View Full Version : Propanolol

27-11-10, 03:54
Hi i took my first propanolol tablet about an hour and half ago after the doctor giving me them today cause my pulse was so high she checked it four times ! Now i feel like my heart is beating to slow and i keep thinking its going to stop !! Im so tierd but to scared to go asleep.........has anyone else felt like this after taking these x

27-11-10, 04:38
What dosage you on? I'm on 10mg 3x a day or 6x a day. My heart doesn't really feel slow just a lot lighter and I actually have to really search to find my pulse when usually I can feel it in every inch of me. Propranolol won't stop your heart, I told my doctor I was scared of this happening and he just laughed and said "no it doesn't work like that!" It's a very safe drug apparently. xx

27-11-10, 04:48
Hi thats a better way of desribing it sometimes i feel as though i cant find my pulse which is making me feel worse the doctor gave me 40mg to take upto 3 times dailey but i was given 10mg a couple of months ago but i was too scared to take them so when i felt all paniky before i thought i would try thy the 10mg one and now after feeling like this im perified to take the 40mg x

27-11-10, 06:02
If the 10mg tablets are making your heart less noticeable they're doing their job very well! Stick to the 10mg ones if you don't need to take the 40mg ones, I've been taking 3 a day almost everyday for a few months now and it's benefited me quite a lot. Maybe just try your 10mg dosage for a few days and see how you feel? If you feel ok go back to your doc and say 40mg was a bit too strong and you're comfertable with 10mg, if you really don't like propranolol at all you can just ask him to take you off completely.

I promise you your heart won't stop though and it does really help getting rid of the racing/pounding heart. Propraonolol also stops adrenaline being released so you'll get a lot less nasty symptoms. I used to shake quite a lot and get horrible chest pain, the shakings completely vanished and the chest pain isn't as bad now I'm on propranolol. xx

27-11-10, 08:54
I have been prescribed bisoprolol 2.5mg along with some diazepam but I am really frightened to take it. I have finally plucked up the courage to take a diazepam and am feeling calmer but I read the leaflet for the beta blocker and it only mentioned the tablets were for heart failure which as I have a real fear of my heart has not made me feel any easier about taking them. I also had asthma when I was younger so they were reluctant in the past to give me beta blockers.

27-11-10, 10:20
Must admit, I've got some diazepam but never taken it because I'm too scared of getting addicted to it.

Propranolol I do take. I've been given 10mg tabs and can take up to 6 a day (though I've never taken more than 4). They do seem to work really well and normally get my heart into the late 60's/low 70's per minute which really helps.

Like others, I was really scared the first time I had to take one - what will it do, will it make my heart stop, will it flare up my asthma etc. From my experience, take them and relax - my GP knew about my asthma but was very reassuring and I've had no problems at all. In fact, just knowing I have them available makes a racing heart easier to deal with and I can now go for days without taking them.

I know it's scary, but they've really helped me and I hope they can help you too.:yesyes:

27-11-10, 10:30
i was prescribed 40mg to take twice a day, I felt like they made me feel a bit tired so I cut them in half and have 20mg in the morning and 20mg at night, which i find works really well for me.........

27-11-10, 10:45
I had bad asthma as a child but grew out of it and was told by Dr if I wanted I could try 10mg of propananol but to do it when I knew the Drs were in the surgery in case it triggered a bad asthma attack - I think this is good advice to anyone with a history of asthma. Needless to say I have not taken any cos I am too scared!

27-11-10, 10:59
Same for me countrygirl. I'm just worried that the diazepam won't block the excess adrenalin though and once I've finished my tablets I'll be back at stage one.

27-11-10, 12:52
diazepam does not frighten me as I have used it for having mri scans etc as only way I can get through them! Everyone is different - some people are totally spaced out on diazepam but I find that about an hour after i take it I feel very pleasantly drunk and this lasts about a hour or less then I am totally back to normal so very short acting with me and I would imagine not much use for my anxiety unless I took it alot which of course is the very reason they don't let you have it.
One mri scan I knew I would have a 20 mins scan then be brought out of the scanner given an injection into a vein and put back in scanner for another 10 mins- terror does not come close to describing how I felt:D
My Gp suggested I take about 8 mgs of diazepam enough that I could barely walk straight but not too much so I was not fit to go in scanner. I duly took the tablets about half hour before arriving at hospital and I literally had trouble walking straight I felt very drunk - tottered into waiting room thinking whippee I will be away with fairies with this scan and do you know as soon as they shouted my name I was stone cold drug free with terror- the diazepam did not have a chance of overcoming the terror of the scan but thankfully I managed it but think my heartrate was stratospheric!
If you start off with a 2mg dose and take it and see how you feel its very doubtful you will react hugely - but they do not have any long term effect on anxiety unless you take them all the time which is what they did in times gone by and ended up with people addicted for years.
My Gp said that one 2mg tablet every couple of days will not make you addicted or you can take 4 2mg tablets a day for 2 weeks but must stop them after that.

27-11-10, 14:47
am on 80mg propranolol 1 daily and i dont sem they work really i usually take one and end up with some trembles lately which i never used to have but my anxiety is bad at the moment so maybe its just my adrenaline doing that and not the propranolol i do have valium but have not taken any as i usually only take them when i am very BAD etc..

28-11-10, 17:41
ihavent taken another one since friday night and i still feellike my heart is beating to slow and its hard to find my pulse :weep:
nowi dont know whether this is because its beating normally and not fast as always but im anxious...........
is it ok to take propanolol when my heart feelslike this cause i was told to takeone a day upto 3 times a day ???? or should i leave it whilst my heart feels like its beating like this sorry for going on im just really anxious xx

28-11-10, 18:14
when i was bad i took 40mg up to 3 times a day - then started cutting them in half and taking as and when needed.

The first time i took one I had a huge panic attack - but that was because i was terrified of what they might do to me. Once I knew that they were helping and nor harming me they did help me through the really tough days.

Rest assured that they will not stop your heart - your body will not all of a sudden stop working. Your gp would not give you anything that could harm you.

they will just slow you body down to a decent pace and if you take them for a while on a regular basis then you should find that you stop worrying about your body symptoms and are able to start relaxing a bit and working on the other stuff!

Good luck x

28-11-10, 18:40
thanks so am i ok to take them even thoughmy heart is beating slow or will it make it slow even more ? i know i should have asked the doctor on friday but after havingmy pulse taking four times which made me panic i just wanted to get home :blush: xx

28-11-10, 19:15
does anyone knowif its safe to take why my heasrt feels like its so weak and slow or does that mean i dont needt take one ?? surley it still cant be working from friday night ? and dothey make your anxiuos feelings go away cause i know they never last time i just felt worse :blush: xx

28-11-10, 19:33
Take them as the doctor told you. they won't hurt you and it doesn't matter if your heart is already slow. He gave you them for a reason. I started taking Bisoprolol this morning and my heart rate was fairly low but I was told to take them so I did. Beta Blockers won't hurt you, if anything they will help your heart. They help anxiety symptoms too but if your anxious about taking them then I wouldn't imagine you would notice a great diference. Believe that they are safe to take.

x :)

30-11-10, 18:04
thanks for the replys everyone, i still havent taken another one im petrified cause my heart already seems really slow weak even though i feel really anxious and dizzy like im not here :blush:
just sick of it all now :weep: xx