View Full Version : need a friend my life is crap

28-11-10, 12:26
hi my name is cat 26, i had it all loving family a great boyfriend a great home life, my life is a mess right know, i dont no where to start, im sorry if this is all over the place i cant think stright,
about a year ago my dad got a job in dubai and moved out there i was really close to my dad so that hit me hard then about 8 months ago i fall and hurt my back it hurt when i fall then pain went away, then about 2 weeks later it clicked the pain was unbeliveable i was in bed for 2-3 weeks cound not move, i alredy have a illness of miragres which didnt help, i run the family bussiens i cound'nt aford to take time off work, about 2 months later it clicked in, then about 5 weeks ago it poped out again i have been in so much pain with it i just find out i have slipped a disk in my lower back, it was killing my boyfriend seeing me in so much pain he was dead helpfull i need to get a cat scan in a few weeks, a few night ago it all got to much on my boyfriend all the work and trying to help me, he cracked with it all we had a huge fight and somthing happened i needed a friend to talk to (my boyfriends brothers ex girlfriend) she hates my boyfriends family and said she will do any thing to get pay back, right getting back to it, so i phones her and her new boyfriend is a poilce man, i live in scotland and she lives in plymouth, her boyfriend phoned the police in plymouth and got the police to come to me, the police said they need to speck to my boyfriend so last night i tock him up to the police staion they charged him i dont no y, he now is in jail, he is my rock my life everything to me, when the police came back out to tell my mum i was outside she came out to tell me that he was charged and has court on tuesday, my boyfrind is one one the good ones he dont drink dont take drugs will go out his way to help any one, any way when i was told i couldnt breath i collapsed to the floor landing on my knees in the snow i was being sick cos i cound not get the air in my lungs, my back when in to a spasm and could not move the police hard my mum shouting for help and came ranning out, i was rushed to hosptail, i was also having a panic attack, was in hospatail all night just got home now,, i feel so sorry for my mum as its her birthday to day her only child ends up in hosptail and her son in law to be in jail, and my dad in dubai because of his job great birthday she is having, o and its my cousin's funeral to morrow i really dont no what to do, i need my boyfriend out of jail and i dont no how to get him out, im in so much pain, i haved tryed phoing all my friend to talk but no one whats to no, i just really need some one to read my story and have a nice thing to say to me. im on 15 pilles a day cos of my back and i really fell like ending it all what is the point any more, im sorry agin if this is alover the place.

28-11-10, 12:29
Hi pinkypinkuk

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-11-10, 12:32
....and deep breath.
First welcome, make no mistake you are among friends here. I’m just a little confused as to why your boyfriend has been arrested can you clarify.

28-11-10, 12:41
Hi from me aswell!
and another deep breath...:hugs:
If you could let Groundhog or me know a little bit more, I'm sure we could help in someway. x

28-11-10, 14:14
awwww hunni hope it all gets sorted with your boyfriend, i too am alone at the moment as my fiancee is away with work in norway so if u need a chat or a cyber hug feel free to message me

28-11-10, 14:47
Groundhog (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=31896)

i dont no its all out of contral, me and my boyfriend had a huge fight there was a couple of things throwen at each but the girl that phoned the poilce wants pay back on the family and she told the police loads of stuff that aint true im not sure what she said but by the looks of things i think she said he hit me or somthing but its not true. but like i said her new boyfriend is a police man bent one by the looks of it cos it was him that told her to phone the police to get her pay back, she not right in the head, i think she went for my boyfriend for payback has he is the youngist of the family and know's it will hit the family hard, my boyfriend has not long lost his mother to cancer she found she had it on a monday and by wednesday 2 days later she died, so the girl that phoned police new the whole family are trying to get that in to there heads then she does this is just going to push them over the edge

28-11-10, 15:04
p.s the girl thats whats pay back is my boyfriends brothers ex he spilt up with her cos he could she was nuts she said no one breaks up with her and gets away with, all this cos some one broke up with her, wracked my family my boy family and a lot more people are hurt. i just been told by the hosptail that if i dont clam down i might have a heart attack/stroke or it could put me in a wheel chair for life

28-11-10, 15:10
Hi, which country do you live in? -Sorry that sounded daft - it's just that in England there's Victim Support that can help a lot with things like that. I'll give more info if you want. x

28-11-10, 15:12
Cat, sorry you are having such a terrible time :hugs:Has your boyfriend got a lawyer? I can't understand how the police are being able to keep him in custody when from what you say they have absolutely no evidence he has done anything. Please get legal advice asap if you haven't already done so. Hope things get sorted out x

28-11-10, 15:12
i live in scotland

28-11-10, 15:14
Keep on the line and I'll find out for you. They are people that can really help with situations like this - they're brill. I'll be as quick as I can x

28-11-10, 15:19
jane thanks for that,i phoned the police and said he needs a lawer they said he been offered one but he never ever been in trouble i dont no if he take he might think he get in more trouble if he takes it, he must be so scared, im waiting for the police to come to my house the now, they said things have changed cos my heath is at risk, they said the law is different up her, its crap a ex friend of mine was growing wacky backy in his house i didnt know about this, i read it in paper he had over a 100 plants in is house, its says he beat up a dog to, and he got let off with it nothing at all happened to him, then you got my boyfriend that alwas dones things by the book cos to church and he gets locks up its just not right

28-11-10, 15:20
Hi I've got the info. Victim Support does operate in Scotland. Do you want me to give you more info here or private?

28-11-10, 15:22
gaaron in private please how will they help me

28-11-10, 15:32
Sounds like a lot of people want their respective heads knocked together:D
I take it the police have interviewed you have they? What did you say? What did they say?
Your policeman friend may have flexed muscle to get the ball rolling but if indeed this is the mix-up you say it is then it is unlikely to progress much further unless there is something you are unaware of that surfaces.
Were you not prescribed meds to calm you?

28-11-10, 15:37
yes the police was banging on my door i told them we had a fight we throw things at each other and he walked out, then the police left i then went to the police staion and asked what will happen when the find my boyfriend they said the wear just going to talk to him they said is he comes in it will be better for him, so i tock him up just just to get pushed out the way by 3 police man that just tock him away and thats when i past out

28-11-10, 15:40
no my pilles not helping, it dont help that a keep being sick,i think thats making me worse and have not eaten in 2days,

28-11-10, 15:42
I've sent your message x