View Full Version : Just want to have a little rant!!

27-11-10, 19:22
I'm just so sick of this damn anxiety I'm working hard to beat it but i feel like I'm talking 2 steps forward an 10 steps back! I know most of my issues are anxiety related but things are just getting on top of me!
I feel so lonely and frightend sometimes an that no one understands, sometimes I just feel like curling up an crying! I dropped my little boys off at school yesterday an cried the whole walk home cos I felt so alone!
I just want the symptoms to go away! I want the worry and the lonliness to go away! I want to be normal!

I'm tired, pre menstrual, emotional an quite frankly I've had enough!!

I just wanted to let it all out! Thanks for reading and I'm sorry if it makes no sense!


27-11-10, 19:26

I know exactly how you feel. Having a similarly crap time at the moment. Even walking the kids to school would be bad for me so I am thankful my little one isn't that old yet.

Remember PMS will make the feelings magnified and in a few days the fog will clear and you'll feel a little better and more able to cope with things.

27-11-10, 19:27
Hiya sorry your feeling like you are i know how u feel sometime things get too much tc

27-11-10, 19:32
Thankyou both! I just hate the whole symptom checking an constant worrying, I know I have health anxiety and I accept it but I can't quite stop myself panicking over every ache or pain!
I guess it's a long journey to fully recover from anxiety an I'm not quite half way there!


27-11-10, 19:44
Have you read the book - it's not all in your head? It's specifically about health anxiety. I have gotten a little way through it and it seems good. ANother good book is the anxiety workbook - both available off amazon.

I know what you mean. You'll be going along quite happily thinking you've been well for a couple of weeks and then bamn, your body throws something up which makes you question if you're ok. It's a vicious circle and so very tiring.

27-11-10, 19:56
Thanks dodo I'm going to have a look at both those things!
Your right it is very tiring and I think that's where my problems begin I'm tired my mind wanders I feel the symptom! I have finally stopped having full blown panic attacks after my cbt sessions but I feel like I'm getting rid of one problem but opening up another!
It being almost that time of the month an my tummy problems army helping!
I guess I'm just a little depressed over it all! Having 2 little boys 5 and 3 I want to be a normal mummy!


27-11-10, 20:03
awww I know the feeling, you over come one road block to find two more waiting for you :-(
it's awful getting so many symptoms because they do make you feel ill, and then you get anxious and panic :(

do you find some days are better than others?
I really treasure the times when I'm actually calm and enjoying my self, it happens so little that it feels like all my christmas's have came at once.
it makes me sad to think this is how normal people feel ALL the time!

27-11-10, 20:09
You know mishel somedays I don't even think about anxiety but others my it's all I think about! Somedays I just feel so ill but I have to get up an carry on! Your right tho it's hard when you see people being happy an normal all the time!
Do you ever feel like anxiety rules your life as I do sometimes! It's like its just unrelentless sometimes!
Cbt has been great in some ways for me but others it's like it's opened a huge can of worms!


27-11-10, 20:10
Just wanted to say I feel exactly like this. Its so hard isnt it...you just want to have 'one good day' - I dont remember the last time I had a day without worry of some type, its actually quite exhausting isnt it. My poor brain probably just wants a day off from stress!

27-11-10, 20:24
Karlyo i just wish i could put my worries to the back of my mind but theres always something!!
I know someday we'll all beat this damn anxiety and be normal its just getting there!


27-11-10, 22:26

Hope you feel better soon.
I think we've all been where you are and know how difficult it is to get by. But you WILL get past it and things will get better. Try and keep a positive frame of mind.


27-11-10, 22:30
Thankyou Ella_Jayne sometimes is just helps to get it all out! I just hope i can get past it!

27-11-10, 22:50
Stay positive Claira, somedays will be worse than others. You're doing really well, you've moved on, no more panic attacks! Try and focus on something other than every little ache and pain, rise above it don't let that anxiety take hold. I know it's easy to say and in time you will come through it, you've got to be strong for your children thats my incentive, take each day as it comes.

Take care :)