View Full Version : painful ectopic beats

28-11-10, 15:12
Hi i have suffered many episoes of ectopic beats, flutters, fast u name it,for many years .I am 36 now and still cant handle them.I sometimes get a pain like a spasm of sharp pain or twinge in my chest at the same time as a ectopic ,its vey frightening an scares me .Doc says it nothing to worry about.It osent happen all the time it depends how strong the ectopic is.Does anyone else get this .kind regards molly

28-11-10, 15:39

28-11-10, 16:15
Yep, my ectopic beats are painful quite often. One time it hurt so much it actually felt like my heart had just nearly exploded!

I made a thread about it on RLRs website and he was kind enough to reply to me and put my mind at rest, here's the link so you can have a read through yourself. x


28-01-12, 16:41
Hello Molly36
I have suffered ectopics for 7 years or so I'm now 37. Just when I think I am getting used to them they take me by surprise. I have receintly been suffering sharp painful palps like a spasm. Usually one at a time. Usually in the same spot the left side of my chest between my ribs. It takes my breath away briefly. ( not in the cardiac not able to breath sense just sharp pain sense). What ensues is total anxiety, subconscious in the main. That horrible cold feeling in my stomach and all over my body along with raised pulse. Starting the vicious circle of palps. I then find myself anticipatin the next spasm. How are things with you now Molly?

29-01-12, 08:13
I get these as well. For a while it was scaring me to death, I'd get them every single night at about the same time for a few hours, then they'd be gone. One night they stopped, and I was actually frightened because I had become accustomed to feeling them. When they started again at a different time during the day I nearly fainted from fear.

My DR says the same thing, they're normal, and I've had all the tests done.

29-01-12, 12:36
I read RLR's response on the heart palp forum and I loved his explanation that a palp/ectopic is just like a muscle twitch that ends in the heart and is not from the heart itself. I always knew that my ectopics were caused by over stimulation of my vagus nerve for whatever reason ( anxiety, bending over after eating, eating too quickly or too much etc etc) but the twitch analogy is perfect. I have alot of muscle twitching all over my body so this makes sense.