View Full Version : New poster - UK

mr badger
28-11-10, 08:42
Hi everyone

This is a big move for me. I've suffered from anxiety, depression and the odd slightly manic state since I was about four.

I currently have a lot of difficulties to face (doesn't everyone?) but the main one is that I seem to have drifted into a more or less permanent anxious state. I've also had some health issues recently which have involved inactivity, operations and strong pain meds which I'm sure don't help. All familiar to many I'm sure.

I hate being so self obsessed and scared.

I've always worked and lived to help others and have never reached out or shared this issue with others before so this will take a bit of time to get used to.

For the record - almost 50, married, no kids, English.

I keep saying to myself - this too shall pass!

More later i'm sure.

28-11-10, 08:49
Hi mr badger

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

mr badger
28-11-10, 08:58
Thanks. Oddly, that's made me trearful - but in a good way!

28-11-10, 09:06
Good morning Mr Badger,
I can certainly relate to the dislike of 'self obsession'. I too have never discussed 'my problem' until finding this site approx 2 weeks ago. I have found it invaluable and I hope you find the same.

carla g
28-11-10, 10:50
hi do u take anything for anxiety iv only had this for only 4 months now but i keep reading loads on people haveing this for a long time and it makes me wonder weather this will be me 2 x

28-11-10, 11:26
hi and :welcome: to nmp

mr badger
28-11-10, 11:47
hi do u take anything for anxiety iv only had this for only 4 months now but i keep reading loads on people haveing this for a long time and it makes me wonder weather this will be me 2 x

I'm personally not keen on taking meds. Others will disagree but I felt as though I lost as much as I gained. I took prozac for a while but it seemed to rob me of some of the good parts of life too.

I have been wondering recently if I should though. Will try non-phamaceutical approaches first.

I certainly don't think that anxiety cannot be overcome.

Vanilla Sky
28-11-10, 13:52
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

28-11-10, 14:01
Hello Mr Badger :welcome: you sound just like lots of us on here and your recent circs certainly sound like a recipe for all you've described. And it will pass what are you trying/planning to try in terms of non-med approaches, if you don't mind me asking? x

mr badger
28-11-10, 17:23
Hello Mr Badger :welcome: you sound just like lots of us on here and your recent circs certainly sound like a recipe for all you've described. And it will pass what are you trying/planning to try in terms of non-med approaches, if you don't mind me asking? x

Plan. Mmm. i suppose I hve a plan.

Online CBT
Check in on here
More physical actuvity - been in and out of hospital with a physical complaint that's kept me inactive

The last really should be my first resort. I'm a Buddhist a bit lapsed I have to say) and mindfulness is the key practice of the Dharma so I should know better.

See - there I go - 'should know better' :doh:

Mostly I need a bettter, more healthy perspective.

paula lynne
28-11-10, 20:25
Belated welcome Badger, I just logged in, nice to meet you x