View Full Version : really strange question - advice wanted

28-11-10, 00:37
hi this is a really odd question but im freaking out. i have stroked my cat today and then i scratched my vagina without washing my hands. does anyone know if this should cause any health problems? and if it has how and when will i know?

please reply
Love Louise X

28-11-10, 00:43
I'm sure if your cat is clean then i wouldn't imagine you'd have anything to worry about, the cat will be fine.

28-11-10, 00:43
No way lol cats are super clean !! They dont like getting dirty. Also because your hands would have been dry you would not have picked up any bacteria not that you could find any on a cat :-)
I have a cat , she gets a bit hyper and she has bitten and clawed me countless times and i never had a problem.

28-11-10, 00:58
You will be fine Louise

28-11-10, 07:19
:D:D:D:blush::blush::yahoo:Sorry I just had to giggle. Your post made me smile.

28-11-10, 10:41
Most of us will be smiling because I bet we have all thought something similar at some time over the years - not necessarily a cat but loads of other situations where you didn't wash your hands then say ate a sandwich etc or this is a good one have you ever picked your nose then rubbed your eye!!!!!!!! gross I know but I remember doing it once years ago and waited and waited for a galloping eye infection to take place - of course it never did:D:D:D

OUr bodies are designed to cope with loads of bacteria all the time so no need to worry and of course if you own the cat you will be totally immune to anything the cat carries.

28-11-10, 10:49
Oh I could tell you some stuff that I have worried about over the years as well and when I look back I think why? At the time though it was deadly serious to me as this probably is to you. Dont worry, its not a problem.

28-11-10, 13:28
Countrygirl, did you stroke a horse?

28-11-10, 13:38
Haha yes this brings vack memories. my friend ownes dog. poked friends jumper with kit kat. jumper had dog hair on it. ate kit kat. thought i would get rabies. lol. you wont get infected because it has to be a wound and a deep one at that.

28-11-10, 16:14
sorry richiebum but I have never been up close to a horse in my life!

28-11-10, 16:15
Meant to add that I know lots about cows though:D:D

28-11-10, 16:30
Don't forget the sheep!

It's just that you mentioned a galloping eye infection, i assumed it was something you picked up from horses? :D

28-11-10, 17:39
Well you live and learn - would imagine any bacteria can give you an eye infection but sorry to say my finger had only been up my nose!

28-11-10, 18:36
Made me laugh richie :D

29-11-10, 14:08
if you find you get hair balls or want a lot of milk ring your doctor

29-11-10, 15:27
Really enjoyed this post, was just about to be all gloom and doom but read what had been written by everyone and laughing and smiling away. Thanks everyone :D:D:D

29-11-10, 19:25
To be honest some of the advice given on such a sensitive issue has been really paw.

29-11-10, 23:35
2 pussys , hope 1 is nuited

29-11-10, 23:46
2 pussys , hope 1 is nuited

I think you mean neutered...:whistles:

30-11-10, 00:24
your be fine dw =]

09-12-10, 03:52
I wasn't making fun..it made me smile because I guess much like the rest of you I have weird thoughts cross my mind from time to time.. sorry I didn't mean to offend if I did.. Michael