View Full Version : I'm going mad but...

27-11-10, 23:20
See with all these heart worries, the fact you guys have all been to see cardiologists and had 24 hour tests and echos and everything is worrying me. Why isn't my GP doing this, is this something they should be doing, should I be asking for all this? She said the ecg was primarily for my reassurance but should I go back and ask for more tests - which I don't think she'll take too kindly? I have chest pain after eating, during exercise, after laughing etc, pretty much constant dizziness, and I'm always shattered.. I cant stp thinking that something terrible is going to happen, touch wood and God willing it won't, it is on my mind 24/7 and I feel helpless to do anything to solve it. What should I do? Really frightened. I get ectopics a lot too - when laughing, after eating, lying in bed, during sex... sometimes 5 or 6 a day.

27-11-10, 23:21
Or maybe these are intrusive thoughts, which are frightening me because I think they are premonitions ( touch wood/God willing they aren't).. I sound like a right nutter, sorry.

27-11-10, 23:26
I feel my pulse all the time too, in my fingers, hands, feet, back - especially when relaxed, it's weird.

27-11-10, 23:28
What were the results ? I think you should ask for more tests just because it will help ease your fears , if you dont get any help from your doctor you could see another one , i had things show up on my ecg which was done at my doctors office after he listened to my heart. Then I got sent for a heart eco/scan and a chest xray .
I think it would be good for you to find out what is causing the pain.

27-11-10, 23:29
I dont think there would be any harm in asking for an echocardiogram so you can be 100% sure there is nothing wrong with your heart hun. this deffo sounds like anxiety but i always think, the more tests the better haha, but dont listen to me!! Im a nightmare!! Ive had an echo, brain ct scan, hundreds of blood tests, countless ecg's, chest xrays, ultrasounds, and they havent found one thing wrong with me... but it helped me, even if only a bit. before then i was having up to 30 panic attacks a day, now i only get like one or two a week, so the tests have definitely helped, more thana anything. you should get an echo as that is 100% reassurance that ur hearts ok, its the only true test that can officially say whether theres anything wrong. My gran was guna pay for one privately for me (150 quid!) but i ended up convincing the cardiologist to send me for one via the NHS even though id had NORMAL ecg's and NORMAL 24hr tape! lol! I used to get loads of ectopics, then i cut out Aspartame out of my diet (can cause dizziness and palps) and asda's have recntly brought out their fizzy drinks rang that say No Aspartame on the front because it severely affects people, panic attacks and adrenalin rushes, the lot!! so maybe cut that out if ur having that? also, cut out coffee, its BAD for palps and dizziness! Take care and deffo try n get ur doc refer you for an echo. no harm in trying x

27-11-10, 23:30
Yeah, I have had a chest x ray which was fine, and a full blood count, which was also fine, and they said my chest pain was muscular and also heartburn but I don't think either can cause a sore chest/tiredness/ectopics when laughing! I'm really scared, I will see what she says, maybe bring on the tears and that will help. Will see if I can phone on Monday.

27-11-10, 23:32
The aspartame thing is interesting cos I drink fizzy juice all the time and it seems to stop me being so dizzy.. My ears feel a bit blocked too right now and I wonder if thats having an effect maybe. I will see what doctor says on Mon, thanks xx got nurse next week too - an ecg technician so will she what she says too x

27-11-10, 23:33
I can feel my pulse ever where too , head chest neck legs tummy . I think you have every right to get more tests . It helped me to know that its just heart palpiations and my test results were good .

27-11-10, 23:33
Ok hun, good luck,keep us updated xx

27-11-10, 23:35
Hi Daisycake,
Try not to worry, it's making your anxiety worse which in turn is causing the dizziness and the fatigue. I take it the ECG was fine and the doctor was happy with the results? If there was an anomaly with the test the doc would have sent you for further tests, if you're still getting the chest pains and it'll put your mind at ease i would go back. Could it be indigestion or a muscle strain? I'm just as bad, my father passed away in his twenties from a heart attack so every little twinge i'm also on edge but i've had a couple of tests and i just have to get on with it as difficult as it is. I'm sure ok and it's a symptom of your anxiety and as long as the pain doesn't get any worse you'll be o.k.

Take Care :)

27-11-10, 23:36
OK, I will try. I did think about seeing another GP but that;'s maybe daft and mucking them around a bit - and she did say to phone back if I was still worried so...

27-11-10, 23:37
The aspartamime is usually in sugar free drinks , i find fizzy drinks help with my dizzyness too !!

27-11-10, 23:37
aspartame is blimmin' lethal! the only time i get palps now is when im having a severe anxiety attack. i used to get them allll the time at least ten times a day, with diszines and chest pains. strong aches n waves of pain, i went to A&E at least ten times and have called about 7 ambulances out LOL... i think the doctor realised it was getting bad, so referred me to cardiology.. the aspartame was something the cardiolgist said to completely cut out, as it is really bad, and should be banned. If u google it hunny, u will see what i mean. I drank at least 5 glasses of Coke Zero a day, chewed chewing gum and ate Half Spoon sugar...ALL OF THEM have extreme amounts of aspartame in them... and since i cut it all out, i never ever get them...only when im having an attack which is to be expected.. they could of stopped due to the Normal echo results, but aspartame is proven to be bad for you, so deffo cut it out babe, its really really not good. good luck xxxxx

27-11-10, 23:40
Hi Daisycake,
Try not to worry, it's making your anxiety worse which in turn is causing the dizziness and the fatigue. I take it the ECG was fine and the doctor was happy with the results? If there was an anomaly with the test the doc would have sent you for further tests, if you're still getting the chest pains and it'll put your mind at ease i would go back. Could it be indigestion or a muscle strain? I'm just as bad, my father passed away in his twenties from a heart attack so every little twinge i'm also on edge but i've had a couple of tests and i just have to get on with it as difficult as it is. I'm sure ok and it's a symptom of your anxiety and as long as the pain doesn't get any worse you'll be o.k.

Take Care :)

Yeah she said was all good, just sinus tachycardic at the time which they said was normal.. I have to phone her on Mon anyhow as I have a scan scheduled Friday night of my tummy, at 4:30 pm - and we currently have ten inches of snow and live a 30 mile drive from the hospital! So I don't really fancy going to THAT and trying to get the bus home after.. So will try and get her on the phone on Monday.. I do have really bad indigestion but dont know what to do about it.

27-11-10, 23:46
10 inches, are you in Alaksa? No i don't think i'd drive 30 miles in that either, have you anything you can take for indigestion?

27-11-10, 23:51
Hehe North Aberdeenshire, been blizzarding all day - my mum went out half an hour ago to take photos and already her footprints have vanished... Pretty but hellish to do anything in! Got gaviscon somewhere so will take some before bed I think.

27-11-10, 23:55
That's a relief, i had to re-read your post i thought your mom had popped out half an hour ago and vanished in the snow!
Yes reach for the gaviscon, you'll feel much better.

28-11-10, 00:52
Quote - "I dont think there would be any harm in asking for an echocardiogram so you can be 100% sure there is nothing wrong with your heart hun"

You'll never get that kind of reassurance about your heart, sorry. What about next week? six months time? What about the next lot of symptoms? What if the dr missed something or the test was flawed?

I'm not being unkind, ask for the tests if you want, but as you can see from other people on the forum, having tons of tests won't cure your health anxiety. I'd love to be proved wrong, of course! If somebody has had their HA cured from just one or two tests, that is fantastic

Being 100% sure about your health 100% of the time is an illusion, nobody can offer you that

Sure you can go for something clear cut like an HIV test, and you're definitely negative, but if you suffer from HA you will just start obsessing about something else

I am trying to make uncertainty my friend!