View Full Version : anxiety/symptons/emetophobia / help

28-11-10, 12:56
I have been having a REAL BAD time the past 12-18 months with my anxiety were everyday has just been like my anxiety is at its high and then after its died down am left with the horrible sensations my symptons -

burning in upper & lower abdomen & throat
lump in throat
chest pains / discomfort
NEGATIVE thinking
tired but cant sleep
no energy
main one lately is NERVOUS TIGHT KNOT IN STOMACH & NO APPETITE which has gone on a while no and i have lost extreme weight which i only started off at 7&half st am now 6st1 :weep:
am also emetophobic which plays aprt in me not eating..

but the past few days i have been making myself get up have toast for breakfast and biscuits in the day and sometimes a sandwich or more toast in the afternoon but nothing major..
am so hungry i just want to eat but my neg thinking from my phobia take over (i can eat that its to much will make me sick etc...) or i get bad acid heartburn feeling after eating or my stomach is just to tight / nervous i cant eat at all....

i just want this all gone i wanna eat even now i have that stomach feeling and am hungry but just cant eat well i choose not to eat as i think my stomach will get worse and my upper abdomen and throat have been burning since last night... my doctor did say from not eating can cause the burning sensations :( as there is no food in my stomach but i just cant eat..
how can i get myself to eat how can i settle my stomach well calm my stomach...
as my phobia of vomiting plays a big part my doctor has sat me down and explained that if we eat it is not gonna make us sick like am worrying there are people out there who cant stop eating and are never sick so y will i be sick etc...... i need help and now
am waiting for my appointments for the eating disorder clinis and counsellor but i feel am waiting forever..
my meds am on is propranolol 80mg

28-11-10, 13:22
When I get really anxious, I get an upset stomach and can't eat and am also afraid of throwing up. I had lost 20 pounds, but have put about 15 pounds back on. This has taken a while and at times I still have times I have a hard time eating if I'm really nervous. Just eat small amounts more frequently. I would also sometimes suck on a cough lozenge or some gum or take some mylanta which seemed to help.

28-11-10, 13:34
i just hate the fact that o cant eat and i feel i never will be back to eating normal again and i dont want to end up in hospital i have four chilcdren i dont want to be away from i am trying to eat but days like today come and i cant even now i have the WORSE uper abdomen pains, burning and like bad cramp i dont no if this is due to not eating as all i have had is a piece of toast at 8am and 3 biscuits since but the pain in my upper abdomen is is absulte pain ihave been crying its so bad my boyfriend said i need to eat as the cramp pains are just hunger but cos its burning so bad i cant eat anythin :weep: i always get the burning but never had the cramp type feeling that am getting now & cramp feeling in my chest