View Full Version : Anyone else felt like this?

28-11-10, 10:11
After a week of panicking my body is screwed.

I am shaking/trembling inside constantly and I feel edgy. I'm still waking up in the night although this is getting a little bit better as I am getting back to sleep quicker.

I am do very tired and lifeless and speaking and doing things really slowly.

The trouble is tomorrow I am on my own again with a child to look after. Then I am due back to work at the end of the week. I am supposed to have a meet up with friends tomorrow and two nights out this coming weekend.

I am loath to go back to the dr as they are fed up with me and he was very snappy with be last time.

I just don't know what to do. I desperately need done strength and to get rid if this achiness and trembling.

28-11-10, 10:12
I feel like I've messed up my body permanently.

28-11-10, 10:21
Another thing is I'm totally out of breath all the time now. I even feel out of breath talking and laughing. I'm
So worried this is the end.

28-11-10, 10:25
im feeling like that now its dirt just gotta try push on =] and your doctor is an ass hole then who obvs has never expireanced anxiety hence why it seems he dosent care ask to see some1 else if you feel hes not helping you

28-11-10, 10:28
Hi, do you feel rubbish every single day because I do. I dont sleep very well at the minute, im on 50mg of sertraline daily and I have noticed a slight improvement but i still feel shakey and sick every day. I am struggling to accept the anxiety thing and am still convinced I have some serious illness. I too have been backwards and forwards to the doctors and the last time I went they were snappy saying the only person that can make you better is yourself!

28-11-10, 10:31
Hi Dodo, you won't have done any damage to your body , remember this is because of your anxiety and stress, your body needs to time to recover. Try and clear your head, take a walk, practice getting your breathing right, relax and most of all stay positive!
Take care :)

28-11-10, 10:46
That is similar to what they said to me. He said I was ruining my life and the lives of those around me. It was clear he'd seen enough of me over the past week or so as I had been in a couple of times but I was there because j wanted done help. I don't want to be this way at all. I just want to be happy and enjoy life with my young family. I am aware it us impacting on my ability to give my child everything I want to in life that is what upsets me the most and also why I want to get better.

I feel so wheezy now all the time and am coughing. I'm worried I've damaged my heart now if it wasn't damaged already!

28-11-10, 11:43
You've not damaged your heart dodo, I was in a state of constant panic for 3 months solid when I first got my health anxiety, I didn't know I had health anxiety so I was completely convinced I was dying and it seriously felt like it every single day. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't speak properly, my heart constantly felt like it was beating out my chest and that really is just the tip of the ice burg with what I was feeling.

Your heart definatley wasn't damaged already because you've had it checked out and panic/anxiety doesn't damage your heart. You're having an awful time of it at the moment dodo, that's why you're feeling so ill. It's adrenaline, tension and probably one pretty exhausted brain you've got as it's going over time with you wondering what on earth is wrong.

I'm sorry the doctor treated you like that, no one should feel bad about going to see their own GP, especially when they really need help. I don't think there's much I can tell you apart from this WILL pass if you let it. You're gonna be ok dodo, I really do feel for you. xx

28-11-10, 12:14
Thanks guys. I am definitely getting better day by day but it's just the sheer tiredness and the thought that tomorrow I'm going to have to manage on
My own again. The thought of being well enough to go to work and manage to stay all day are making me feel jittery again and I so want to be better fir the weekend as I know my other half will be angry with me if we can't go.

I went to the shops yesterday and it was just too much for me. I honestly thought my heart was packing in a few times as I had done very odd sensations in my chest that I haven't felt before. Warm nasty feelings that I can't quite describe.

Thank you all for your support it really does mean a lot.

28-11-10, 12:27
this is all anxiety i have been like this now for 18 months straight i swear and now am just starting to get a bit better in myself i have lost extreme weight due to loss of appetite etc.... anyway i didnt like going to the docs much as i thought i was bothering them but thats what they are there for if you are feeling unwell etc...... just go the docs as much as you want they are there to help x

28-11-10, 14:12
Dodo, I could have wrote your post about myself! Especially those funny warm sensations in the chest I get them usually when I'm trying to go to sleep apparently it's an adrenaline rush or so my gp says still doesn't make them any easier to deal with!
I spent about 2 weeks not long ago in that constant panic state being unable to breathe feeling really crappy and trembling which sent me into even more of a panic as I'd never had that symptom before!
You know hun some doctors have no paitence for us anxiety sufferers I've had problems in the past, could you not see another gp in the practice and try starting again and explaining how you feel? Have you had any therapy? I'm having cbt at the moment and although it's extremely hard it has worked wonders for me!

I'm always around if you want to pm me?


28-11-10, 14:38
Do you mind me asking how you got over your anxious two weeks? I feel things are improving but it's going to be a long process.

If I could only relax my chest then I would feel less anxious and able to breathe better but it is sucked in under my bust and I can't no matter how hard I try and hoe many breathing exercises I do get it to relax.

28-11-10, 14:54
sorry you're going through a rough time. Do you have to go back to work?
Although I have different problems, I am exhausted. I only have to go to the shops once and the hairdressers (which I cancelled last week) this week and I don't know if I've got the energy to do it. Plus my boyfriend is coming at the weekend, so I have to try and make the effort for that. Just the thought is tiring me more. I'm trying to take it one day at a time, but as I'm sure you know that's easier said than done!
If you're not comfortable with your Doc, can you change? :flowers:

28-11-10, 14:56
To be honest i pushed my symptoms I kept going even when it got bad telling myself it was just anxiety and eventually it started to get better it's like i retrained my brain not to be frightened of those symptoms! When I panicked i let it run did nothing to make it better and eventually the panic attacks stopped coming so frequently and stopped lasting as long!
It's been hard and I still have bad days as new symptoms come along I have to deal with them the same way and it's a long process!
I've realised that not only do I have anxiety I also have no confidence, low self esteem and depression so I'm dealing with those too!

I'm just taking one step at a time!


28-11-10, 15:29
Yeah sadly I do have to go. I am not signed off and I think the Dr would be relucatnt to do so. It wasn't even suggested to me anyway when I said that I'd taken my time off as holiday to the Dr. That's when they said I was ruining my life.

Now a bit of rationality has come back to me (following my period ending) I am able to tell myself I am just anxious and panicking an that is why when the fear comes creeping it isn't staying as long.

I need to put it at bay though as I can't go the rest of my life feeling this way, it is so vile and awful.

I have some counsellor appointments again this week. I found the first strange. More just me telling him all the bad things that have happeneding in my life. But strangely felt better afterwards! Waiting to go on some stress management course in January.

I have asked for CBT before but no one seems forthcoming with getting any arranged. I keep getting told there's a very long waiting list and nothing ever happens.

28-11-10, 15:50
Just keep pushing for what you need! you are going though a hard time you are not ruining your life our the life of those around you drs dont have a clue to be honest!! i would definately try another dr!!
Also if you think you need more time off then you need more time off and the dr should be understanding with this!
My main thing which helps keep everything at bay is its just anxiety and anxiety however bad can not kill me!!!
Im due my period any day and my anxiety has definately jumped off the scale!!
I dont know if you feel like this but when im due and when im on my anxiety just seems so unrelentless?

I really do hope you start to feel better soon


28-11-10, 15:57
Yes definitely. I am sure that is what kicked off this latest episode. This is the first month I was off the pill as well which I am hoping contributed to it. I have really struggled with my hormones since having a baby. My periods are certainly very intense emotional wise nowadays. I wish I could find something to help keep my hormones a bit more steady. About 5 days before I start to get anxious and start getting panicky. That goes on for a couple of days when my period starts. I get very irrational. I cannot see the logic in anything.

I do believe I am suffering with PMDD but my GP (the other one I see - I like this one) just said all women's mood change around their periods and there isn't a lot that can be done about that. I find it so frustrating. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster most of the time.

28-11-10, 16:16
You know my youngest is 3 and my hormones have never been the same since having him i am a total nightmare at that time of the month if im not crying im screaming hysterically and mood swings well lets just say most people keep out of my way throw in anxitety and im like a raging bull that sits ans sobs whenever no ones looking!!! :)
Like you i cant see the logic in anything if ive got pain in my finger im having a heart attack if ive got a niggle in my side its not period pains its somethings ruptured and im dying!!! ack it drives ya nuts i actually asked my doctor last time i was there if id seriously lost the plot and needed sectioned he just laughed and said i wouldnt be saying that if i had lost the plott :D

keep seeing the nice doctor sometimes all we need is someone to be nice to us and explain things nicely as opposed to being cold hearted and mean!!

Do you get much support from your family?
