View Full Version : here we go.... :(

26-11-10, 22:23

was asking about bleeding on the pill a few days ago. well im growing concerned now and im tired of thinking the worst as its really wearing me out :( during my pill free week i usually bleed on day 5 i bled on day 5, however this blood is bright red and small clots sorry tmi! anyhu, its day 3 on my bleed and its still brite red and lots of it. it stopped for a few hours today but when i removed my tampon and wore a sanitary towel i felt the bleeding again all very very red. im basically concerned iv cervical cancer!!! they say a symptom is heavier bleeding on period. and leading up to my period like ten days or so i spot brown :( im sooo worried. i had a clear smear nearly 3 years ago. someone please tell me this is normal :( im really really sick of thinking this right now

26-11-10, 22:26
I got weird bleeding on the pill - enough that I had to come off it... It seems to have settled down after stopping but I've got to go for an ultrasound of my tummy next week anyway - no smear tests yet because I'm still a virgin so must be at reasonably low risk, I hope, touch wood.. I'm pretty sure you'll be fine :) the pill can do a lot of weird things to you!

26-11-10, 22:28
thing is i never had this happen before only the past 3 cycles and im on it nearly a year. my mother keeps telling me its a clear out because i had a my baby 11 months ago and that wen u have a baby ure body is never the same....hopes shes right but u know....cant shake the worry and fear

26-11-10, 22:33
Hi, I had this after being on the pill a while. The doctor changed the type of pill and after that it went away. Not sure why, was just glad it went! Have you seen the doc?

26-11-10, 22:39
Bright red blood is a normal period. Spotting is normal on the pill even if it hadn't happened before.

I had a baby 18 months ago and I gave small clots now in the first few days which I never had before and my periods are heavier than they used to be. I'm nit concerned as I know all my smears etc are up to date.

26-11-10, 22:43
no, i havent seen the doc yet. i dont know if i shud or not y'know maybe he will think im bein paranoid yet again and its embarrassing for me. but if the next cycle is like this and leading up to it brown spotting i will take a trip. my smears are up to date so i shouldnt be worrying, but 3 years seems soooo long! dodo are u on the pill??