View Full Version : chest pain

28-11-10, 23:20
hey i just need some reassurance really. began suffering with anxiety and panic back in august, when i ended up in a&e convinced i was having a heart attack. they did an ecg and chest xray and everything was fine medically i was jst told it was panic and anxiety disorder. i had quite a few panic attacks back then but havent had a full on one for months now. but i do occasionally get anxious pretty badly and i am very jumpy n scared of my own shadow really. however i had started to feel much more myself recently.
however this weekend i have been feeling reallu anxious and the chest pain has stared again, along with some mild palpitations.
im just so disappointed because i was reallu starting to feel sorted and feel like maybe this was a thing of the past. im seeing a therapist and have been for a few months now and i think that's helping. im also reading claire weeks' book which is great. but i just cant seem to convince myself that this chest pain is harmless. im petrified it's something to do with my heart. funny thing is if id read this post last week i would have been telling me "it's anxiety and it's common and will pass", so why cant i take my own good advice? just feeling a bit flat 2bh and im scared this is all gonna start again.

29-11-10, 00:56
Sarah, if you had angina you really would know something was seriously wrong and go into hospital.

Chest pain originating from tension when you're anxious can be scary and should always be checked out by a medical professional but the fact that you've already got the all clear should put your mind at rest. If you also press on the tender area it will most likely feel painful, again pointing to a muscular problem unrelated to your heart.

Remember that anxiety buggers up your breathing and this habit of shallow breathing puts a lot of stress on the chest muscles.

Unless the pain is very sharp, persistent and accompanied by nausea, sweating, breathlessness I wouldn't worry and be more concerned with treating the likely root-cause which is your anxiety.