View Full Version : Feeling extremely anxious

27-11-10, 02:32
I posted on here last night about my heart and feeling as though it is skipping beats and suddenly stopping. I can't stop checking my pulse and i can feel it stop sometimes and then thud really hard. It seems to be quite normal at the moment, apart from being fast and then slowing down again, but i haven't noticed any missed beats whilst checking my pulse. However, my chest feels so uncomfortable and it feels as if my heart is stopping and jumping. I also have a sickly feeling in my chest/stomach and also fluttering in my chest.

I am really worried again and can't calm down, I also feel reall breathless and as if im going to die. I really need help, I also keep crying and in a constant state of anxiety. This episide won't pass. I also wanted to mention that the other night I drank quite excessively and also smoked a joint with a friend, as I thought it would help calm me down. I have only smoked marijuana about 5 times but this time i had quite a lot. I woke in the night sweating and with a racing heart and thought i was going to die. My heart has been worse since this happened and i keep thinking that it has upset my system, but surely it must have passed by now? Has anyone else ever experiened this? I know that mixing drugs can be dangerous, and i will never touch the stuff again now after this.

I don't think i will sleep tonight again. I can't stop thinking about my heart and i don't know what to do. I also keep having muscle spasms and sudden jolting, especially in my legs. I have taken diazepam but it hasnt seemed to work, how long will it take because i fear im going to pass out and really want to go to hospital to get my heart checked out since my DR didnt even do that today when i went in. my chest is hurting and my arms/back i also have bad heartburn and cant eat.

Sorry, this might not make much sense, im just so anxious and can't control myself.

27-11-10, 08:58
Did you manage to get any sleep at all hun?

You know yourself that the joint really won't help in the long term.

You sound like you've got yourself worked up quite s lot. Remember if you're scared in the night you can always call nhs direct and they will talk to you and calm you down. I spoke to them a couple of times when u had Abadan patch before and they were really lovely.

27-11-10, 09:11
smokeing bud it really bad for anxiety my bros smokes it all the time so the smell/smoke comes in my room if my door isnt shut and when my mum hhad ago at him for his he stoped smokeing it in the house for a while and like instantly i fear less anxtious, weed makes you pananoid and drinking makes me feel horrible so i cant even imagin what id feel liek if i got high too and i feel like crap when i only have like 2-3 pints just give it a week and youl be fine thats usely how long it takes me to calm down, drink loads of water to de-tox your body that will help =]

28-11-10, 00:09
I have this too. Constant fluttering in my chest that wont seem to go away..but candice remember, its all anxiety. It really is. If I had posted your post you would be giving me advice about it right now, and probably saying something very similar. I've always been told that anxiety cannot harm you! I hope you are well

28-11-10, 00:30
How are you now hun?


28-11-10, 02:04
hi thanks for the advice. its reassuring, but then when im trying to sleep or am alone i feel as if im going to die. i cant help it, i wish i could, but its too hard to control.

i felt relaxed and happy earlier, i went to see a play with my mum and some of her friends, as she knew i was worried and invited me to take my mind off things. it did help, and i felt happy and relaxed earlier.

then i came up to get in bed and started checking my pulse (in my neck) and the beat stopped for a few seconds, making me feel as if i couldnt breath, then started beating normally again.. shock rushed through me and now im back to feeling worried. i also have really bad heartburn and no matter what i eat its always there.

im just so scared, ive not had my heart checked for about 3 months now and i really want them to check it, i think im goning to have to visit my local walk in centre, but theyre going to think im an idiot. i just dont know what to do. my heart is seriously stopping.. i noticed it just before, but since then hadnt for over 24 hours, so its only sometimes its happening. is it really stopping? because when i feel my pulse there is sometimes no beat and then a strong one follows a few secs later... and if it is stopping and my anxiety is causing my heart to actually stop for a few secods, then it could cause it to stop all together if i dont stop stressing... but i cant stop it and i cant not check my pulse, because i need to feel alive and im not ready to die :(

28-11-10, 20:12
Really sorry that you are still suffering with your heart annd breathing, im like you when im alone and feeling anxious my symptoms just get worse, like you when im with company or busy im better, i know how hard its is, and sometimes just to keep busy really helps, listening to music often helps me. Hope you are feeling better.:)