View Full Version : Huge attack of dont know what!?

27-11-10, 21:55
Felt fine one minute, and the next BAM, my eyes went rly strange, like jittery,and strong feeling that my eyes just wanted to close! Seriously came on within seconds! I had a swimming feeling in head, like it was moving about on its own, hand was closing up and felt like it wasnt a part of me, i felt weak ALL OVER, as i stood up to go lay down on the sofa (i was sat at pc doing some coursework feeling totally normal and fine, not anxious one bit) then all of a sudden my legs felt sop weak, i couldnt get enough air in and started to have a panic attack, which just made me worse.... i keep thinking ive got adrenal cancer coz thios can cause sudden strong symptoms out of nowhere....it lasted about half an hour, then slowly went, and has come on again as the day has gone by, thing is, i never ever feel anxious, i get up everyday go out with mates, or shopping, go to colelge, take my son to nursery or to the park, i go out to pubs n bars every now n then, i dont ever think anything that would make me anxious....the only thing im anxious about is the symptoms when i get them!! but thats always afterwards!! i hate this, ive had bloods done and all normal, ive bin referred to a neurologist but its not til february :(

27-11-10, 22:02
Can you go back to your docs for a chat? I presume you had checks on your adrenal gland beings you're worried about it? I had all the symptoms of adrenal fatigue about two years ago and my tests came back fine. I was convinced. But no and then I got better!

27-11-10, 22:48
No i havwent had checks on adrenal gland, i stupidly googled it and now think its got to be that, as i literally get panic attacks or VERY STRONG UNCONTROLABLE symtposm, that i honestly dont know how or why theyve come on... its taking over my life i hate it :(

27-11-10, 22:59
I am having strong feelings too but it's only happened in the past week. I can only deduce my period kicked it all off and I got myself into z state and now I'm struggling to gain control.

What symptoms are you getting? I'm sure they'll just be variants of panic. Once you get used to one thing your body produces something else to keep you on your toes.

27-11-10, 23:11
just realy strange ones, like my arms and legs feel like a lead weight, and i can barely walk coz i feel so weak, but it cant be normal as it came on so quickly :( within seconds :( ive traced back my thoughts before it happened and all i was thinking about was how I could word something in my assignment for college! didnt feel anxious atall! i only ever start feeling anxious when i get the symptoms. they always come first. i obv worry when i get them but im over it within an hour or so. i can forget about things quit quickly now but the symptoms linger on for ages sometimes :( i used to have 30 or so panic attacks a day 6 mlonths ago, but these arent panic attacks, nothing of the sort, its hard to explain, i feel like im being suffocated but my head is like swimming and my hands and eyes start to close, but i can keep them open if that make sense, so its just a feeling.. i dont know, i get really really really WEIRD symptoms, some hard to describe, i just dont think this could be anxiety atall. parts of my body go really icey cold when it haperns, sometimes i geta cold air feeling in my chest or legs, and i can actually feel this cold rush through my legs sometimes... i was stood in a shop with my gran yesterday and i just went completely weird, it was so quick. I started to feel like i was just about to faint, everything went extremely surreal, i carried on as normal as i didnt want my gran to worry, but it wouldnt shift. i was trying to rush her coz i wanted to get back to the car, dont even ask how i drove home, it seemed to sort itself out whilst i was driving, it was so weird. the one thing i get EVERYTIME is an extreme urge to stretch my right arm... and hand, like twist myself up...christ knows wots wrong with me... i have apoproximately 8 lymph nodes enlarged in my neck and groin and theyve been there for 9 weeks now, they arent getting bigger so the doc said he didnt think it was cancer but i had blood tests and all were normal so they cant do anything more for me... i just have like huge attacks of fatigue like i need to sleep that literally come on in seconds...how is that normal? I cant even focus on something when i get these attacks, my eyes are dartinj around when i try and look at something, i.e. read a paper, thats impossible, as i have to CONSTANTLY readjust my eyes and i end up giving up. i wanna see the neuro now, but i cant, as im not 'urgent' enough (i.e. not fainting, having fits)

Are blood tests accurate? Ive had a normal FBC so is that good? I worry its not accruate. oh and ivwe had a heart scan (echo) but the last 2 days ive had awful chest pains, right in the cente, i get dizzy and feel faint.weak with the pains too :( echo was normal tho.... im so confused :( CBT wont work as i dont have a clue what is bringing this stuff on, i dont even feel anxious at the time of it all happenin :(

27-11-10, 23:15
i just had that about 10 mins ago minus the not breathing and not being able to move its horrible still feel like crap :/