View Full Version : When the power goes out

Eva May
28-11-10, 18:32
I am terrified of this happening because I panic badly and with the bad weather I'm absolutely dreading it happen. What do I do, how do I not freak out and overdose just to sleep through it? Sorry I know that sounds dramatic but that is how I'm feeling :weep:

28-11-10, 18:40
Keep a torch with you. I'm having to do that. Don't worry I know you wouldn't overdose, because unlike some things, bad weather will definately go sooner or later. Remember to keep candles and torches nearby and check the trip switches (if you have them) with your torch if it goes out. Power cuts don't usually ast long and if theres nothing you can do, sit there quitely with your torch and a book. Its quite fun really if there is a power cut, think of it that way!

28-11-10, 19:17
Open your curtains, cos you'll see all your neighbours doing the same x

28-11-10, 19:50
I worry about this too. I hate power cuts because I feel so vulnerable. TV and internet are my main distractions from my anxiety so without them I would be lost. I also get anxious of any adverse weather conditions such as snow, wind or even the temperature being too hot or too cold!

28-11-10, 19:54
Buy a battery powered camping torch and keep it with you? is it the dark that panics you?

28-11-10, 19:55
Always keep:
Flashlights with batteries.
Pretty candles.

Or buy a generator. :-) to power the essentials to help you feel calm.

Going home
28-11-10, 22:07
I hate this too and always make sure Ive got candles in every room together with a lighter near to them, and Ive got a small radio that has batteries so at least i can listen to some music. :)

Anna xx

Eva May
28-11-10, 22:12
Buy a battery powered camping torch and keep it with you? is it the dark that panics you?

It is the dark but it's also the fact that I need the tv as a distraction when i'm anxious, makes the night go faster and I'm ok then in the morning. I don't like not being in control too, not knowing when the power is going to come back

Eva May
28-11-10, 22:13
Always keep:
Flashlights with batteries.
Pretty candles.

Or buy a generator. :-) to power the essentials to help you feel calm.

A generator is exactly what I want. All I would really need is the tv and a lamp

28-11-10, 22:28
If you can afford to, buy a portable dvd player. I've just got one off ebay for £40. Keep it fully charged, then you'll have around 2 hours of battery time.
You can also buy push lights, i used to keep them by my bed incase of a powercut.

This kind of thing http://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/TLLP05.html?source=froogle

Also, keep a few bits in a drawer, some torches, some magazines and puzzle books.

And like other people have mentioned, open your curtains.When the power goes out it's frightening but your eyes adjust within a few minutes and everything is abit lighter. xx

28-11-10, 22:48
do you have a lap top?
One night I was on my own and the power went, couldn't find my phone, it was pitch black and I started to panic , then i used my lap top as a light source.
when my mum came home i had 30 candles lit!!
always keep a few torches , like one down stairs one up stairs so if the power suddenly goes you can find them in the dark,

28-11-10, 23:56
I thought I was the only one with this.
So scared of a power cut have to lay a torch on a pillow next to me and have a box of matches and candles next to me on a table every night I have to have them there.
I sit with a lighter in my hand all the time at night so have instant light if power went off

29-11-10, 02:03
I'm the same way, I'm lucky we have a generator. I live in Florida, so with all the hurricanes, kind of a nescessity.

29-11-10, 08:43
Small generators can be bought from places which sell supplies for boats, as if you're living aboard, they're the best source of power (from a short while living on a narrowboat, I can say with all certainty that power inverters are utterly useless!).

They're powered by petrol or diesel, and you would need to keep it somewhere where you can vent the fumes, so I would guess if you can put it somewhere like a garden shed, or even a balcony, that would be fine. One of these would certainly give you enough power for a tv and a lamp - and would probably be enough for more than that, for example for charging up mobile phones and laptops.

Do you live somewhere that's prone to power cuts? I live near the top of a massive hill that's very exposed. We haven't had any power cuts yet but there was ice on the inside of the bedroom windows this morning!!

Eva May
29-11-10, 11:41
We're not exactly prone to power cuts but I'm all anxious now because of the weather we're having and I have it in my head that the power is going to go. Looked into getting a generator there this morning so it would cost €1200 plus VAT. I know that's a crazy amount and I don't even have it but I feel it would be worth it for my peace of mind.