View Full Version : docs tommorrow-any meds advice??

28-11-10, 19:44
Hi all, I joined a few days ago....I have a docs appt in tyhe morning as my general anxiety and panic is off the scale at the moment- no trigger, evenb though I keep trying to reassure myself that its just cahnge of job, winter etc.
I have bee on paroxetine for about 14yrs, am on max dose of 60mg a day at the mo....but I have this general anxiety that I can't shake, like the clouds before the storm, if that mekes sense- its like i'm shaking on the inside, which makes my brain wired and i'm just waiting for a massive panic to happen.
Seeing a doc tommorrow- anyone gor any suggestions for different / additional meds? I have never taken anything else except seroxat, but having read a lot of the posts on here I see that actually, there are loads out there. I am seeing a counseller, but good old NHS, will take till after xmas, and i need to ride this one out. Help.:shrug:

28-11-10, 21:12
hiya , im on amitriptyline and they seem to help me alot still get the fear feeling but its not as bad as it was, hope everything goes well xx

paula lynne
28-11-10, 21:41
All the best with your gp tomorrow, I hope you find some answers and reassurance x

29-11-10, 16:21
Why dont u discuss how ur feeling with GP tomorrow, ask if there is a different drug that will help?

Are you usually ok on paroxetine ? My anxiety always gets worse about now - because of xmas.

Starting a differnet drug may have some side effects which may be hard to handle if you are in a new job and have to sort xmas out.

Sorry I dont mean to be pessimistic, just realistic.

Good luck what ever you decide and we are here to listen anytimex