View Full Version : stomach bug again? please help :(

27-11-10, 15:53
hey everyone

about 3 weeks ago, i had a strange feeling in my stomach all day, then i got home, and i was sick. i was sick in total about 4 times over night. over the following week, i was not sick again, just tired and had no appetite.
anyway, eventually, i was pleased to recover.

yesterday, i experienced the funny feeling again, got home and was sick twice. i have slept through the night and have not beeen sick again.
would it be possible that i still have the stomach bug, or it is a reoccuring one?

any help is much apprciatedd. :weep:

27-11-10, 17:42
hmmm, could be a bug, or just a nervous tummy, if your very anxious it can make you get sick, could be something your eating but I don't think that alone would make you sick,
some painkillers can be harsh on your tummy,
sounds like a bit of a tummy bug thats not better yet.
has any one around you been sick too?

28-11-10, 00:09
When you say you were "sick" I'm presuming that you mean vomited. If not, then please clarify. Feeling lethargic with a diminished appetite are symptoms that would be consistent with viral intestinal illness.

Viral illnesses which produce gastritis or the "stomach flu" are most always of the norovirus group. They are extremely contagious, so if you have children or others in the home who were also sick, alternatively if you have conditions where the viral components can expose you again, you can become re-infected several times depending upon the circumstances. Immunity to these viruses in incomplete.

Once you've been ill with a virus like this, you need to be fairly thorough in cleaning the bathroom, kitchen and other areas where contact surfaces could hold remnants of the virus, which can survive several days to weeks in a dormant phase.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)