View Full Version : blood pressure

27-11-10, 11:12
dont know if this is in the right place wasnt to sure where to post it.

im just looking for a kick up the bum or advice or both

i have just had my 4th child she will be 3 weeks on monday and i have this thing that if i go out ill faint stupid i know but when i had my son 5 years my blood pressure was low it was 90/60 so of course i went out 1 day with him he wasnt that old and i felt dizzy in tk maxx not that i fainted i sat down and it passed. that was the last time that has ever happened as my blood pressure went up to 110/60 and all was fine,

anyway now that i have had my daughter i have the fear it will happen again i havent been out the house yet with her i feel like such a bad mum, but this fear has came again but this time my blood pressure is fine it was 120/70 last week when the midwife checked it.

but this doesnt help i still think it will happen and even when im driving my car which i havent done as im scared it will happen when im driving.

so i need some advice as i dont know what to think anymore the doctor says i cant but i wont listen to her i dont believe her.

and can it happen if im driving the car,


27-11-10, 13:02
If your blood pressure is 120/70 when you are sat down then it is only going to go up when you stand up thats perfectly normal physiology so your Dr is right that your blood pressure is normal and any faint won't be blood pressure related.

You sound like me about 8 yrs ago - I have a problem with vertigo due to neck damage and I had a bad few years where I would suddenly get really bad vertigo out of the blue and I would have to either sit down suddenly or if out hang on for dear life to something and wait fo it to pass. One day I was out with friends for lunch and got it but not bad enough to lay me out and believe it or not I drove home ( it went away when I was driving) but came back as soon as I stopped driving and altogether lasted half an hour and I was terrified. I ended up not going out on my own and would only drive very short distances, of course the more I worried about it happening the more unsteady and dizzy I felt all the time. I eventually realised that yes I did get really bad vertigo attacks maybe two or three over a couple of weeks but then I would get months okay but it was a real struggle to not give in to the fear of them happnening.

don't end up like I was - it really ruins your quality of life- maybe only go out for a few weeks if you are with someone who could look after you and baby if you feel iffy and once you realise that you are okay then you can get back to your old self again.

27-11-10, 13:46
Tks I have never had that again and that was nearly 6 years ago never fainted since I was 10 and that was due to not eating

I just still have this fear my blood pressure was the sane it was all through my pregnancy and I was fine.

I do sometime feel off balance but that's anxiety trying to win