View Full Version : my situation

18-03-06, 18:39
i have lately been having panic attacks anywhere and everywhere, even on the plane, bus, home, etc... i have been having difficulty on finding work and think it is due to the panic attacks and depression. i have also been trying to end my life as i feel what`s the use of living if i can`t get a job and be able to look after myself financially. i am at my wits end and feel i am going to do something again. my psychiatrist says that i also have some personality disorder that when i am in a very strssfull situation, i can`t take it and try to run. he is wanting me to take other tablets for it which i feel he is just dishing them out like they are sweets and don`t want to take them. i am already on 2 differant tablets for depression and panic disorder.
someone please tell me what should i do?????


18-03-06, 21:34

Sorry to hear you are down.

You need take back control of your life and start to find things that work for you and be kind to yourself and look after your health.

Meds don't always work - it is about positive attitude and outlook on life and a real need and want to get better. It can be done.

Are you trying suicide as you say you are trying to end your life?


18-03-06, 21:35
Hi Michelle and welcome to the site, you will find lots of friends and help here, you can also go to the chat room and have a chat too. Remember Michelle you can only go so far down then the only way is up. Try not to think the way you are thinking and if you are against meds talk to your psychiatrist and tell him you are not happy with just more meds they tried that with me too. If you are unemployed don’t worry about it you are not alone there are so many unemployed nowadays. Tell yourself over and over you are as good as anyone and you are going to sort your life out and I promise no matter how bad you feel now you can get better. At my lowest I have been unemployed and homeless and really thought I couldn’t take anymore but things do change. I am happy married now with 5 kids and a great wife, I still get my off days but things do and will get better. Any time you want a chat just pm me or anyone ells on this site will be happy to talk to you because most on here has been where you are now. Hope you feel a bit better soon and take care. Vernon

18-03-06, 23:16
hi michelle,

well for starters, dont end your life. anxiety and depression are both treatable, people do recover. try not to let the feelings these problems create overwhelm you. talking about your stress will help alivate it and other ppls input might help you to see things in a different light.

if you've been able to work before, then you will be able to work again. i know that might not be very reassuring if you've financial pressures now - but it can get better. have a good read through the site you might find things that you can relate to and find helpful.

i wouldn't be keen to take any more tablets either, especially if i was taking two lots already, maybe post on the medications bit and ask if anyone has tried them and if they've had any success.

anyway try and stay positive, you take care .. andrew

19-03-06, 19:31
Hi Michelle

welcome to the site I am sure you will find as i did that the wonderful people on this site will only be to happy to help you in whatever way they can. I used to be where you are but am proof that there is a way out. Sucide is not the answer, it only makes a lot of problems for the people left and they will feel let down by you for the rest of their lives. As for working so you cant a job at the moment, that doesnt mean you never will. Please take time out for you dont look at the negatives, just look for the positives, smile occasionally its infectious once you get used to doing it you will want to do it all the time. As for the meds trust your instincts if you dont want to take them dont, but if they do make you feel better use them as a lifeline till you can think straight again. Hope you are feeling better soon


20-03-06, 12:30
You need take back control of your life

How can I take control of my life if there are so many things piling on top of me??? - no work, financial problems, bills, etc.

Yes, I have tried to commit suicide and have found myself in the hospital.


20-03-06, 13:29
put some stratages into play Michelle.Not easy and i do know where you are coming from,youare in a downward spiral at present and need helpand advice.The finances first,ring the prople pressuring you,and explain your current situation and they WILL give you some leway and come up with a payplan,ALL OF THEM,HONEST!Mke sure you are getting all the benefits you ar entitled to also.I think of suicide too,how ,whereetc,but i know it is despair talking and i want it to go away,but then i think of the people i would hurt and it stops me[see cant even do away with ourseves!]i am NOT makin light of your obvious pain Michelle,sometimes tho',doing the practical,making calls etc helps ease the burdens of life when we are feelin so low.le t me know how you get on love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

20-03-06, 13:54
Hi michelle,

I wish I could give you a hug and make everything better as I really feel for you.
I too have been at the place you are and it's so hard to get back up and keep going but somehow the strength always seems to come from somewhere.
Can you ask your psych to explain why he is asking you to take these various tablets - if perhaps maybe you could just get results with one and are there any other options available to you like CBT.
I see a CPN fortnightly and she helps me try to put things in perspective - would this be an option for you?
I really feel that you need support and I hope that you can get it from the outside world as well as from the lovely people on here.

Please let me know how you go.


20-03-06, 18:35
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">How can I take control of my life if there are so many things piling on top of me??? - no work, financial problems, bills, etc.

Yes, I have tried to commit suicide and have found myself in the hospital.


<div align="right">Originally posted by michelle-lee - 20 March 2006 : 12:30:52</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Are you able to do some work at home - we have a post that I can look up for you if you want about working from home. That at least will get some income coming in.

Have you had any form of counselling from the doctor's? Could you ask for some? If not then you could do the No Panic telephone recovery course - that is really good.

Sorry to hear about the attempted suicide.

Things can get better so don't give up all hope will you?


20-03-06, 20:36
Hi Michelle

Are you having counselling? Please remember you can and will get better from this, Its not easy and some days are completly awful but you have your recovery to look forward to, If you need to talk please send me a PM - You are not alone

Take Care

Wendy xx