View Full Version : Diazepam

28-11-10, 03:23
just wondering how long it takes to work??

I have been taking it for 24 hours, on 2mg, had the max dose of 4 tablets and the main effect ive felt is slightly drowsy and dizzy... it had not stopped the fluttering in my heart and im still missing beats :(

im worried as if i continue to take te max dose then i may becom addiacted. i thought it was a pretty instant thing... i was hoping it would just knock me out... don't people take it if theyre afraid of flying? :S

28-11-10, 10:26
Don’t take this as gospel as it’s just my take on diazepam. I have some in the cupboard for emergencies (2mg), they were given to me by my GP the last time I had an anxiety attack (Bad one) He gave me ten on a Friday – said take one now, two Saturday if you need them and two Sunday and come and see me on Monday. I only took two in all and when I saw him on the Monday he seemed quite pleased I had not succumbed to more and advised hanging onto the rest but only take them if I really need them. I think some docs dish them out like smarties and others are very conservative with their use. Personally I think caution is the key word because, make no mistake, they are addictive (I think you will find there even people who will need to take them for the rest of their lives)

I certainly would not take more than the doc has suggested and if you feel they are not tackling your issues then ring your surgery on Monday and explain the problem. The doctor may suggest something different or other advice without you needing an appointment.

I’m not sure they are meant to knock you out just give you an instant lift. People who take them for flying only take a one off dose and sometimes 4mg which is OK on a single one off dose and then I think it’s only to ease the flying thing it’s not intended to comatose you.

28-11-10, 10:34
i take diazepam occasionally as groundhog does but they are not designed to be taken for more than 2 weeks and are no instant cure for anxiety. As you say all you feel is a bit woozy and dizzy for a short time and this is about all they do - it can be quite a nice feeling which is why they are so addictive. They are good at helping with acute anxiety say when your heart is racing or you are having a panic attack but they have never helped my ectopic beats as i generally get them when my heart is not racing and I am not feeling acute anxiety.
Why did your Dr give them to you - did he only give you a few days worth???? Please don't think they are going to cure your anxiety - they will help to dampen symptoms when anxiety is acute. Many years ago people were given these drugs to take like you are doing 4 times a day and after 3 weeks continious use they were addicted and kept having to increase the dosage until they were taking up to 20mg 4 times a day ( my aunty was one of these and took years to get off them) they got terrible withdrawal symptoms if they tried to come off and had to reduce their dose very slowly over years. This is why most Drs are so reluctant to give anyone this type of drug other than very short term.
Maybe you need to go back and ask your Dr if there is another drug that would be more suitable as some anti depressants are also good for anxiety.

28-11-10, 11:12
I agree they will not knock you out, just make you a bit floppy and I say jelly legs. You are still winding yourself up about your heart and if that us nit addressed then no amount of diazepam will work fit you.

I suggest one of a few things. You can either call the surgery tomorrow and explaining to them you are still very anxious. They will either tell you what to do over the phone or ask to see you.

You could also call nhs direct for done advice. They are very helpful indeed. If they think they need to see you they will ask for you to go to an out of hours dr near you.