating. I had one of thiose awful attacks last night that left me cold, i began pinching myself to try to stop the thoughts, also a bad sign for me as I used to self harm.
I have rambled on enough- I hope that reading others experiences I amy get through this bad patch.:shrug:

26-11-10, 14:45
Hi cabrank

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-11-10, 22:15
Hi, I have just found and joined this forum after having a particularly bad night last night, and sitting here in tears as I cannot cope.
I have been on Seroxat for over 14 yrs,having had OCD and panic attacks since the age of 16. I am on 50mg a day;I have just upped to 60mg, as my panic attacks have just returned with avengeance and I don't know why. I have OCD, so of course, the panic attacks are triggering the OCD which is just one big vicious circle. My GP can't see me till monday, I have been reffered to tyhe mental health team (though god knows what they will do, and have a telephone appt in 2 wekks time to be assessed). I need something/ someone NOW. Its so frustrating. I had one of thiose awful attacks last night that left me cold, i began pinching myself to try to stop the thoughts, also a bad sign for me as I used to self harm.
I have rambled on enough- I hope that reading others experiences I amy get through this bad patch.:shrug:
hi i can really sympathise with what you are going through, i too have suffered panic attacks and o.c.d for years, i was also on 60mg seroxat for a couple of years, i didnt feel it helped alot at the time, last year i was reffered to mental health team where i had a few sessions of cognative behaviour therapy, for me though the stress of these appointments made me worse and i stopped going! foolish maybe but it felt to me too scary! i would say that different things work for different people hopefully you get some good help that suits you. good luck with it all and stay positive, its good to remember you are not alone, because this illness can seem so very lonely :winks:

Vanilla Sky
26-11-10, 22:30
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

26-11-10, 22:31
hi and :welcome: to nmp

27-11-10, 00:40
Hi, I have just found and joined this forum after having a particularly bad night last night, and sitting here in tears as I cannot cope.
I have been on Seroxat for over 14 yrs,having had OCD and panic attacks since the age of 16. I am on 50mg a day;I have just upped to 60mg, as my panic attacks have just returned with avengeance and I don't know why. I have OCD, so of course, the panic attacks are triggering the OCD which is just one big vicious circle. My GP can't see me till monday, I have been reffered to tyhe mental health team (though god knows what they will do, and have a telephone appt in 2 wekks time to be assessed). I need something/ someone NOW. Its so frustrating. I had one of thiose awful attacks last night that left me cold, i began pinching myself to try to stop the thoughts, also a bad sign for me as I used to self harm.
I have rambled on enough- I hope that reading others experiences I amy get through this bad patch.:shrug:

send me a pm if you like, coz ive had and do have everything u r describing!!..trust me.

27-11-10, 01:10
Hi and :welcome:to NMP You will get plenty of help and find lots of useful information here .Have you read the articles to the left of the page yet ? Its a good place to start .There is a chatroom you can access after 5days where you can go to chat to like minded people and also a help room for the times you may need it .Im sure your time here will help you with your current problems .Take care and see you on the forum.luv Sue x

27-11-10, 12:11
Thanks for all your comments- have been browsing through. sometimes just knowing you're not the only one makes you feel better.x

28-11-10, 22:26
Hi - I am not suggesting that you stop meds but my panic/ anxiety attacks started to get really bad after I had been prescribed seroxat. It definitely didn't help me. I can't do anything to help other than tell you that you clearly aren't alone. I spent Friday night just crying and crying. My poor children not knowing what to do to help me. I couldn't even sit down. Standing by a radiator was all I could do. Do you or does anyone know how these things ever start? I don't think I had them as a child?