View Full Version : I need advice please

28-11-10, 14:48
I am hoping someone can help me to be a better partner to my loved one who suffers from general anxiety and separation anxiety. I do not suffer from separation anixety but my loved one does and it is causing me to feel worry so I have not planned any trips for places in which I would like to go. My uncle would like to send me a plane ticket and I will stay at his house with family so it is not a money issue...it is the issue that if I even mention going away my loved one immediately gets angry and starts an argument for bringing it up.

I know he has said to me that he doesn't want to hold me back in life but the real thing is, I want him to come with me on these trips! I want him to travel with me and to see places and to experience beautiful places. He has taken steps..he usually focuses on the actual mileage distance and increase by 5-10 miles each trip. Most recently he did very well with our 35 mile trip and had a terrific time. I know this is helpful and re-enforcing for him that good times come along with travel but now i would like to go more places. I am focusing on being patient and supportive to his needs but I am also never sure of the right time to bring this up and talk to him. My other family member had mentioned a trip for the ladies to another state and panic set in for me that if I tell my loved one, he will either start an argument as a defense or create a reason for me not to go. I am not sure whether this comes from this frustration that he does not fly on a plane or travel that far or that I will be away or both.

I am hoping someone is able to share some advice and help me to use Cognitive therapy to slowly progress so that not only can I go on little trips with friends but we can go together!
Thank you!

28-11-10, 14:49
Hi fulloffaith

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-11-10, 15:17
sounds like your stuck in quite a difficult situation, im the other side of it though im the one who wont travel etc in my relationship. if he is trying and is making progress with travelling thats good and im pleased you are supporting him. has he had any therapy to try and help him overcome his anxiety?

by the way your an angel for sticking with someone who has an anxiety disorder i know sometimes we can be frustrating and difficut to live with