View Full Version : at a loss with stomach symptoms - quite worried now

28-11-10, 18:06
o.k. - i started with awful acid burning in june after a course of antibiotics. this went on for weeks - i took a course of omeprazole and it solved the acid but i had awful stomach cramps which i put down to the medication although my whole digestive system had not felt happy before then. when i finished the course - the acid was not as bad and the cramps seemed to stop. i was dealing with the acid by over the counter remedies but then i stopped my citalopram and 3 days later WHAM - i was hit with stomach cramps and everything 100 x worse. my gp arranged an endoscopy and i took a course of ranitidine which was not very effective.

the endoscopy revealed mild reflux/oesophagitis - i started lansopazole and all seemed fine for the first 4 days and then for the last 6 days - my stomach has kicked off again. my symptoms are top to bottom - tight, painful stomach - so much so it feels i cannot breathe, bloating, abdominal discomfort, griping pains, wind that i can feel rumbling around almost constantly etc. I have also started with what feels like ovulating pain which i have had before but unsure if this is actual ovulation or pain coming from my bowel and it is really getting me down although no acid which the lansaprzole seemed to stop. I have also noticed mucus in my stool which i have never noticed before.

my first cousin has celiac. my aunt has irritable bowel and several other members of the family have food interolerances so i am unsure if it is something like this.

last year i had an over active thyroid which then went underactive and is now stabilised. i also took a year to come off citalopram and i have come off the pill too. i also had a few courses of antibiotics during this time - i am wondering if all of these things have upset my stomach - if so - then i do not want to insist on investigation because i do not want to pile more stress on myself - however - i keep worrying i may have something that is not been diagnosed!

anyone else suffer similar symptoms in their whole digestive system?!

i am at a complete loss now and don't know if its psychological or physical in nature :weep:

28-11-10, 18:20
Hey Joannap,

my symptoms are top to bottom - tight, painful stomach, bloating, abdominal discomfort, griping pains, wind etc and it is really getting me down

I've had exactly this on and off for maybe 3 or 4 years, particularly bad this year, I'm convinced it's physical but maybe anxiety contributes to it too...although sometimes it flares up when I don't think I'm anxious, but it does make me more anxious when it is there.Then it's a viscous circle.

I'm convinced it started after masses of stressful situations in a short period of time 4 years ago and since June been on cit and omeprazole, certainly the episodes haven't been as bad but still come and go - I wondered if I'd got a stomach ulcer at one point it was sooo painful, but haven't had any investigations.

Wish I had an answer chuck, but at least you know you're not alone with it.
C x

28-11-10, 18:29
hi happy camper

have you not had any investigations because you don;t want to or your gp does not think it is necessary? i must say that my gp does not seem too concerned!

28-11-10, 19:21
I believe you are suffering the common side effects of Lansoprazole or any other Proton Pump Inhibitor. I had acid reflux and ended up with extensive oesophageal ulcers. This was 4 years ago and have been on Omeprazole and Lansoprazole since. No acid reflux since but my digestive system hasn't felt right since starting them.
It all makes sense though as a low stomach acid slows stomach emptying and so can make things such as bloating, cramping very common symptoms. The tight feeling in your stomach I had at the beginning of my diagnosis and I believe it was due to a swollen angry oesophagus but after a few months with treatment it disappeared.
An endoscopy is the gold standard to diagnosing heartburn issues so I believe that you will find that nothing else is going on.

28-11-10, 20:00
Joannap, I don't fall into a 'red flag' category - weight loss, vomiting etc, but a couple of years ago had blood test and found to be positive to helicobater pylori, had that treated and it seemed to improve for a good while, but started with similar symptoms a few months after. Never asked for anything further though because it doesn't usually persist for more than a week or two at a time. Have a bit of a GP phobia, (mad, cos I'm a nurse!)

I've had similar symptoms on and off Omeprazole, not sure how well it helps but seem to have much longer periods ok since taking it and the cit. X

28-11-10, 20:35
thanks happycamper - no - i am not a red flag category either - i think that is why my gp is not concerned despite how severe my symptoms seem to me. my heli test was negative also. i also know what you mean about a gp phobia - i HATE anything medical and so try to avoid going at all costs!

hi ronski - am going to stop the lanszaprazole for a few days to see if these other symptoms subside xx