View Full Version : panic anxiety and agraophobia the lot

18-03-06, 14:05
[hi am still a full time mum and often feel i have missed out on life with my children that have grown up and gone now never going to scholl concerts ect wich on top of already feeling let down by these anxiety phoboia and panic attack they have ruled me since i was 12yrs old i am now 50 still struggling
to lead a normal life what ever normal may be just a few things that get me down with a list iof so many more bye for now trish
ps this is my first time on this site so not sure of what i am suppose to do with it all yet size=2][/size=2]

18-03-06, 14:38
Hi Trish (from another Trish:D)

Welcome, you will gets lots of help and advice on here.

I guess like me you too were born in 1955!:D June 7th me.

Best wishes


18-03-06, 15:07
Hi Trish1955

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

18-03-06, 16:11
Hi Trish and welcome to the site hope you find some comfort and help here and I know you will make some good friends. Well Mine is to a long story, I am 57 and noticed I was feeling very ill and strange and found I was getting more and more scared of just going out to local shops, work and doctors at about 16. I didn’t tell anyone nor did I tell any doctors for a long time, as then whenever you went to see a doctor they thought you went just for a note for time off work. I did eventually tell my doctor about the fears and shakes and not feeling right in the end to get told to pull myself together and don’t waste the doctors time when there are sick people who need to see doctors. I only lived in a small village so there was no choice of seeing another doctor, I didn’t tell anyone not even my parents as none them days understood anything like this. this first episode of anxiety and panic lasted for quite a few years, I lost many a job for losing time feeling so ill and eventually got put out of my parents home as they just said I was to lazy to get up for work and they just agreed with the doctor who said there was nothing wrong with me. Anyway I did notice that having alcohol did calm my nerves and was also able to go out quite comfortable with drink in me. This led to heavy daily drinking for about 40 years, I did have good years between but the anxiety and phobias did return between which put the drink up high each time, In the end I couldn’t and didn’t even go to bed without a good drink even when I felt at my best, so 2 and a half years ago I stopped drinking fully. this was so so very hard and the anxieties came back big time, I went onto an antidepressant called Cipralex and after about a year of no drink started feeling better, I kept busy doing things in the garden and around the home (it was so hard doing things when I didn’t feel well enough or didn’t want to do anything) but I did get much much better and even started feeling good after achieving something every day. I have a very large garden which I done up, built a big workshop and built a pond, I decorated outside my house and also all through the inside and got feeling better and better and proud that my home and garden was looking so good, Its very hard work but this did work for me and learning to handle my anxieties without running to alcohol. I don’t feel brilliant especially in the winter months when it’s to cold, dark and wet to even go into the garden, but I really think I am getting there at last. I also thing affirmations and pushing no matter how I felt had a big part to play in my recovery. Don’t dwell on the kids missing out and what you should have done them years are now gone and only the future really matters and you can change that and start feeling better about yourself. You can only get so low (and I have been there) homeless scared and horrible, then it’s only up you can go. Tell yourself you are fine, tell yourself you are good and useful as anyone ells and even though its hard keep busy the dizziness and feeling ill will go if you tell yourself it doesn’t exist, ignore and starve your anxiety of fear because that’s what anxiety feeds off like smoking feeds of nicotine. If you ever want a chat PM me anytime, and I hope you can start to feel better soon. Take care, Vernon

18-03-06, 16:20
Hi Trish,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

I moved your post to the welcome section, so that more people will see it.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

18-03-06, 17:30

Welcome aboard and hope we can be of some help to you on here.


18-03-06, 21:24
You're doing fine Trish .
Let us know how we can help you

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

First Steps: First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=healthanxiety)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

19-03-06, 00:18
Hi Trish,

i know exactly how you feel, i also suffer with Anxiety/panic and agoraphobia im 43 and suffered for nearly 10 years, i felt i have missed out on so much with my children too, shopping with them, school activities, holidays etc. There now 17 and 15 both girls and to be honest i dont think i could have coped without them. They are both Happy kids and i know they love me just as much as i love them, i am sure your children love you too, they never complain about the way i am, we just have to keep thinking positive and hope we can feel better soon.

Please pm me if you would like to chat sometime

Keep smiling its the best medication there is!!


19-03-06, 00:52
Hi Trish,

Welcome to the site which I hope will provide you with a lot of information, but just as importantly, comfort and understanding.

Look around the relevant bits and forum threads and you wil soon feel at home.

Don't think you are stuck with this, as it is possible to get some kind of normal life back.

What help have you had, particularly for the agoraphobia?

Take Care

Ray (52 lol)

19-03-06, 10:16
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Trish and welcome to the site hope you find some comfort and help here and I know you will make some good friends. Well Mine is to a long story, I am 57 and noticed I was feeling very ill and strange and found I was getting more and more scared of just going out to local shops, work and doctors at about 16. I didn’t tell anyone nor did I tell any doctors for a long time, as then whenever you went to see a doctor they thought you went just for a note for time off work. I did eventually tell my doctor about the fears and shakes and not feeling right in the end to get told to pull myself together and don’t waste the doctors time when there are sick people who need to see doctors. I only lived in a small village so there was no choice of seeing another doctor, I didn’t tell anyone not even my parents as none them days understood anything like this. this first episode of anxiety and panic lasted for quite a few years, I lost many a job for losing time feeling so ill and eventually got put out of my parents home as they just said I was to lazy to get up for work and they just agreed with the doctor who said there was nothing wrong with me. Anyway I did notice that having alcohol did calm my nerves and was also able to go out quite comfortable with drink in me. This led to heavy daily drinking for about 40 years, I did have good years between but the anxiety and phobias did return between which put the drink up high each time, In the end I couldn’t and didn’t even go to bed without a good drink even when I felt at my best, so 2 and a half years ago I stopped drinking fully. this was so so very hard and the anxieties came back big time, I went onto an antidepressant called Cipralex and after about a year of no drink started feeling better, I kept busy doing things in the garden and around the home (it was so hard doing things when I didn’t feel well enough or didn’t want to do anything) but I did get much much better and even started feeling good after achieving something every day. I have a very large garden which I done up, built a big workshop and built a pond, I decorated outside my house and also all through the inside and got feeling better and better and proud that my home and garden was looking so good, Its very hard work but this did work for me and learning to handle my anxieties without running to alcohol. I don’t feel brilliant especially in the winter months when it’s to cold, dark and wet to even go into the garden, but I really think I am getting there at last. I also thing affirmations and pushing no matter how I felt had a big part to play in my recovery. Don’t dwell on the kids missing out and what you should have done them years are now gone and only the future really matters and you can change that and start feeling better about yourself. You can only get so low (and I have been there) homeless scared and horrible, then it’s only up you can go. Tell yourself you are fine, tell yourself you are good and useful as anyone ells and even though its hard keep busy the dizziness and feeling ill will go if you tell yourself it doesn’t exist, ignore and starve your anxiety of fear because that’s what anxiety feeds off like smoking feeds of nicotine. If you ever want a chat PM me anytime, and I hope you can start to feel better soon. Take care, Vernon

<div align="right">Originally posted by vernon - 18 March 2006 : 16:11:59</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">hi vernon i realy do not no how to use this site at all dont mo what mp means but i do have msn do you have that any way i would like to chat more about how my life as been so will you help me under stand how things wiork on here thanks hope to hear from you soon bye for now trish

19-03-06, 10:21
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Trish,

i know exactly how you feel, i also suffer with Anxiety/panic and agoraphobia im 43 and suffered for nearly 10 years, i felt i have missed out on so much with my children too, shopping with them, school activities, holidays etc. There now 17 and 15 both girls and to be honest i dont think i could have coped without them. They are both Happy kids and i know they love me just as much as i love them, i am sure your children love you too, they never complain about the way i am, we just have to keep thinking positive and hope we can feel better soon.

Please pm me if you would like to chat sometime

Keep smiling its the best medication there is!!


<div align="right">Originally posted by honeybee3939 - 19 March 2006 : 00:18:44</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">hi andrea i am not sure how to work things on this site glad i found it though i donr no what pm means but i do have msn if you have it would could chat on there having a real bad time at moment and realy need a friend my msn addy is nikkbu_1@hotmail.comby for now trish

19-03-06, 10:32
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">[quote]<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Trish and welcome to the site hope you find some comfort and help here and I know you will make some good friends. Well Mine is to a long story, I am 57 and noticed I was feeling very ill and strange and found I was getting more and more scared of just going out to local shops, work and doctors at about 16. I didn’t tell anyone nor did I tell any doctors for a long time, as then whenever you went to see a doctor they thought you went just for a note for time off work. I did eventually tell my doctor about the fears and shakes and not feeling right in the end to get told to pull myself together and don’t waste the doctors time when there are sick people who need to see doctors. I only lived in a small village so there was no choice of seeing another doctor, I didn’t tell anyone not even my parents as none them days understood anything like this. this first episode of anxiety and panic lasted for quite a few years, I lost many a job for losing time feeling so ill and eventually got put out of my parents home as they just said I was to lazy to get up for work and they just agreed with the doctor who said there was nothing wrong with me. Anyway I did notice that having alcohol did calm my nerves and was also able to go out quite comfortable with drink in me. This led to heavy daily drinking for about 40 years, I did have good years between but the anxiety and phobias did return between which put the drink up high each time, In the end I couldn’t and didn’t even go to bed without a good drink even when I felt at my best, so 2 and a half years ago I stopped drinking fully. this was so so very hard and the anxieties came back big time, I went onto an antidepressant called Cipralex and after about a year of no drink started feeling better, I kept busy doing things in the garden and around the home (it was so hard doing things when I didn’t feel well enough or didn’t want to do anything) but I did get much much better and even started feeling good after achieving something every day. I have a very large garden which I done up, built a big workshop and built a pond, I decorated outside my house and also all through the inside and got feeling better and better and proud that my home and garden was looking so good, Its very hard work but this did work for me and learning to handle my anxieties without running to alcohol. I don’t feel brilliant especially in the winter months when it’s to cold, dark and wet to even go into the garden, but I really think I am getting there at last. I also thing affirmations and pushing no matter how I felt had a big part to play in my recovery. Don’t dwell on the kids missing out and what you should have done them years are now gone and only the future really matters and you can change that and start feeling better about yourself. You can only get so low (and I have been there) homeless scared and horrible, then it’s only up you can go. Tell yourself you are fine, tell yourself you are good and useful as anyone ells and even though its hard keep busy the dizziness and feeling ill will go if you tell yourself it doesn’t exist, ignore and starve your anxiety of fear because that’s what anxiety feeds off like smoking feeds of nicotine. If you ever want a chat PM me anytime, and I hope you can start to feel better soon. Take care, Vernon

<div align="right">Originally posted by vernon - 18 March 2006 : 16:11:59</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">hi vernon i realy do not no how to use this site at all dont mo what mp means but i do have msn do you have that any way i would like to chat more about

19-03-06, 15:56
Hi Trish

Welcome to the forum.

There are lots of great people here and I'm sure you'll get some good help and support.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

20-03-06, 17:47
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Trish (from another Trish:D)

Welcome, you will gets lots of help and advice on here.

I guess like me you too were born in 1955!:D June 7th me.

Best wishes hi trish
just wondered what you suffer from and do you have msn if yeah would you ;like to chat some time on there my addy is nikkbu_1@hotmail.com if not pm me wich ever please let me no either way bye for now trish


<div align="right">Originally posted by Trish - 18 March 2006 : 14:38:04</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

20-03-06, 18:07
Hi Welcome to the site i hope you find soem help on here.

20-03-06, 18:16
Hi Trish

PM = private Message - you will find your PM inbox top left of the forum.

Instead of clicking on the icon that says "reply with quote" use the quick reply message box at the bottom of the screen or "reply to topic" - again at the bottom of the screen. Hope that helps.


20-03-06, 18:37
hi trish
welcome to this site
take care denisexxx


21-03-06, 23:55
Hi Trish

Welcome and i am thinking about you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".