View Full Version : stressed out

28-11-10, 13:27
I have several things this week that I need to do and am getting pretty uptight about them. I have to travel for a business meeting (about 2.5 hours one way), and I am afraid that I will have my tachycardia during this. I also have to go to the dentist, which even before I had bad anxiety my heart would just pound through. I have two dentists appointments coming up, one for just cleaning, and one for dental work to fill some cavities.
These are things I need to do. Have to go to the meetings for my job and I need to take care of my teeth. But it is so anxiety producing and I am scared. Does anyone get tired of having to push yourself all the time? I just wish I could do things without so much anxiety all the time and feeling panicky. Any suggestions?

28-11-10, 13:55
I know the feeling Jothenurse, it just feels like a constant battle that makes me weary, I think even the calmest of people get uptight about the dentist, its one of my phobias, but I do know the feeling of relief and the look of joy on my face after the appointment make me feel better and also make me say to myself 'what the hell was you panicing for you silly woman!' still with a big grin as if i've achieved something! (I must look wierd on the bus smiling like a Cheshire cat) I can't give any answers though on how to combat it (sorry) now I know tomorrow I have to go to my doctors for my 24hr heart monitor results and will be physically shaking, feeling sick and dizzy and sweating to the point i'll be exhausted when its over with, i'll be taking deep breaths all the way there saying to myself 'you will be ok, your not going to die' now I actually like and get on with my GP but still get worked up and again feel relief and pure joy once its over and start to feel instantly better, It does make me fed up though that I can't just be happy go lucky and sail through things, i'm sure one day we will find the calm within us.
Good luck with things tomorrow, I hope all goes well for you and please let us know how you got on.


28-11-10, 14:07
Does anyone get tired of having to push yourself all the time?

Totally. I'm not very good at putting this into practice myself (but possible getting better at it) but one thing I think helps is to break things down to try to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the totality of it - try to take each thing as it comes rather than thinking, I've got to do this, this and this. Easier to get through it that way, I think. I feel for you Jo but you WILL cope x

28-11-10, 17:06
Thanks for the replies/advice.
I appreciate it.