View Full Version : Anxiety / panic attack /gerd/acid reflux/mucus after meal/short-heavy breathing

26-11-10, 17:48
ANXIETY / PANIC ATTACK /Acidity/Acidic stomach/Dyspepsia/MUCUS AFTER MEAL/SHORT BREATHING / HEAVY BREATHING/ PHOBIA (Imaginary fears) (http://sunild1204.wordpress.com/2010/11/24/anxiety-panic-attack-gerdacid-refluxmucus-after-mealshort-breathing-heavy-breathing-phobia-imaginary-fears/)
Posted on November 24, 2010 (http://sunild1204.wordpress.com/2010/11/24/anxiety-panic-attack-gerdacid-refluxmucus-after-mealshort-breathing-heavy-breathing-phobia-imaginary-fears/) by sunild1204 (http://sunild1204.wordpress.com/author/sunild1204/)
1) Stray Incident of Short Breathing/Panic Attack
I had gone for a Interview to downtown and I decided to eat as there was plenty time remaining for interview. The Interview process had already created ANXIETY which was really a part of my personality since my childhood. After the Interview was over I took an elevator to come down and I guess this was first day when I got my first panic attack unknown to me till it became chronic later.
Here is what happened when I was coming down elevator. The Lift got stuck in between. I suddenly felt suffocated enough to cause me breath heavy/Short. I felt as if I was not able to breathe enough which caused heavy breathing. The reaction of this behavior was enough to cause me panic and I felt I might just die if I can’t breathe enough. This caused me to try and open elevator doors with my hands, and surprise surprise, I was somehow able to open the door with pressure of my hands and soon I came out.
But the damage to my mind and psyche was already done. Suddenly I was having fear of going through the elevators with the fear what if next time it happened and there is a delay in coming out. The thought was enough to cause fear /Phobia inside me, but soon I forgot it only little realizing that I have already started the panic attack button inside my body the reactions of which will be detailed in later Incidents.
2) Series of Incidents after I used the Ear Bud a little strongly
Later once using an ear bud (did not use it gently), I caused one of my ear to swell inside. Now as I had mentioned in my previous topic, I was back in panic mode causing me to breathe short /Heavy. This resulted in my chest and throat muscles to go tight (or whatever is medical terms) resulting in not being able to eat anything. I could only eat tiny meals and could only drink water in small quantities.
Going to ENT specialist (I could only go 3rd day as my ear pain started Saturday evening and Sunday being closed for general physicians) I asked why ear pain had caused Short breathing?
The ENT specialist was clear that ear pain had nothing to do with my short breathings.
Next my ear pain was gone but my Breathing problem was still there. I was already feeling as if I was going to die because of this problem. The strangest thing was that the breathing issue happened only when I was in relaxed mode at home but not during walking, running or sleeping modes. Next I went to Hospital to see if general physician could handle this issue and if not what specialist to see? But I guess I had found a perfect physician who could easily understand the issue and he just asked me to buy lonazep pills which would give instant relief to me. I then could eat my food as the pills instantly relaxed all my chest and throat muscles resulting from heavy breathing. I was very much happy that the issue was not bad as I had thought it to be.
Next after 2-3 days I felt I was still not able to eat despite being hungry and my breathing problem suddenly returned again. I went to same physician where I was told that the issue was because of Acidity/GERD for which he wrote me Razo-D pills. And I was also told that my breathing issue was not real but was caused because of my ANXIOUS behavior. The physician suggested some therapy sessions for removing anxiety issues. I had now to instruct myself that I must separate the breathing issue from all other problems like ear pain/acidity.
Also as it turned out I was completely able to get rid of this Short/Heavy breathing issue in just few days as you will see later below.
Short Breathing/Obsessive compulsive Disorder (OCD):- The repetitive Stress and Anxiety will cause panic attack resulting in OCD (in my case short breathing). The Panic attack will cause you to do repetitive actions (OCD) which are danger to your own. The solution lies in doing just the opposite which means that recognize what OCD you are performing and just stop or do not do it. You must exit yourself and stop monitoring yourself. The solution lies in stopping/holding the OCD for some time, Or otherwise trying to do it (OCD) in relax manner. So calm Down, don’t be Hyper, Cool Down, Hold or Stop your OCD and do the OCD in relaxed way. Say to yourself that you are not going to panic or be anxious all the time. In my case I just Instructed myself that I am no longer going be ANXIOUS or PANIC about anything, but instead will be bold and learn to take pain as part of my life and thus wait till the stress symptoms are lowered. I just needed to be mature and bold. This realization that the breathing issue was in fact only perceived (fake to be precise) and caused by our own behavior (panic attack in this case) , I found out the best mechanism after some careful thinking’s as follows:-
I felt that the panic attack issue is because of solitary lifestyle and when we are leading completely relaxed lifestyle. This could be when we start to monitor ourselves/our bodies too closely. I followed these steps and got 90% results within 1 day of realization. Rest 10% was resolved in 5- 7 days after following steps below. So the good news is that the issue is completely curable and that too in short period of time.
1) STOP BEING ANXIOUS. Put complete stop to anything that causes you to be anxious.
You may think that it is not easy but trust me I was anxious personality since childhood but when it came to this issue I was able to control/stop this anxiety immediately. I knew either I must stop this trait of anxiety or die breathing heavy.
Key here is to continue INSTRUCTING yourself not to panic and that all is going to be well soon. Remember, you have probably forgotten how to behave on certain fear/panic Situations. Ask yourself that what if you were normal person then what would be your reaction. Or take help of others (normal healthy people) to find what they would do if they faced same fear/panic Situations.
3) EXIT YOURSELF, What I mean is that just forget YOURSELF. Stop monitoring or looking at yourself too closely. Too much self monitoring is not really good. Take it easy.
Also remember that breathing is a subconscious process, so making it concious is something you should avoid. You must breathe without giving it any attention, and this shall help you in avoiding heavy/short breathing problem.
From now on you will look at everything around you but not at you. Go out and make yourselves busy. Just forget yourself and you should be fine. Remind yourself consistently that this short breathing is in fact a FAKE and is not real in fact. If it was real then it would be affecting you all time and not only when you are relaxed. Remember that it does not affect you when you are in motion or busy.
4) Learn to take pain as part of your life, also you must instruct YOURSELF to give your health issues enough time to cure them. Do not haste or panic et al. Wait for issue to get resolved. Or sometimes you must accept that issue is probably your part of life from now on.
5) OCD are resolved when you just do opposite of them. Just stop doing them and you will realize that it was as simple as that. The solution to repetitive behavior is just ignoring them and putting a complete stop to performing them.
6) Any repetitive behavior that starts bothering you is defined as STRESS. You must try to put a stop or hold it to see the results. Normally just stop doing it will give you desired results.

Again this is another form of Obsessive compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD are resolved when you just do opposite of them. Just stop doing them and you will realize that it was as simple as that. The solution to repetitive behavior is just ignoring them and putting a complete stop to performing them.
In my case I stopped this behavior just by looking at other people who were less fortunate than me but were still happy and never depressed. That caused me to think that I in fact had no reason to be depressed. This thinking was enough to cause me lose this OCD in few weeks. Just imagine I had this symptom for almost 10-15 years! But I could get rid of it just by thinking right.
PHOBIA/FEAR of unknown
Here is what happened when I was coming down elevator once. The Lift got stuck in between. I suddenly felt suffocated enough to cause me breathe heavy/Short. I felt as if I was not able to breathe enough which caused heavy breathing. The reaction of this behavior was enough to cause me panic and I felt I might just die if I can’t breathe enough. Suddenly I was having fear of going through the elevators with the fear what if next time it happened and there is a delay in coming out. The thought was enough to cause fear /Phobia inside me of using the elevator.
Here is what did.
I just decide to confront my fear/Phobia. I knew that next time lift was stuck it will cause panic attack and breathing issues in me. I decided to live that fear by simulating it.
I just went to the small toilet at my home, imagining it to be the lift. Now I had to imagine that the lift is stuck so what should be my reaction.
1) Instructed myself not to panic
2) Instructed myself to Just relax and cool down.
3) Stop thinking about yourself in order to NOT start breathing issue. Just ignore yourself.
4) Look at possibilities of what to do next in order to start rescue process. For e.g. Press alarm button or use yr cell to call security.
5) Once I had followed all steps above I came out and slept tight knowing that I had killed my phobia. It was as simple as confronting the fear and re living it in controlled simulated conditions.

After careful examination I realized that anxiety and panic attacks happened in my case when there was any type repetitive obstruction in my body.
Anything as little as causing repetitive sneezing, a hair stuck in my eye, or an OCD where I did repetitive actions, constant pain, constant chest cleaning through mouth by spitting etc. any health /body issue that took time to resolve caused panic attack making that issue aggravate.
You must follow steps 1-6 as mentioned above to rid of your anxiety issues.
Excessive coughing-mucus after eating/mucus after meals
During Acidity /GERD I faced another issue. After each meal I started to spill out these small thick spits/or mucus which would last for around 1 hour after each meal. Guys this is really strenuous, as I was facing one problem after another.
I called up my doctor to find why this was happening and her first question was, did I had cough/cold recently?. I remembered yes just 1-2 days back I had this cough issue which has subsided without taking any pills as I was already on treatment for GERD/Ulcer. Now this is what happened as per my observation. During GERD treatment I had developed constipation problem which had probably caused my bowel movement to shut down and hence it looks like there was no way the excess mucus could get out of body so it was trying to come out through mouth.
My doctor suggested following antibiotics which would kills the mucus.
1)Tablet ZIFI 200 Mg (CEFIXIME tablets) 1-0-1
2) syrup Alex (Nasal,decongestion,Antialergic) 1-1-1 1-2 Tablespoon after meals
Guys in order to get rid of this issue you must make sure that you have good bowel movement.
GERD/Acidity/Acidic stomach/Dyspepsia
Guys, I am still on Antacids and Razo 20 Pills. As soon as I have come to know the solution to this, I would definitely come out with my experience, for now it looks like I have got to wait long time to see results.
Following exercise has given me lots of relief and I am now able to eat large amount of food. This exercise is called KAPALBHATI (Search for it in YouTube please), look at video link here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L095tXLqRc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L095tXLqRc)
I do this exercise empty stomach first thing in morning for around 400 times.