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18-03-06, 15:19
guys i have gained weight more than ive lost it since my panic and anxiety, i took beta blockers and i was told the side affects to these is more of an appetite, more people seem to loose weight rather than gain when anxious so now it worries me because maybe i have a prolem with my stomach something serious, or do people find they comfort eat when anxious. Also ihave done any excersice because i dont have the energy etc

id appreciate any feed back

katy x

18-03-06, 15:24
Hi Katy

Ive gained weight too, its the anti depressants or which ever tablets your currently taking that do it & its nothing to worry about.

Im currently on Weight Watchers i do it online & its very good, not like a diet just healthy eating making sure you have adequate breakfast, dinner & tea on a points basis.

Anyway take care & keep positive


Many People Will Walk
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But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

18-03-06, 16:24
Hi kate, Lots put on weight with anxiety as do some lose weight, I lost lots of weight when my bad anxiety returned a couple of years ago, I had lots of tummy problems which meant all sorts of tests thinking I had bowel cancer, and it was IBS in the end made worst by anxiety and worrying. My hole body got realy thin and leggs ended up like matchsticks which realy worried me and made me think the worst, I couldnt hardly eat as I always felt to sick. Anyway when I got the final results from specialist that my tummy was ok, I felt much better and now like you I am eating to much and putting weight on., so now I worry about putting to much weight on lol. Thats anxiety for us, gain or lose weight and we go into worrying? I am sure there is nothing wrong only our worrying and anxiety. I also had the real bad tiredness you have and not wanting or thinking I couldnt do nothing as I was to worn out, but keeping at it no matter how bad you feel will get rid of this tiredness, beleive me its hard but it does work. hope you feel better soon. take care. Vernon

18-03-06, 17:01
Hi Katy
I'm putting on weight too!! I'm struggling to exercise and being hungry makes my symptoms seem loads worse, so I find i'm eating nearly all the time at the moment!! I try to eat healthy stuff, but sometimes only chocolate hits the spot!
Take Care
Love Helen

18-03-06, 21:48
I put on 2 stone with anti-depressants and have never lost it!


18-03-06, 22:55
When you take regular betablockers they slow down your metabolic rate and you are more prone to put on weight .

Acute anxiety does use lots of energy and therefore weight can be lost


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

19-03-06, 13:41
thanks for your reply guys much appreciated, xx

19-03-06, 23:48
hi katy,i have gained weight ,and do weight watchers like alex!Only i have to do it on my own as i have probs with fluid eversince i had my cancer op and they took my lymph glands out,sadly clubs dont believe you if it is something they dont understand!Still it is workin,lost bout a stone[it can change by 8 pounds in a day!!!]We do eat 4 comfort too or when we are angry[well i do],Seems somethin else many of us have in common!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore