View Full Version : Muscle Spasm in the same place for 19months

27-11-10, 16:52
HI all, i have posted about this before but i cant deal with this today :weep:

Since 30th May 2009 i have had a weird / scary as hell spasm that lasts for a split second. It runs across my boob to my under arm to half way down. It is terrifing as its so sudden and strong. It feels exactly like i have been flicked or hit with elastic. Its always in my right chest / arm & never in my left. It doesnt hurt at all & happens at least once a day.

I have a crippling fear of MS & i am terrified this is the start, as its been going on so long do you think if it was MS it would have showed up by now??

This isnt a normal thing & im not anxious its this that is making me anxious. I didnt have it for 3 weeks when i had my daughter but apart from that it always happens & i cant link it to anything. im so convinced its MS :(

Its like the muscle contracts really quickly just once & it starts in my boob but ends just under my armpit!

To make it worse i have found not one other person who has experienced it :( x

27-11-10, 17:10
Hi, I think I know what you mean, I describe mine as an electric shock or a bolt of lightening. I usually get them from my lower back to the top of my shoulder. They're so sudden that if I'm standing or walking it makes me jolt. I've been getting mine for years. Don't know what causes it, I just put it down to a slightly trapped nerve.
I do get 'large areas of muscle spasm' but that's not like the 'quick' pain.
Hope that's helped allay your fears x

27-11-10, 17:38
thank you, its kind of like that an electric shock is a good description. Mine never hurts does yours?

I have had it for 19 months, if it was MS im praying i would know by now :( i just want to get on with my life. x

27-11-10, 17:50
the 'electric shock' doesn't hurt, it's just a quick fleeting movement, but it does make me go 'ooh'. That's because it's like a bolt out of the blue.
Have you been to the Docs if you're concerned about MS.
At one time I had a lot of 'nerve pain' and the doc took blood samples, but all was ok. It's just one of those things. x