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26-11-10, 15:56

Don't quite know what to put only that I am new here and am either depressed for have anxiety and am totally fed up of feeling like this its been about three years of and I just don't know what to do anymore.

26-11-10, 16:00
Hi Nutty

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-11-10, 16:14
Hi Nutty, :welcome:to the forum.

26-11-10, 16:19
hi and :welcome: to nmp

Vanilla Sky
26-11-10, 22:33
Hi ad welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

28-11-10, 06:08
Hello nutty. do u have panic attacks?

28-11-10, 07:59
Hi Nutty,
I'm sorry I seemed to have missed your original post. I hope you can gain as much benefit has I have from this site.

01-12-10, 16:46
Thank you for all of your welcomes.
Sharnzy if a panic attack is when you find it really difficult to breath then I have had a few but not many. I just have a really horrible feeling all of the time and a strange feeling in my face which the doctor said was anxiety. I always feel really bad about being happy does anyone else ever feel like this?

25-12-10, 23:35
i get the strange feeling the left of my face like someone is pulling it or it just feels weird like im going to have a stroke or something. defo is anxiety though i still panic about it and think its not. but blinkers off i know it is anxiety. hopefully one day my mind will click and go oh yeh all these problems are anxiety and i get back to how i used to be

20-01-11, 11:17
Sorry Diamonds, I didn't see your post I am so glad that there are other people who suffer from the numb face thing, at least I know deep down that there is nothing wrong and I am not going to die from it, mind you at the moment I am sure I will be worring myself to death. I just can't seem to get this horrible sinking feeling in my stomach to go away, I am sure something horrible is going to happen my body keeps telling me there is something wrong.

The worst thing is I am 41 years old and old enough and to know it's all in my head so why can't I convince myself of that. I am constantly seeking for things to be wrong either with myself or with expensive things like my car. It seems to be getting worse my worrying I know I am driving my family mad with asking the same things over and over again.

You are right though hopeflly one day our mind will go back to normality I do hope it will be soon or I might just end up either in a mental institue or a coffin and I don't want either :(

20-01-11, 13:38
Hiya Nutty, just arrived myself.
Yes if I am on cloud nine something/someone will always burst the bubble, I don't feel I can be happy for long without having something to worry about or to burst the bubble.

20-01-11, 14:51
Welcome to the forum Nutty! I am also new here, and already feel at home.:D

21-01-11, 16:31
Thanks for the welcomes, I would love to feel at home but at the moment I don't feel at home even at home, I feel as though I shouldn't belong anywhere, shouldn't be happy or shouldn't feel well.

Sooooo fed up of feeling like this, I wish I could convince myself everything was all right like i've already said I am too old for all of this crap I feel like I am reverting back to childhood where you are scared to look under the bed even though you know there is nothing there.

21-01-11, 16:35
Thanks for the welcomes, I would love to feel at home but at the moment I don't feel at home even at home, I feel as though I shouldn't belong anywhere, shouldn't be happy or shouldn't feel well.

Sooooo fed up of feeling like this, I wish I could convince myself everything was all right like i've already said I am too old for all of this crap I feel like I am reverting back to childhood where you are scared to look under the bed even though you know there is nothing there.

I know it seems that way at the moment but you WILL get better. We can help each other. A problem shared is a problem halved.

22-01-11, 11:17
Aww thanks buster, wouldn't even know where to start at the moment cause I don't think I would be able to end


22-01-11, 11:42
i know exactly how your feeling have suffered for two years get scared and angry had 6 ecgs all kinds of tests when will i learn its all anxiety people who suffer are more aware of what their body is doing like most people get headaches just take a tablet and sufferers think its a brain tumor tried everything to help myself now having cbt but does not seem to be helping we will get there:)

22-01-11, 11:47
The hardest step to take is the first. and I think you are well on the way to doing just that.
Well done.:)

23-01-11, 20:02
I am so glad I have found this site, my husband thinks I am mad. I too get angry at myself, but I always take it out on the ones around me aswell. Thank you Donna and Buster for making me feel like there are other people around who are suffering like me (not that I want anyone else to suffer like me) and thank you for your support. I feel so stupid being on here mostly moaning but I have no where else to turn.

I really wish we could all just wake up tomorrow morning and everything would be ok. Never mind we can live in hope.

Thank you everyone.


24-01-11, 09:53
I am so glad I have found this site, my husband thinks I am mad. I too get angry at myself, but I always take it out on the ones around me aswell. Thank you Donna and Buster for making me feel like there are other people around who are suffering like me (not that I want anyone else to suffer like me) and thank you for your support. I feel so stupid being on here mostly moaning but I have no where else to turn.

I really wish we could all just wake up tomorrow morning and everything would be ok. Never mind we can live in hope.

Thank you everyone.xxxxxxxx

Hi Nutty, You will get their. I had a bad day yesterday, But I ain't going to let that stop me. I am trying to do this without any meds, I hope I can manage, sometimes it seems like it's going to be a long battle. BUT I did it once I can do it again. I found out this morning that the bp meds I am on can cause high anxiety only found this out by typing in lisinopril and anxiety into google. Chin up. :)

24-01-11, 14:08
Aww, can you change your bp tablets?

I am trying to do this without seeing anyone or meds and you are right we will get through it, just having a bad week I think.

Where are you from Buster, was just wondering with UK being in your name?


24-01-11, 16:37
Aww, can you change your bp tablets?

I am trying to do this without seeing anyone or meds and you are right we will get through it, just having a bad week I think.

Where are you from Buster, was just wondering with UK being in your name?


Hi Nutty,

I am sick of this feeling of dizziness and spaced out light headedness. I want to change these pills But don't want to be in a catch 22 situation. I am going to make an other appointment with my GP. But I don't want him to think I am crazy. I am from Hull, east yorkshire, Where are you?

25-01-11, 10:31
I hate going to the doctors too cause I get the feeling they think I am mad. I am from Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire.

25-01-11, 17:03
Hi Nutty, How have you been? I have changed my bp meds, see how I go on with these. Better I hope. It's been a long while since I was in Stoke in fact it's been that long I can not really remember. I know the parts I saw were nice.

26-01-11, 15:58
Hi Buster, I hope your new meds are going to be good for you.

I can't think of any nice places in Stoke to be honest.

Let me know how you get on with your new meds, I am feeling about the same, but I am trying to shake myself out of it.


26-01-11, 16:48
Hi Nutty, I finished the other BP meds yesterday very early morning. I am told that they stay in your system for a week or two. The doctor has prescribed me a different one but the side effects read the same and can include anxiety, So I think i am not going to start them. I want to see if I can lose a lot of weight and change my lifestyle in the hope that that helps my bp. I don't want to rely on drugs. I have been very anxious all day today I will see what tomorrow brings. I am glad you have a positive outlook, I think that is the only way to beat this.:)

27-01-11, 13:15
Hi Buster, I think it is too but sometimes it's soo hard. I have had anxiety for three years now and I have always told myself it's in my head but it still doesn't stop me from feeling like this. I don't blame your for not changing the bp meds there doesn't seem any point if the side effects are the same. We will beat this ........ just not this week lol


27-01-11, 13:37

Just wanted to say hi!:welcome:


04-02-11, 11:32
Hello, sorry I haven't responded to my post but I have read it time and again but didn't know how to respond as my lowness just keeps getting lower.

I haven't been diagnosed either, my doctor just says yes it probably anxiety so I am none the wiser. I don't like posting my negative thoughts as it will just depress everyone who reads it, also it makes me look like I am seeking attention when I am not I am just letting off steam I suppose.

You have all been very nice and very kind and I am so so sorry for boring you all


04-02-11, 12:30
Nutty you are not boring anyone, Have you ever stopped to think that your posts help people. Please keep posting.:)

05-02-11, 09:15
Aww thanks Buster, but surely my moaning won't help anyone especially people who are feeling down. I will try to sound more positive. How are you feeling today?