View Full Version : Chest/Heart Pain

28-11-10, 01:38
Basically I'm a 19 year old lad, don't smoke or really drink at all (honestly)....

Anyway I have bad acid reflux and the like but recently I have been getting bad cheast/heart pains which are a great hinderance.

Now, the worried anious part of my brain convinces myself I have an undiagnosed heart condition that is waiting to strike soon, knowing of someone my age who died in their sleep because of he same thing has also scared me.

Thing is, I'm currnetly experiencing the chest pain and can say it'ls like half an hour of feeling chest cramp and feeling the heart almost struggle to beat it appears - best way to describe would be it feels like my heart is pressured to the max.

Explained these problems in passing to my docor yesterday,
she listened to it with stethescope and said the breathing sounded fine and that becuase of my age/circumstances its not really a worry. The thing is, I'm currently experiencing it right now, feels like a tight overworked chest, almost cramp like symtoms, but it feels all over the heart, no where else...

28-11-10, 01:50
Hi, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling anxious. I'm sure your Doc is right. I often have a very tight chest, but it's usually because I'm very tense. Having acid reflux is painful so that won't be helping. Maybe if you go back to your Doc mention your worries so that she/he can reassure you more. x

28-11-10, 03:04
hey, just to let you know i have had similar problems.

My indigestion started in late April due to becomming increasingly anxious over a short period of time. Honestly, it feels as if im being forced to drink boiling hot water and as if my chest/throat are on fire!! I must have been to my dr at least 5 times during May and was prescribed omeprazole aswell as taking gaviscone liquid... neither worked at all!!

Since the severe indegestion remained, i began feeling fluttering feelings and pain in my chest, as well as breathlessness. This lead me to believe that i was going to die of a heart attack, so i went back to my dr, who listened to my heart and said the heartburn and chest pain were most likely due to stress and there was nothing seriously wrong with me - i'm 22.

Anyway, this wasn't enough to convince me, so i continued to get worked up and eventually in August came the scariest moment of my life. I was quietly and happily watching tv when i suddely noticed an ache in my chest and arms.. this caused me to google the symptoms and 'heart attack' came up. I began to panic to the point that i could barely breath and the anxiety severely kicked in... my heart was pounding in my chest, harder and faster than i'd ever felt it. I had to wake up my parents and told my mum i thought i was dying of a heart attack.... she felt my pulse and appeared shocked at the speed of my heart. I was so scared i grabbed the phone and dilled 999 and asked for an ambulance. afterwards, i slowly began to calm down, after drinking some water and breathing into a paper bag. When the paramedics arrived i was so embarrased and they seemed very frustrated and not very sympathetic. However, I was actually glad that i called them, as it reassured me and my anxiety levels began to decrease and the indegestion also stopped. I finally felt myself again for about 6 weeks.

However, i now have new symptoms, and experience missed heartbeats and other pains, and the indegestion is very much back.

Im not sure if this is helping, and i dont want to worry you even more... im just letting you know that im in a similar situation and know exactly how difficult it is to live with this terrifying problem.. but one day we will overcome this terrible anxiety once and for all, we just need to start believing it.. :) positivity will lead to a more realistic view of our health, and we need to aim to achieve that.

btw, there is a post in this section of the forum which you might find useful.. it includes an exercise used in cbt therapy.... a thought record. one things for sure, im going to be completing mine every day from now on!!

Take care :)