View Full Version : reassurance please!

18-03-06, 16:38
Hi All

Just looking for some assurance please, I know that these awful symptoms are due to anxiety i.e Blurred vision, Dizzy, Feeling spaced out and that I am dying, I have told myself all day this is the case, Have posted the same thing here many times and am still here to tell the tale so why am I desperate for someone else to tell me?

Why do I still feel the urge to dial 999, ring all my family to tell them im about die or go crazy.

I know the answer to my questions so why dont I listen to myself?
I then feel ashamed of my behaviour the next day but right now dont care as Im sure death is so near! When I look up panic attacks on the Web it says they peak within ten minutes so why do mine last all day constantly and I feel that I am slipping away, I dont feel like im me anymore,

Could someone please AGAIN assure me this is due to anxiety. Sorry to constantly ask the same question but am sure I have some other illness waiting to get me,

Thanks for eveyone's continued support!

Wendy xx[V]

18-03-06, 16:43
Hi Wendy

You are going to be okay hun you really are. You should'nt give yourself a hard time for feeling like this it will pass i promise you.

Keep positive

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

18-03-06, 16:46
Hi Wendy

You have my sympathy. i too have more than 10 minutes peak panic, try some breathing excersises and it will help to lower your heart rate a bit. Your having an off day and tomorrow will no doubt be better. Try to do something to take your mind off it. Maybe watch a favourite movie or something.

Im in the thick of panic + anxiety at the moment and not so good on the advice just yet. But try tell yourself that you will be ok soon.

chin up wendy, it will pass its worst, and take care

Amanda XX

whats for you wont go by you

18-03-06, 16:49
Wendy sometimes I've had days like that too - It seems you're really in one long panic attack with just a few highs and lows in it.

I found the best way to break this would be to do something genuinely distracting. Even something simple like clearing out a drawer - I would say to myself I am not going to focus on anything but doing this and then when I have finished I can think/feel about panic.

Most of the time this does work but it really helps if it is something quite interesting - even cross stitch or knitting has helped me in the past (I know that may sound old ladyish but its the calming pace of them that does the trick.

You need to have something else to think about because it's hard for your mind to keep feeding the anxiety if you are atually thinking of something else.

Big hug.

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-03-06, 16:50
Hi Wendy,

I used to be exactly the same as you, always looking for reassurance, I ended up with such a great relationship with the nurse at my surgery I think she used to see me more then her family, as I was always there seeking answers LOL.

The only real way to deal with the anxiety is to try to change your way of thinking and to start to believe in yourself mate.

It took a course of CBT to make me realise that no matter how much reassurance I seeked unless I started to believe in myself then I would never believe what anyone else would tell me either.

I now think to myself, how many times have I felt dizzy before, and what happened to me when I did feel dizzy? Absolutely nothing, I am still here and still standing.

It is hard to retrain the way that we think, but by taking it a step at a time it can be done.

Take care

Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

18-03-06, 16:58
Thanks Guys!
Really does help that you all understand,
Dont know how I coped without this site xx

18-03-06, 17:00
I agree Wendy

This site has certainly perked me up. Have been on quite a roll recently & i believe its thanks to this forum.


Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

18-03-06, 22:14
oh wendy, mate please... i know exactly how you feel,in every shape and way i know.
I have it so bad sometimes all day long,but also i get wierd wierd stuff too, where everythings goes slow and trippy..like im on some kind of drug or something, its awful i know.. no ones really knows apart fromyou guys,.
My own family dont even really know that i have been having a nervous breakdown , (mind told me)..
Wendy sweetheart really babe, you will be fine, you have to try your best to fight this, i know you are weak and so am i ,,, but to give in, is to give up... and then it has controlled you ,,, and will over take you even more hunni, i could cry for you, like i cry for myself,,, its dark and lonley isnt it...

pm if you want love xx

ash xx

18-03-06, 22:52

I know what they say about he peak in 1-20 mins but the feelings that make you feel so totally out of it and shaky can last ages and ages.

Also the thoughts that brought on the panic and those perpetuating it are very real and unless you can shift those it'll be difficult to put it behind you in a short space of time


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