View Full Version : Severe Back / Stomach Pain.

27-11-10, 09:17
Hi everyone,
Just wondering if anyone else has ever had this.

(I've suffered Health Anxiety on and off for the past 15 years (I'm 39) - was triggered when my father died then my mother died 6 years later - I've been in some awful states with it all in the past - but pretty much have learned to deal with and understand the symptoms - but this that I'm experiencing is brand new - I've never had anything like it before).
(I take 50 mg Sertraline - only been on them for 2 weeks - so I'm also aware that this could be side effects of the meds...).

I have a horrible pain / feeling that seems to move around my whole left side - from my back (ribs) to my stomach, to my lower back to my groin area, it feels like I have a massive lump in my left side that's causing all this pain. Also my ribs are very tender to touch.
I also keep breaking out in sweats and having bad headaches.

My anxiety is going way out of control with it all - sitting here crying my eyes out this morning - wondering if I'm gonna see Christmas with my hubby and kids - or if this will be my last christmas.:lac:.
Was at the dr last week - she did a urine test, incase it was a kidney infection - but that came back clear. She had a wee feel about my tummy but couldn't feel anything untoward.
She's put it down to anxiety - and has suggested that I need to get some counselling.
I'm also stuck in a very bad rutt of having a few wines at night before bed time - as it's the only peace of mind that I can get - and it eases the symptoms.
Thanks for reading.

27-11-10, 14:40
hi, i have the exact same thing as you do :)
if the kidney infection test came back clear you should be fine and especially if you suffer from health anxiety, i would definitley put it down to anxiety, thats what mine's caused by too.
i know it's hard but try to relax as it will really help your back and stomach, do something that relaxes you. i find that reading or playing video games helps me out loads so try to find something that will help you relax :)
hope you feel a bit better soon shelly

27-11-10, 14:59
Me too!

Mine is on the right - pain in my lower stomach, lower back, pelvis and down the top of my thigh. Feels like I just really want to stretch it out, as if its muscular, but it doesn't really help. It is worse when I am sitting still, thinking about it. Better when exercising or moving or distracted...which leads me to think its anxiety. I also have swollen painful lymphs in my groin.
My paranoia is because I recently had an abnormal smear - just mild borderline changes so need another one in 6 months, but of course my mind is now on cervical cancer, convinced I have a tumour, it has spread to my lymphs, ovaries and is taking over my whole right side. Its amazing what the mind can do. I am sure it reallllly is just anxiety. Convince me please!!:)

27-11-10, 15:01
hi shellytai i had the side effects you have got when i started sertraline all of then i had to come off them but i put op with them for 10 months your side effects should wear off soon my sister is on them and swears by them but they just werent for me x