View Full Version : please help... worried about dad going away

27-11-10, 18:36
my dad has always worked abroad which i always have hated but since having full blown anxiety i find it even more difficult to deal with. i don't live at home but he is going away to USA for 2 weeks and i can already forsee days of crying, being sick and not leaving my room.

he sent me an email of all the plane journeys he is taking and i am already crying and my heart is fluttering :(

i am worried about terrorist attacks, plane crashes, or that he will die abroad and alone and i won't have been there.

i have had 'impending doom' for nearly a year now, and i feel like this is it, this is what i have been dreading for so long, he is going to die.

please can someone help with some coping strategies or something?

paula lynne
27-11-10, 20:25
Hi ellie, its always hard with anxiety isnt it, we always seem to worry too much for others, even if they dont worry at all! Statistically, you dad has more chance of being run down by a cow than die on a plane...look, Im not making light of it, as terrorism is a very real threat. What I mean is, yes its a possibility, but the chances of it happening are virtually nil.

You could try lavender, it really helps, use it everyday. Try a paper bag to get your breathing back in check...ring a friend/tell your mum/write it down...talk to your dad?
I know you are scared out of your mind, but this is out of your control, your dad has to go...and Im sure it will be ok. Ask him to ring/text you often while he is away, or send frequent post cards about what hes done in the day etc....he will be back in your arms in no time with some great stories and hopefully expensive gifts! :winks:

27-11-10, 20:29
I used to worry terribly when my dad went away with work and I was at home with my mum. Try to keep busy, and as Paula Lynne has said, get him to phone/email you lots. What I always do if I'm going to be in a situation I'm not looking forward to, is halve the time. Your dad is away for 2 weeks, so just think of that a one week. When you've done that, you're halfway and it's all downhill from there! If you've managed one week you can do the next!
I definitely think keeping busy will help though - see family, friends, etc. Hopefully it'll fly by! x

27-11-10, 23:07
thanks, very helpful advice! its going to be a hard 2 weeks but i will try keep busy and probably be on the phone to mum constantly. where can you buy lavender bags?x

paula lynne
28-11-10, 10:27
Hi Ellie, just use the lavender oil, you can use in in the palms of your hands, (2-3 drops)...rub your hands together to warm the oil, and inhale. You can also use it in a bath mixed with olive oil, and a burner in the room. x You could try the internet for the bags, I know some heat up in the microvawe. x