View Full Version : Problem with physical contact

28-11-10, 14:36
IS there anyone on here that has a problem with physical contact? I ask as it will ramp up my panic/anxiety if my son - who is a cuddly three year old tries touching me. I mean to the point of feeling sick and increasing any palps.
I have begun discussing this with my therapist who in turn has suggested stuff including that I tell hubby. Hubby said you have a problem with anyone touching you (no not in that way) but I have an intense dislike of hairdressers and other things that would involve contact. I remember hating on my wedding day constantly being hugged. Anyone else like this or have any suggestions.

28-11-10, 14:53
Hmmm This is no reflection on your post JJ76 but sometimes when I read threads on here I wonder at just how perfect we expect ourselves to be, what I mean is we all have to have our little quirks anxiety or not.

Now to your point! I don’t like physical contact and never have. OK obviously my wife and I have erm regular contact:blush: but neither of us are the sort to lay in each other’s arms of an evening or go to sleep entwined. Can’t say I ever spent ages cuddling my children either, personally I recon over protecting your children make them clingy, mine our quite outgoing and ready to get stuck in to anything and I think that is an important life skill.

That’s probably not much help is it:unsure: I'm just wondering if your reactions are because you perceive a problem that isn't there.

28-11-10, 15:48
I am aware that I push my son away (physically even) when I am am upset/stressed as the contact will increase it I can only cuddle him when I am ok so even if he is upset I struggle with it- I may do it but I feel ill doing it. I guess I perceive it as a problem not being able to always comfort him when he needs it. He is not a clingy child but the more I push him away the more he seems to want.
People hugging me hello goodbye etc which is all part of the norm in todays society also can stress me.
I have never had a problem in relationships with the opposite sex probably the opposite in fact :blush:

28-11-10, 17:04
always had big problems,,i can remember as a three year old screaming at the zoo when my sisters boyfriend picked me up to show me the penguins lol,,and later if my brother tryed putting his arm round me,,ive never liked any contact,,except when the children were young i loved cuddling them,,but as they reached that wee bit older i struggled,,i still love cuddling smalleys but any thing over 4 and i freeze ,,which id love to get rid of,,as i adore kids ,,,