View Full Version : should i see doc ?

28-11-10, 22:19
the last week or so been struggling to get a deep breth i am always yawning and sighing stomach feels so tense i always seem to have my mouth open too,is this sounding worrysome???????

28-11-10, 22:35
I struggle to get deep breaths too and i sigh a lot and yawn and stuff.

28-11-10, 22:44
could be heart palpitations if you feel breathless, I often wake up feeling out of breath.
yes I think if you feel you find it hard to take a deep breath then it is perfectly reasonable to see your doctor .
I hope you feel better soon x x
If your tummy is tense, mean you may just have anxiety, as we tend to breath better when our tummys are relaxed.

28-11-10, 22:44
do you have any stomach issues too? i get neck back and shoulder pain dunno if its yo do with breathing from my top half.

28-11-10, 22:45
I used to when I was suffering with Anxiety .I used to have a lot of saliva too ...Especially when I layed down ... Sue